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Friday, July 24, 2015
Oh how I love Fridays
off during the summer. That means Ava and I can have breakfast with Debbie and
Nancy (to celebrate belated birthdays) and then go swimming with Rachel and
Matthew. No wonder summer is my favorite season.Friday, July 24, 2015
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Tonight we had dinner at
our neighbor's house. After dinner, Ava helped Adriana pick some small
Monday, July 20, 2015
First full day home after our vacation and we need to hit the grocery store. Since I was unprepared (and too tired) to cook, we went out. Ava made an attempt to pick up some cucumber maki roll with chopsticks and she actually did it! Well, part of it. Eating the maki roll... that she didn't do. Don't worry, she got something else to eat. Next stop, the grocery store -- where she got to ride a pick car that was attached to the shopping cart.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Sadly, it's time to head home. Mom and Dad took Brad and Kathleen to the airport, while Dan, Ava, and I hit the road and went straight home. Well, if anyone was excited that we were home, it was Jetta -- special thanks to the Buhle Family for watching her while we were gone. Just like the rest of us, Jetta was happy she got to sleep in her own bed. The doggy treats we a nice perk too.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
It's our last full day in Tennessee. Boo. However, that doesn't mean we need to slow down. Today, we all went to Cades Cove. Then, Kathleen, Brad, Dad, Dan, Ava, and I hiked to Abrams Falls. Dan accidentally fell in the water while he was holding Ava. Being the protective dad that he is, Dan managed to fall in without getting Ava wet. So, since he was already wet, he went for a swim. On the hike back we saw a little black bear and we all had a picnic lunch. Since it was our last night we had dinner at the Applewood Farm Restaurant.
Friday, July 17, 2015
It's hot outside! So a trip to the pool was a great way to cool off. Ava didn't care to float in her personal floating device, so we took turns holding her in the water. She even got to play keep-away with Grandpa, Uncle Brad, Aunt Kathleen, Daddy, and Mommy. Later that evening we had dinner at Huck Finn's Catfish. Then, Kathleen, Brad, Dan, and I went to Margaritaville to hang out.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
After we each got our fishing license (yesterday), Kathleen, Brad, Dan, and I got up nice and early to go fishing. About 2 hours in, Kathleen and I got attacked by bees!! It's a long story, but it was awful. I got stung 16-18 time (maybe more) and Kathleen got stung somewhere around 8-10 times. Dan got stung in the head later and Brad had quite the traumatic experience when a fly landed on his hand -- ask him and he'll show you exactly where. Later that evening we were both pretty sore.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Today was a nice, low-key day. We spent quite a bit of the day shopping the craft loop, hitting all our favorite shops. Later that evening, we enjoyed a double-date with Kathleen and Brad this evening. We dined at Hatfield and McCoy and we even got invited on stage! Since all four of us were on stage there was no one available to photograph our experience, but I've got it on DVD. It was a blast!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
It's been a great day! We shopped around Gatlinburg -- I think Ava enjoyed riding the trolley because she didn't have to sit in her car seat. Later, Dan's family friend (Tucoma) met up with us and we all went to Margaritaville. Unfortunately my folks couldn't stay too long (they had to pick up Kathleen and Brad at the airport), but we had a nice dinner with Tucoma and Ava even got a yellow animal balloon (a dog) from a balloon artist on stilts at dinner.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Today's adventures includes hiking Grotto Falls. My camera was acting up and so we didn't get a chance to take "fancy" photos at the falls, but thankfully Dan had his cell phone on him. During the hike back I discovered that my battery grip was just not on tight. Ooops! We also had a delightful picnic outside and dipped our feet in a stream.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Our family vacation continues with a stop at the Nashville Zoo. Aubrey volunteers there, so we got to visit the animals and visit Aubrey too. We even got to pet a kangaroo! Tonight we will make it to our final destination -- Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. For dinner we started the vacation right by dining at the Applewood Farm Restaurant. Yum!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
We got up early and hit the road. Tennessee, here we come! Our first stop, The Children's Museum of Indianapolis. It was a great way for Ava to run around, play, and explore. There were so many fun photos from today, but I'll pick this one. Ava and her daddy playing with mulch -- Ava loved having her daddy fill the wheel barrel so she could dump it out. During our stop at the children's museum, Ava also played in a wind tunnel, attempted to write in Chinese, played musical instruments, rode a carousel (for the first time!), and played in an Ava-size town -- to name a few things. Tonight we'll be staying outside Nashville with Dan's co-worker (Aubrey) and her husband (Joe).
Friday, July 10, 2015
We're leaving for Tennessee in the morning, so I haven't been grocery shopping. You know what that means? Culver's for dinner!!
Thursday, July 9, 2015
It's a little early, but we wanted to make sure my dad could enjoy his birthday gift while we're vacationing in Tennessee. Happy (early) Birthday, Dad!
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Another successful boot camp workout session with my girl, Nora!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
I was preparing corn on the cob for dinner and I made a small mess on the floor by the garbage. Ava was close by, so I asked her if she would help me by picking up the mess -- and she did! She even got a broom and "swept" all by herself.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Another update photo from Dan's mom. It looks like Ava is having a blast with her cousin, Gwen. I'm so happy the girls got some more quality time together, but I'm also looking forward to seeing my baby girl tonight.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
We came home from Wisconsin last night so Dan and I could serve at church -- Dan was on A/V and I was in the nursery. After a fun-filled lunch and shoe shopping for Ava with my parents, we went home to rest before we hiked back up north to meet Dan's parents half way to drop off Ava -- she's having her first solo sleepover with Dan's parents tonight so Carol can watch her on Monday. While Dan and I took advantage of our free night, we went to see Jurassic World (so good!) and got this photo message from Carol. Looks like Ava is having fun with her grandparents!
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Happy Independence Day, America! It's been a glorious day getting together with friends and family on this hot, sunny day. First, lunch with Ben and Marissa, followed by an afternoon of random activities around the Nelson home, and topped off with a BBQ at the Anderson home and fireworks at a nearby park. Honestly, you think I can pick only one photo from this day? Think again. I had a hard time putting only three into one collage.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Dan and I are both off work today! We're spending today and tomorrow in Wisconsin visiting Dan's family. Today, Ava enjoyed a new summertime experience -- a water table! She played outside for over an hour. It was a blast for her and everyone watching her play.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Ugh. About a month ago we were in a pickle and had to get Jetta some substitute dog food and the closest option (to her usual food) only came in adult size -- way too big for Jetta. So I finally picked up some of her regular food and I'm giving the leftover dog food to a friend. I'd really hate to see it go to waste.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Now this is one seriously, generous sample!
