Dan and I were spending Sunday afternoon with our friends, Jason and Rachel [and their dog, Barney]. Jason has a motorcycle and was nice enough to take me for a ride. I'll admit I was nervous for a moment or two before I hopped on, but then I realized... I've gone skydiving before! This should be easier. That it was!
We went cruising around the neighborhood and then out onto the highway. There was one moment when we went over train tracks and I bounced up off my seat. A wild experience when you don't have a roof over your head.
As time went by I enjoyed the ride more and more. We got going pretty fast when we were in the boonies and no one was really around... but by then I had a need for speed!
The experience was a lot like doubling up on a horse... which I have done several times and love it! Basically, you just have to trust the person in front of you, who is in control. Once you relax and do just that, the experience is a lot of fun.
Jason wants Dan to buy a motorcycle... and after my ride with Jason I feel a little more willing to let that happen. That is... after Dan is done with school ($$$) and after I get a new car ($$$) and after Dan gets a new job ($$$) and after... well, we'll see how it goes. Dan and I are on the same page though, so that's a plus. We both agree that other things must come first before he purchases his own motorcycle.