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
"Two teeny, tiny finger hugs." Bedtime stories are a wonderful part of Ava's bedtime routine.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Three men and a baby! Today is Myk's last day in town, so him and Nick came over for Chinese food and fun times playing Cranium -- and for the record, Nick and I won two out of three rounds.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Ugh. I'm no good at good byes. Tonight, some of us gathered at the Dixons' to have a BBQ with the Peycke family. They're moving soon and I'm still in denial, but it sure was fun to watch the kiddos play with bubbles in the back yard.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Myk is in town! Plus, we finally got some sunshine and we spent the entire day (and evening) hanging out outside at Cori and Mike's new house. Oh how I love summer!
Friday, June 26, 2015
Today, Dan and I celebrate six wonderful years of marriage! We celebrated by hanging out with Dan at a Downer's Grove carnival (during Dan's lunch break) and had dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. Having Ava there to celebrate with us was extra special!
Thursday, June 25, 2015
My former boss is retiring and today is one of many celebrations in honor of Susan. Things will certainly be different without her, but we're all wishing her the best as she begins a new, exciting chapter in her life.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Tonight I went to a class at Anytime Fitness with Nora. It was fun! I left and my arms were like JELLO, so it must've been a good work out. Here's a photo of our class -- taken from Facebook.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
I went to the gym with Nora this evening and when I got home I found this beautiful sight.
Monday, June 22, 2015
So, this happened today. After dinner, Dan gave Ava a yogurt (yogi) per her request; then he went out to cut the grass. I was cleaning up after dinner and making lunches for tomorrow. I turned around and found the happy, yogi mess. Ava was really enjoying herself -- until I gave her a bath.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Happy Father's Day!! This morning I surprised Dan with some Starbucks (caramel macchiato) and eggs over easy -- not "easy" for me, but I think I nailed it. After attending our weekly worship service at Parker Road, we had my parents over for a lovely steak dinner. As a bonus celebration, today is also my parents' 35th wedding anniversary! Congratulations to my parents on 35 years of wedding bliss! It was a great day!
Saturday, June 20, 2015
It's an honor to have a house full of wonderful women for Parker Road's monthly Women's Breakfast gathering. Today's devotional challenged me to slow down and spend more time savoring life. Challenge accepted!
Friday, June 19, 2015
I love having Fridays off! Ava and I picked up Dan and did some grocery shopping at Standard Market and Fresh Thyme; then we had some lunch back at PTL. Good times!
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Today we threw a semi-surprise moving/graduation/wedding shower for a student worker. It was a pink coffee party. How cute! Once again, on a side note, Ava is 31 and 1/2 inches tall and weights 21 pounds, 10 ounces.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
The Newmans have a new puppy -- Bailey! Ava got to meet her today and she was so excited. On a side note, Ava is 18 months today -- a year and a half already! She has her 18-month check up tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
I went grocery shopping and spent the evening prepping meals, snacks, and work lunches. It feels so good to have a fridge packed with lots of healthy foods.
Monday, June 15, 2015
Blackhawks WIN!! It was so much fun watching the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup with some of our neighbors tonight -- Ava is spending the night at my parents house, since they're watching her two days in a row.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Free Dunkin Donuts cookie dough ice coffee (because of the Blackhawks win last night) and free cookie dough custard from Culver's. Today is a good day for this cookie dough fan!
Saturday, June 13, 2015
The sun is out and we decided to have some fun with the sprinkler -- a first for Ava. She's not quite interested in running through on her own, but she loves having her daddy run through with her.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Today was our Annual Something from Jessie Spaghetti Dinner! Despite the chilly, rainy weather, we had a fantastic turn out and everyone seem to have a fabulous time. It's always incredible to see how many people want to support our scholarship. God's hands are at work.
Photo coming soon!
Thursday, June 11, 2015
We're all set up for tomorrow's Something from Jessie Spaghetti Dinner -- and this is only about half the door prizes. We have over 30 prizes to give away. So excited for tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Nicole's encore! Need I say more?
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Mmm... my parents are home from visiting Kathleen and Brad and they brought back some goodies from Nicole's! Oh yes, there's more.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Check us out! We're a Blackhawks family!
Sunday, June 7, 2015
I just spent the majority of the evening putting together 15 baskets for the Something from Jessie Spaghetti Dinner. Yeah, I'm a little tired.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Another Friday off! This morning, Ava wanted to put her Cabbage Patch doll (Ava) in her seat and "feed" her. It is adorable watching her take care of her doll.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Ava just brushing her teeth before bed.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Go Blackhawks!
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Grandma and Grandpa Koval picked up a Blackhawks jersey for Ava and snapped this photo. I think it's safe to say she's a proud Blackhawks fan.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Surprised with this cold treat at work -- cookie dough iced coffee. Thanks Emily! A great way to wrap up a Monday workday.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Enjoying our time with Kathleen before she heads home (tomorrow). Ava enjoys giving Aunt Kathleen her lip balm -- so Aunt Kathleen will put it on her lips.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Happy Wedding Day, Nora and Dave!! We love you guys!!
Friday, May 29, 2015
Kathleen came in last night and today we (Kathleen, Ava, and I) get to spend the day together! This morning we had breakfast at Egg Harbor (Naperville), shopped at Oak Brook, and we all went to a Windy City Thunderbolts (minor league baseball) game with Dan and my parents. It was a GREAT day!
Thursday, May 28, 2015
One of my best college girls is getting married this weekend and I have the honor of capturing it all on video. Tonight's rehearsal went great and I am very excited for Nora and Dave's wedding this weekend!
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Bubbles! One of Ava's FAVORITE activities! We're still enjoying bubbles from Jocelyn and Jared's wedding -- they're perfect for Ava's little hands.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
I'm with ya, Jetta. I'm still recovering from my awesome four-day weekend.
Monday, May 25, 2015
It's a beautiful day to honor those who have fought for our freedom. Have a blessed Memorial Day everyone! We're enjoying a lovely get-together with our church small group at the Dixon home.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
We're working on a DIY project for Stefanie -- we're making her a custom headboard for her bed.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Such a fun-filled Saturday! Saw the Heaveys and Stefanie came down for a visit. As you can see, it was a good day.
Friday, May 22, 2015
My first Friday off has been perfect! Ava slept in 'til about 8:30, we went for a bike ride, and we got to play with bubbles in the backyard. We even wrapped the day up by visiting a brand new park -- it opened today.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
It's been a really rough week at work, but thanks to Tina and this banana bread, I got to take a moment to relax. Tonight I'm hoping to relax when Dan and I watch a movie with Jack and Adriana -- Ava is spending the night at my parent's house. Everyone is a winner tonight!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
I'm editing the Something from Jessie 2015 Promo Video this evening!
Monday, May 18, 2015
Sidewalk chalk! A new outdoor activity on Ava's wish list at Mary Jane's.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
After church on Sunday, we took a quick trip to the mall with Uncle Ed, before taking him to the airport. Ava had a blast playing "1-2-3-Weeee" with her daddy and great uncle.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Jocelyn and Jared tied the knot (literally, during their wedding ceremony) today! Ava and Zac did a fantastic job as the flower girl and ring bearer - despite lack of naps and the heat. The wedding was beautiful and the kids were adorable.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Tonight is Jocelyn and Jared's wedding rehearsal and Ava is going to be their flower girl. It's pretty awesome because I was the flower girl when Jocelyn's parents got married. So excited for tomorrow!
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Tonight, while Dan is at worship practice, Ava and I are helping Melanie set up for the Something from Jessie garage sale.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Another successful Something from Jessie band practice. Time to go home and rest!
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Toys can be fun but they can also dangerous. Poor Dan got an owie from one of Ava's toys.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Ava knows that no trip to Meijer is complete without a stop to say hello to the fishies.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
This afternoon we had plans with our friends Jason and Rachel. We dropped off the kiddos and we went to the north side to have lunch at TaKOs Koreanos (Korean and Mexican) and visit KOVAL Distillery. Lunch was DELICIOUS and we had a blast sampling at KOVAL Distillery.
Friday, May 8, 2015
Springtime storms! This one came down pretty hard at work and fast. By the time I snapped this photo it had already lightened up. Still, I got SOAKED when it was time to leave for work.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Safety first! Today we took the Burley Bee for a spin. Ava wasn't a fan at first, but she ended up relaxing and falling asleep.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Our friend (Linda) watched Ava so we could see Avengers:Age of Ultron in IMAX 3D with John and Jessica. So thankful for such sweet friends! Seeing movies with the Handleys has become a fun summer tradition.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
We went out to Woodfield Mall to pick up a used Burley Bee trailer (so we can take Ava on bike rides). After the purchase we walked the mall and had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. Ava was excited to see their frog mascot, until he came by to say hello. She did manage to work up the courage to wave hello and give him a high five.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Happy 50th Anniversary, Uncle Jim and Aunt Marlene!! It was a delight to celebrate your marriage bliss with family and friends. Cheers to many more years!
Friday, May 1, 2015
Big girl moment! Ava climbed the steps, selected a slide, and went down all by herself today.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
So was so cute this evening! She wanted to write/draw and between serious penmanship moments, she paused to enjoy her snack -- New Horizon cheddar cow crackers and chocolate Power O's (her choice). What a riot! I got some video footage too.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
It doesn't matter what he's doing, Ava wants to join her daddy. Yep, she's a total daddy's girl.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Ava offers her daddy a caring back rub to thank him for all he does for our family.
Monday, April 27, 2015
We scored a practically new carrier for Ava via a Facebook garage sale group -- $20! This will come in handy for our summer vacation in Tennessee.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Dan is completing day 3 (the final day) of his motorcycle class today and my dad is home sick, so it's just the girls dining at Red Lobster after church. As you can see, we had a lovely time.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Tonight I'm out with the girls! We're traveling via limo and celebrating Nora's bacheloretteness at Color Me Mine and Capri. So much fun!
Friday, April 24, 2015
Here comes Ava! She's having fun crawling through a tunnel at Mary Jane's house.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Woohoo! I get to test these new Cover Girl products, compliments of Influenster.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
When you're having a bad day and your husband surprised you with a treat you've been searching for, you are blessed.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
This is day two (of three) of my Website Update Workshop. Both sessions have gone well. I have one more to go -- on Thursday.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Pizza night with Dan and Brittany! Ava surprised us all by sleeping the entire time. Even these guys don't look too energetic playing Wii games.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Happy 1st Birthday, Augie! It was such a lovely afternoon celebrating with family -- and Ava and Augie enjoyed the company of someone their size.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Ava is helping out with the yard work this afternoon.
Friday, April 17, 2015
We got Ava's first birthday party Bluray discs in the mail today! Sajid did a fantastic job capturing her first birthday party. We look forward to revisiting these memories over the years.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
After a stressful computer issue, I got my computer back from AJ Technology Consulting. They got my computer up and running AND managed to recover all of my files. Thank you, AJTC!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Ava got to take her bath in our big bath tub. Bigger tub means more room for bubbles and splashing!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Ava is so sleepy, she fell asleep before Dan could change her diaper and put her in her pajamas.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Happy Birthday to my sister-in-love, Mandy!! Today we got to spend the day with family as we wished Mandy a blessed birthday. This was great timing, since Ben was in town, he got to see even more family this way.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Stefanie came down to join us today! After dropping Ava off at my parents' house, Dan, Ben, Stefanie, and I took a train into the city. There we went to the top of the Sears ("Willis") Tower, walked the mag mile, had Gino's East pizza for dinner, took a cab to Navy Pier, and saw Furious 7 in IMAX. Lots of fabulous firsts for Ben!
Friday, April 10, 2015
Dan drove up north (3-4 hours) to meet at a half-way spot and pick up his cousin, Ben. Ben is from the U.P. and doesn't get away from home often. After Dan picked him up, they took a detour to cruise through downtown Chicago -- where Ben has never seen such tall buildings. We will return to the city tomorrow, but tonight we're relaxing at home while Ben puts my guitar to good use.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
While sitting at a red light, I saw my name pass by on a truck! My phone was in my purse (so I don't use it while I drive), but thankfully I got it out just in time to snap a photo.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
This girl doesn't mind helping herself to some bunny cookies from her Easter basket.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Our DIY floating shelves are complete in our bathroom. A nice, inexpensive way to add color and style. In other news, we voted today. Did you?
Monday, April 6, 2015
Cozy in a bath towel, all snug and ready to go to bed. I love moments like these!
Sunday, April 5, 2015
He is risen! He is risen indeed! Today we are celebrating our risen Savior, Jesus Christ! Spring's beauty is a wonderful reminder of how God fulfilled His promise, by sending his one and only son to die for us, so we could have eternal life in Heaven. Just like the return of flowers after a cold winter, what was once lifeless has come back bright and beautiful. Ava got to go on two egg hunts today -- one at home and one at Grandma and Grandpa's house. She caught on quickly and had a blast!
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Ava was excited to open an Easter package from Grandpa and Grandma/Nina. Like all little ones, opening gifts is such a blast for Ava. She politely paused so we could snap a quick photo.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Thanks to Nick, Dan and I got to step out (last-minute) and see Furious 7. It was a fantastic movie and the ending was a beautiful tribute to Paul Walker -- yes, I even shed a few tears.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Daddy is busy cleaning the church building, so it's a girlie night at home -- complete with selfies.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Getting reacquainted with the grass, one step at a time. As if walking on the grass was a scary situation, she really did not want to touch the grass with her hands. Thankfully Jetta was always close by for support.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Rock star hair dos make bath time extra playful.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Nothing like a cheese stick and a train show. This morning Ava got to join her daddy and grandpa at a train show, hosted by Lyons Township High School. Zac was supposed to join (along with his daddy and grandpa) in honor of his 2nd birthday, but unfortunately he woke up sick -- which also meant his birthday party had to be canceled. Since we had an unexpected free day, Dan, Ava, and I ran some errands -- and as an added bonus, Dan and I got free (limited time) birthday cake frappuccinos from Starbucks.
Friday, March 27, 2015
More snow? Really?
Thursday, March 26, 2015
It's a good day when you get Amazon Fire TV for free (via Sling).
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
We just refinanced! To keep up with a silly tradition (whenever we sign lots of paper work on the house), we picked up Taco Bell to celebrate.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
We're finally making at attempt at catching up on Better Call Saul. Once again, I feel asleep.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Ugh! This past weekend we were outside playing at the park, today it's snowing! What happened to the warm weather?
Sunday, March 22, 2015
This adorable Minnie Mouse is helping her daddy at Menard's. Too cute! It's moments like these that really make my heart melt.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
We're at Jocelyn and Jared's apartment so we can hang out and give them Disney travel tips -- and help them book their honeymoon. Ava spent the evening helping Marielle with her school work. We all had a great time!
Friday, March 20, 2015
I feel MUCH better today! This evening we had our neighbors (Joe and Cherisse) over for a fun-filled game night. They even brought Ava a sweet gift. A Batgirl outfit in a Minnie Mouse bag! Needless to say, they nailed it.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Ugh! I woke up at about 4:30 a.m. and threw up... and continued to throw up. So I took a sick day and stayed in bed, all day. I can't remember the last time I had the flu (?) or food poising (?). Hopefully tomorrow is better.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Ava had her 15-month check up today. She's 20 pounds, 13 ounces and 30 & 3/4 inches tall. She was a good girl (even when getting one vaccine shot), so I let her play in the waiting room.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! This green shirt was all I did to celebrate.
Monday, March 16, 2015
I'm enjoying this gorgeous weather! It's a drive-with-the-sunroof-open sorta day. Oh, and yes, I was at a stoplight when I snapped this photo.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Today we got to check out Stefanie's new apartment -- it's gorgeous! Ava's favorite part was the elevator.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
It's Ultimate Pi Day!! Since my dad is a retired math teacher, today was extra special for him and we had a blast celebrating. Dad and Ava even had matching shirts and of course we enjoyed some delicious pie. After lunch, Dan, Ava, Jetta, and I went up to Wisconsin to enjoy a game day with Dan's family -- where we enjoyed more pie. Happy Pi Day everyone!

Friday, March 13, 2015
Woohoo! First Something from Jessie band practice of the year and we've got the whole band back together -- minus Courtney, who will not be able to join us this year. We had a great practice and, as always, we're pumped for this year's spaghetti dinner -- Friday, June 12, 2015.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
This doesn't happen too often! While Dan was flying home, he was able to text me when he was flying over our neighborhood. We (me, my parents, and Ava) may have seen his plane, but we're still not sure. Still, Dan captured this photo. I can see our house!
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
This weather just keeps getting better and better!
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
It is beautiful outside! Time to take my girls for a walk.
Monday, March 9, 2015
As of this afternoon, Dan is in Georgia for work. Dan's mom watched Ava today and so we went out for dinner at Culver's. Today's Flavor of the Day was Georgia Peach! We just had to get some. Dan will be home on Thursday.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Well, as of today, we're going to have more daylight. So I guess that means Ava is going to be staying up a little later. At least she does a nice job entertaining our small group. She spent most of the time tumbling around the family room, asking everyone for snacks, and wearing her clothes backwards. Silly girl!
Saturday, March 7, 2015
It's a great day for a bridal shower -- or two! First up, Jocelyn and Jared. Jocelyn is my cousin and Ava is going to be the flower girl in their wedding. It's pretty sweet because I was the flower girl when Jocelyn's parents got married! Later, I went to Nora and Dave's shower. Tonight, I got caught up with my best college girls. It was a great day!
Friday, March 6, 2015
I get so happy when Mary Jane sends me photos of my happy baby while I'm at work. Looks like I'm not the only one who is happy that it's Friday. TGIF!
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Nerf War at school today! I love it when the students are active on campus.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
I love it when Mary Jane sends me photos of my happy baby!
Monday, March 2, 2015
I've been a good girl lately -- working out at least three days a week. Today I met up with Nora at the gym and did some work on the bikes and treadmills. I'm tired!
Sunday, March 1, 2015
I was serving in the church nursery today when sweet Jennifer (a month older than Ava) stayed like this for well over twenty minutes. Looks like someone is pretty sleepy. I took this photo to show her parents -- they loved it!
Saturday, February 28, 2015
It was a day of anything goes -- love days like this. I hit the treadmill for a solid 45-minute, intense workout, we had lunch at Culver's (Ava and I shared her kiddie meal), ran some errands, and then we all napped and hung around the house. Here's a fun photo of Dan, Ava, and Jetta feeding each other treats.
Friday, February 27, 2015
TGIF!! Tonight we went out for a nice dinner at Francesca's with our neighbors (Jack and Adriana). Everything about dinner was fantastic -- and as an added bonus, Ava peacefully slept through dinner so her mommy and daddy could enjoy some friendly, adult conversation.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
I am very grateful to have a husband who wakes up early to clear the driveway and sidewalk when it snows. He also clears the driveway of our senior neighbors in secret -- when he has time.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
We got to host another game night with friends. Tonight, Ryan and Kayla joined us for pizza and snacks, while Ryan brought over some unique games. Ryan has one of the most elaborate board game collections I have ever seen, so it's always an interesting (fun) night when he brings over some games. Below are the games that he brought. We didn't have time to play all three (and I've played Settlers before), so we played two rounds of King of New York -- a fancy/complicated version of Yahtzee.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
I think Ava wants another bite of her daddy's dinner.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Mmm... we're having lunch at White Fence Farm today! After church Dan, Ava, my parents, and I met up with Aunt Tamie, Uncle Ron, Jessica, Michelle, and Zach for lunch. It's always nice to see family and play catch-up. It was also fun to watch Ava and Zach get excited over the old toys and games in the waiting area -- the same toys and games we grew up enjoying. I guess I better start showing up with some extra quarters when we dine here.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
We were social butterflies today! While my mom and I went to the Women's Breakfast (a monthly event through our church), my dad, Dan, and Ava went to a model train exhibit at the Morton Arboretum. We all had a great time at our events. Ava especially enjoyed pushing the buttons to make object make noise and/or light up. After some socializing with my parents, Dan's pulled into our driveway as my parents were backing out to head home. We spent the afternoon visiting with Dan's parents and Ava had fun with her extra playmates. Once Dan's parents headed home, we walked to our neighbors' (Jack and Adriana's) for dinner and a movie night. We brought a pack-n-play for Ava to nap while we hung out with Jack and Adriana -- we are very lucky Ava is such a good sleeper. I didn't get photos from everything we did, but here is a little collage of photos Dan sent me while he was at the train exhibit with my dad and Ava.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Dan found a new show via Netflix. It's called Brain Games and it's fantastic! Dan got me interested when he said one episode has David Copperfield. The show is all about explaining how our brains work -- and there are brain exercises throughout the show. I highly recommend it.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
On Tuesday my parents bought a blanket that they like so they could have one at our house while they watch Ava. Dan and I "fought" over who got to use the new blanket (because it is sooooooooo soft), so my parents surprised us with a second blanket -- they were on sale and they had a coupon. Now we each have one! Well, when my parents aren't here.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
I've got to start perfecting my chili recipe for next year's chili cook-off. I think Ava was pleased with my most recent creation.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
It's Professional Development Day at work today. We're trying something new by breaking up into divisions and taking the day to train, swap ideas, and have a little fun. As an added bonus, breakfast and lunch was included. It was a great day!
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Reunited housemates! My former housemate (Lynette) stopped by with her family today. It was so nice to see them, swap stories, and watch our kids play together.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Happy Valentine's Day! I got to spend the day with these two and I couldn't have asked for a better day. We had breakfast at Dunkin Donuts, lunch at Culver's, pizza for dinner, and tuxedo cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. Ava also got a new shirt -- which she is wearing in the photo.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Inside her Valentine's Day card from Grandma and Grandpa (my parents), Ava got a McDonald's gift card. So tonight we took her to McDonald's for her very first Happy Meal! She enjoyed her big kid meal, but I think she had more fun sitting at a table that was her size.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
TGIT! Time to relax and watch some Grey's Anatomy.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Ava got a Valentine's Day card from Grandma and Grandpa (my parents). She got the biggest smile when I showed her the card and, as you can see from the photo below, I think it's safe to say she likes it.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Random awesomeness! Stefanie has some random time off so she came down to spend the night so she could watch Ava on Wednesday. I have to keep reminding myself it's not Friday, but I love having her here during the week. Once Ava went to bed, we all sipped some wine and snacked on cheese and crackers while we watched Chef on Netflix.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Ava is all cozy in her robe after a delightful bubble bath.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Chili was on the menu all day today! The chili cook-off was a blast (even though I didn't win) and chili was also available at Connor's winter one-derland 1st birthday party. The day was filled with fun activities! Even after Connor's party we had folks over at our house as we re-started our small group Bible study. It was a good day.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Tomorrow is our church's annual chili cook-off. I'm trying a new recipe in hopes that I win!
Friday, February 6, 2015
It's game night! Tonight our neighbors (Jack and Adrianna -- and their dog, Bruce) came over for a fun-filled game night. We played Jenga, Sorry, and Trouble. Classics never grow old.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
We have a working fireplace! I can't remember when it stopped working, but I know it's been well over a year. I've missed this warm, cozy fireplace. It's nice to have it working again.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Ava enjoys being independent. This includes eating meals like a big girl.
Monday, February 2, 2015
SNOW DAY! Due to extreme weather conditions, I did not have to go to work today. Woohoo! Ava and I stayed in our pj's and had a play day instead. Today, we're enjoying the snow from inside.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Here comes a lot of snow! We got some much snow overnight, as well as this morning, that church canceled Christian Education Hour (Sunday School) and had a shortened service. Ava and I stayed home while Dan went to run a/v. That afternoon, we put on LOTS of layers and played in the snow -- and Ava got to ride on a sled for the very first time. We also recreated a photo that my Uncle Ed took of me when I was little. Ever since Dan saw it, he wanted to have the exact same picture of Ava. Below is a picture of Ava, holding a shovel in the snow in front of our house.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Before heading over to Melanie's house (for a humble 15-year memorial gathering for Jessie), we stopped to visit Jessie so Ava could leave a flower for her namesake.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Surprise flowers from Dan -- in memory of Jessie. 15 years later and I still miss my BFF. Love you, Jessie Lee!
Thursday, January 29, 2015
The time has come to say good bye to the Braverman Family... tonight is the Parenthood finale. Sad! Is it too soon to start re-watching it on Netflix?
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
It's the Awana Fun Fair! I can't remember the last time I had the honor of volunteering at Awana. I had a blast running the clothes pin game and even Ava got to try out some games with her daddy.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Free upgrades for our bathroom showers! These will help us save on water. Saving money is always a plus.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Bono, is that you? Looks like Ava is playing dress up at Mary Jane's house.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Ava is having a blast with this new playful counting bug. It roams the room and randomly releases three colored balls that she has to put back before the time runs out. It's super cute!
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Bubbles, bubble everywhere! Scrubadubdub... it's bubble time in the tub!
Friday, January 23, 2015
I discovered this yesterday, but found it was still somewhat intact. This is evidence that my father was here -- teaching Ava basic math, of course.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
The Parenthood finale is quickly approaching. I'm so not ready for this. Only one more episode after tonight. Pass the Kleenex, please.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
After attending a half-day conference at Prairie State College, I met up with some of my co-workers and our boss (Yolanda) for a belated holiday dinner at Juliet's Tavern. The food and the company were both fantastic and as an added bonus, the restaurant still had their Christmas decorations up. Perfect!
Monday, January 19, 2015
It's Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and I have the day off. Ava and I decided to use our free day to have a lunch date with our neighbors, Nickie and Connor. We met up at Go Roma and enjoyed a nice meal together. The kiddos had fun playing with toys and sharing snacks.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
The first women's breakfast of 2015 was at Dorothy's home. I haven't been to her house in a loooong time. I forgot just how cool it is -- and perfect for large gatherings. It was a fantastic morning with such special ladies.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Photo fail. I meant to snap a photo while we went out to dinner at Francesca's with our neighbors (Joe and Cherisse), but I got so caught up in good conversation that I forgot. Here's a photo of Jetta, tired and ready for bed, while we chat with the babysitters (Jeff and Sarah).
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Another random Redbox freebie. Tonight we're watching Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. I liked the first movie better (Rise of the Planet of the Apes), but this one was still good.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
I missed the moment, but this photo was an attempt to capture Ava stirring up something in her little bowl. She picked up the idea of stirring all on her own -- I did not show her. She just knew what to do.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
We are very grateful we have a daughter who is such a good sleeper. This gives us an opportunity to kick back and relax once she goes to bed.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Our first Chicago Bulls game! Thank you Dan and Brittany for inviting us to join you for this fun (free) game. The Bulls lost to Orlando, but we had fun cheering them on.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Without any guidance, Ava started cleaning the kitchen. I wonder who she gets it from?
Saturday, January 10, 2015
More food photos... I just can't help it. One plus side to winter is all the delicious comfort food. Tonight's dinner included homemade broccoli soup and grilled cheese.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
What do you do when you have a nasty cold? Make chili, duh. Soaking some black beans and pinto beans; then I just have to add them to the pot in the morning and slow cook. Yum!
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
What a great way to unwind -- a hot bath with a bath bomb and a mini fire.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Where was this snow at Christmas?! Oh well... at least we have our own snow blower this year. I am grateful Dan enjoys the snow -- including snow removal.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Back to work! At least I got a free lunch -- thanks to that work gift certificate I won. As an added bonus, half of this sandwich will be my lunch for tomorrow.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Welcome Ian David Anderson! Our nephew was born this morning weighing in at 9 pounds, 10 ounces and 21 inches long. We were excited to take a trip to Wisconsin to visit the little guy and his parents in the hospital. After meeting baby Ian, we continued a little further north to hang out with Dan's side of the family. It was a great day!
Photo coming soon!
Saturday, January 3, 2015
It's a bittersweet moment. Tonight the Christmas decorations came down.
Friday, January 2, 2015
I had to make a quick exchange at Oak Brook Mall, so Ava and I spent the afternoon enjoying the last of the Christmas decorations. It wasn't too cold out, so Ava had fun running around outside.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
The kiddos were up and at 'em at a reasonable hour. We all enjoyed a nice, healthy breakfast before Dan, Ava, and I ventured home. Now, just look at these faces! You can tell our morning was fun.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
It's New Year's Eve! Today I went out for lunch with my dear friend, Debbie. Later, Dan, Ava, and I went to Chicago to spend the night with Jessica, Andrew, and Zach -- Jetta stayed behind and spent the night at a neighbor's house. That evening we went to Zoo Lights at Lincoln Park Zoo and had Thai food for dinner. We played a card version of Monopoly and rang in the new year. It was a great day! Thank God for two good little sleepers.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Sometimes you just have to let kids be kids. Ava knows where the Tupperware draw is and quite often I let her just have at it. It keeps her busy and she has fun.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Free Redbox means I finally get to see Maleficent! I recommend you see it.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
A trip up north to Dan's old stomping ground to visit one of his longest and dearest friends, Eric. We joined Eric and his parents for a lovely home-cooked meal and friendly conversation. Ava had a blast playing with singing/dancing snowmen (Hallmark toys) and Tupperware.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Another trip to my parents' house to spend some quality time with Kathleen and Brad while they're in town. While Dan caught some Z's with Ava, the rest of us played a rather tame version of Pit. So fun!
Friday, December 26, 2014
The festivities continued at our home when Kathleen, Brad, Jess, Andrew, Zach, Kimmy, and Kimmy's boyfriend (Brian) came over for lunch and games. Kimmy even had gifts for the little ones. I'm really enjoying all the get-togethers!
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Merry Christmas! We had lots to do, lots of people to see, and lots of places to go. First, Christmas morning was spent at home. Next, we ventured over to my parents' house to spend Christmas morning with my parents, Kathleen, Brad, and Brad's uncle (Daryl). Last, we took a trip to my Aunt Tamie and Uncle Ron's house so we could gather with the extended family. I'm lovin' all this family time!
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
It's Christmas Eve and Ava looks a little embarrassed to be part of this photo. Don't let this photo fool you, Ava had a great day!
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Let the Christmas festivities begin! After work, Dan, Ava, Jetta, and I made our way up to Wisconsin to celebrate Christmas with Dan's side of the family. This year, Ava and Gwen are much more active and eager to open presents. Still, my favorite part about the holidays is being with family. It just warms my heart.
Monday, December 22, 2014
When I was a kid, Pee-Wee's Playhouse was one of my favorite shows. One year, Pee-Wee had a Christmas special (1988) and I asked my dad to tape it for me (as I watched it). We watched the show and I couldn't wait to watch it again. Sadly, the VCR was set to the wrong station and my dad captured the wrong show. Naturally, I was bummed. My dad assured me that the special would air next year and that he would capture it then. It never aired again. Today, 26 years later, that same special is available on Netflix. Never would have thought that... but thank you, Netflix.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Tonight is our Annual Young Adults Christmas Party and this year's party, once again, managed to raise the bar on pure awesomeness. Dan and I had the honor of assisting in a wedding proposal for two very special friends. During a fixed game of white elephant gifts, Jenn opened (what she thought was a random gift) and it turned out to be her engagement ring. Then, among screams of excitement, Nick asked Jenn to be his wife. With tears in her eyes and a shaky hand, Jenn accepted Nick's proposal and the room was overflowing with joy. Congratulations Jenn and Nick!!
Saturday, December 20, 2014
While doing some last-minute Christmas shopping, Ava officially met Santa. It probably would've gone better if we woke her up a little sooner -- she was sleeping peacefully in her stroller before she met Santa. We will try again next year.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Ava got to join me for our whole work Christmas party. She was so excited to meet everyone -- she kept turning her head when I tried to snap a quick selfie of the two of us. It was a lovely party that was hosted by our president. Special thanks to the president and her team for giving us a fabulous work party.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
The work holiday parties continue! Today we're celebrating Christmas in Admissions. Our party featured delicious food and Sandy's Christmas trivia game -- it's HER game! Its was a great way to take a break and enjoy the company of my wonderful co-workers. Thank you to Jennifer and Susan for the Christmas treat!
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY, AVA!! It was a delightful day celebrating Ava's first birthday with Dan and my parents. Ava opened birthday presents from her parents and we all had dinner at Public Landing -- including birthday cake for the birthday girl. It has been a year of good days and difficult days, but every day has been a blessing from God. Cheers to the birthday girl!
Photo coming soon!
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Tonight, Ava had her 12-month photo shoot with Robb Davidson Photography. She also got to meet the super-adorable Thalia (9 months) -- daughter of our dear friends, Erik and Amy. After the photo shoot we all gathered at Erik and Amy's for dinner. It was a FANtastic evening!
Monday, December 15, 2014
Tonight I went with my friend (Kay) to the Harvest Bible Chapel Women's Christmas Celebration: Behind the Glitter with Candace Cameron Bure -- where I also met up with my cousins (Jessica and Michelle). What a special evening of music and testimony! Just what I needed. Plus, I got to meet Candace Cameron Bure -- my favorite DJ!!
Sunday, December 14, 2014
If you're feeling bummed, just leave it to Ava to brighten your mood. Her kisses are magical!
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Tonight, Aunt Stefanie made the trip down to our house just so she could watch her niece. So while Ava and Aunt Stefanie had a fun-filled evening, Dan and I went to his work Christmas Party at Luigi's House. It was a win/win evening for everyone!
Friday, December 12, 2014
An unexpected treat from a co-worker (Emily) made my Friday extra awesome! Hot Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks is a delightful way to wrap up the work week.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Christmas festivities are underway at work -- we had our Student Development luncheon this afternoon. The festivities continued when Ava and I got gifts from Great Grandma Nelson. Surprises make the day extra special.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Looks like I'm the only who stayed up to watch Love Actually. It's okay. It's a girly Christmas movie and I knew Dan would fall asleep -- so that's why I picked it.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
After some Christmas shopping, Dan and I gave in to my our sushi craving and had dinner at Asian Harbor. Ava was a hit with our waitress and she brought this colorful "toy" for Ava to enjoy.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Ava got a birthday present from Dan's co-worker (Shane). Inside was a lady bug ornament from Christkindlmarket -- in honor of her first Halloween costume. How thoughtful!
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Ava is ready for church in her new GAP outfit from Aunt Stefanie! I'm so happy this outfit is a little big on her -- she'll be able to wear it for quite a while.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Today we are celebrating Ava's first birthday with family and friends! Ava's Minnie Mouse theme party was a huge hit and we were blessed to have a house full of loved one. A very special THANK YOU to everyone who made this day extra special.
Photo coming soon!
Friday, December 5, 2014
Spinning 'round... Ava loves playing with Chloe!
Thursday, December 4, 2014
We're still prepping for Ava's first birthday party on Saturday and tonight I'm making Mickey-shaped Rice Crispy Treats for the kiddos. I still have to dip the ears in chocolates, add some plastic wrap, and tie with a bow. These are surprisingly easy -- just a little time-consuming.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Tonight we are Skyping with Aunt Kathleen! Life is good.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Ava's first birthday party is this Saturday and we've got lots to do to get ready. So while I worked on music, videos, and some cleaning, Dan put together these banners -- the pieces were created by Dan's mom.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
"Yikes, I did it again." After another busy but productive day, Dan and I wrapped things up by relaxing and watching Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. Well, we tried to watch it. We both fell asleep.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Ava helped her daddy find the pickle this morning. Since they were successful, they each got a bonus gift. Ava got Mickey and Minnie Christmas pajamas and Dan got argyle socks from Express. Once Ava was in bed for the night, Dan and I watched Home Alone.
Friday, November 28, 2014
We're back at my parents' house today. Dan has volunteered to put up Christmas light on their roof. While he did that, I did some Black Friday shopping with my dad and Ava hung out with my mom. When we got home (and Ava was in bed) we decorated our home for Christmas.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving! Today is Ava's first Thanksgiving and we spent the day at my parent's house with my dad's side of the family. It was a wonderful, fun-filled day with lots of great food and special memories. On a side note, after Dan and I got home (and Ava was in bed) we finished the living room and dining room make-over. It looks fabulous and it feels so good to be done!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
A last-minute change of plans granted Ava a second sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa, so after taking care of some living room and dining room tasks, we treated ourselves to (free) pumpkin pie custard at Culver's.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Ava got a surprise birthday package in the mail today! Thank you Aubrey and Joe for these cute Fisher Price Little People toys. Ava is already enjoying them.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Grandpa is over tonight so he can work on his cross country book. Ava must think he's over to play with her because she keeps bringing him toys.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Time to head back home, but not without making an important stop first.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Tonight is my first night apart from Ava. Of course I missed her, but I did have a lovely time in Chicago with Dan and Stefanie -- we were celebrating Stefanie's birthday. We took the train downtown, picked up some coffee and tea (got my Christmas in a cup), had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen, did some shopping, stopped by Christkindlmarket, caught the end of the Festival of Lights Parade, and enjoyed some drinks in the Signature Lounge. Before we called it a night we picked up some cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory and enjoyed it in our hotel's lounge. As a bonus feature, we had excellent weather. Happy Birthday, Stefanie!
Friday, November 21, 2014
It's hard to tell, but Ava is borrowing a 3-month shirt from a friend because her outfit got a little... messy. After one of Mary Jane's daughters kindly washed Ava's outfit, she managed to make a second mess. Oh bother.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
I enjoy snow around the holidays, but poor New York is really getting slammed! Watching the news, I can't help but worry about all those people who have to deal with the massive amounts of snow. What a mess.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Today I went to Panera with my friendly co-worker (Emily). While we were there she surprised me by treating me to a loaf of fresh tomato-basil bread. Yum! I'm excited to use this bread to make grilled cheese sandwiches.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
We're moving right along and I must say, Dan is doing an excellent job.
Monday, November 17, 2014
This little girl is 11 months today! It's wild to think that her first birthday is a month away. Today she weighed in at 19 pounds, 9 ounces and is 28 inches long.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
I had an exchange to make and some freebies to pick up, so Ava joined me at the mall this afternoon. I wonder if she's starting her Christmas shopping? It looks like I caught her checking out the "Mother and Child" jewelry at Kay.
Saturday, November 15, 2015
Mommy and Daddy's little shopper. Looks like she wants to pick out her own food.
Friday, November 14, 2014
My parents were supposed to go to Minnesota this weekend to visit Kathleen and Brad, but Kathleen had to travel with the women's soccer team for work. Fortunately, she came down to us for the game! Ava and I joined my parents as we stayed overnight in the same hotel as Kathleen -- Dan hung back because Stefanie was staying at our house and flying out the next day. It was so nice to see Kathleen!
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Dan had to run to Menard's for some more supplies and he brought Jetta along for the ride. She LOVES car rides!
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
This girl enjoys brushing her teeth -- even though she only has two.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Happy Veteran's Day! A special thank you to all the men and women who have served and are currently serving our country. Ava got to spend part of the day with one of her most favorite vets, her grandpa!
Monday, November 10, 2014
When at daycare with Mary Jane, Ava likes to sneak at peak at the family dog, Stanley (a basset hound), who stays in the kitchen while the children are over.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Yesterday, Ava got to experience this Little Tike's slide and loved it. She's pretty good at climbing the ladder too, but she still needs help sitting at the top. Today she was excited to play on the slide some more.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
We're celebrating November birthdays and Thanksgiving in Wisconsin this weekend. It was a lovely evening with family.
Friday, November 7, 2014
More progress on Dan's work space. Today he installed the metal peg board he got for Father's Day.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Skype date with "Uncle" Myk tonight! Ava had a blast getting to know Myk. She gave him lots of smiles and waved many, many, many times.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Filling up my gas tank proved to be a difficult task when my car didn't start afterwards. Thankfully, our dear friend (Derek) was nearby and came to give us a hand -- it was my battery. He followed me home and Dan arrived just as we pulled up. Long story, short... it was my battery's connection. The batter itself is fine. Thank you Derek for helping us out! Ava seem to enjoy this little adventure. As you can see, she was all smiles while we waited for help.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Exercising our American right to vote!
Monday, November 3, 2014
Got this photo from Mary Jane this morning. Looks like someone is enjoying their fresh avocado.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Painting has officially begun and so far everything looks beautiful.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Time to putting our plans into actions as we dress up the living room and dining room area. We spent a good portion of the day going store to store looking for the right supplies. We did stop at Steak
'n Shake for lunch -- where Ava got to order of the kid's menu for the first time, for free.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Ava's first Halloween! These are my little helpers for passing out candy to trick-or-treaters. Special thanks to Kristin for letting Ava borrow such a cute lady bug costume. It fits great! Ava enjoyed seeing the other children in their costumes. We spent the evening counting Elsa costumes.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Oh dear.... this just came in the mail and Ava already has a Sharpie to circle birthday and Christmas ideas.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Today was Ava and Connor's last day of Water Babies. These two really enjoyed their 8-week swim class. Ava was among the few babies who had perfect attendance.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Someone has discovered how to open cabinets.
Monday, October 27, 2014
More progress on Dan's work space in the garage. It's really coming along nicely.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Looks like someone is a little on the tired side today.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
We spent the day shopping for supplies to fix up our living room and dining room area, then we also worked on fixing up Dan's work space in the garage.
Friday, October 24, 2014
TGIF! After doing some grocery shopping, and once Ava was down for the night, Dan and I enjoyed some wine, meat, and cheese while we continued watching Breaking Bad on Netflix.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
During last week's benefit's fair at work, I entered a couple drawings and today I found out that I won a prize. Woohoo! $5 for the cafeteria.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
We found the source of our second leak -- the upstairs bathroom toilet had a loose piece. To play it safe, Dan pulled up the carpet to make sure there is no mold.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
SCARY! At about 5:45 this morning, Dan and I woke up to the smoke alarm blaring throughout our house. We sprung up and raced around to find the source. Thankfully there was no fire. Instead, our water softener blew a piece and water was spraying everywhere in our basement -- hitting our smoke alarm and setting it off. Dan stopped the water and then we discovered another leak coming from upstairs. Not the best way to start the day, but we know things could've been much worse. Thank you, God for your hand of protection.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
It's fall y'all. Today we embraced fall and took a second trip to Konow's with some of the Young Adults. The weather was nice and crisp and we had a blast.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Today we went to Midwest Bible Church to celebrate Phantom Ranch Bible Camp's 60th Anniversary. It was a wonderful evening filled with golden memories, fabulous friends, delicious food, and lots of laughs.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Just got totally surprised by Dan!! He had some gorgeous (purple!) flowers sent to me at work. As of today, we have been together for 10 amazing years. Cheers to the next ten years... and the next ten after that... and the next ten after that........ I love you, Dan!! To celebrate our anniversary we went out to Giordano's with Ava for dinner.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Matthew has joined Ava at daycare. She really enjoys Matthew's company and tries to "play" with him.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Paying less than $3/gallon for gas is virtually unheard of these days. Thanks to our Shell Rewards card, Dan saved $0.03 per gallon and that put him at $2.98 per gallon.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Enjoying a pumpkin spice latte with my dear friend, Nora. I love catching up with this girl over a hot cup of coffee.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Make a joyful noise! Ava enjoys music, so when she gets to tag along for music practice before the worship service, she's a happy baby.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Who needs Saturday morning cartoons when you can watch Daddy vacuum the stairs? She has been watching him clean (while snacking on Cheerios) for about an hour. She even cheers him on and waves to him once in a while.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Celebrating November birthdays at work!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Mmm... free Culver's custard! Today's Flavor of the Day is Brownie Thunder.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Dan came home with some exciting news! I hate to be secretive, but I can't say what it is just yet. I'll update once it's okay.
Update: Dan was offered a new position at work -- Quality Assurance Specialist! We are both very excited about this new opportunity.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Since we had a gift card and coupon, Dan and I spontaneously decided to go out to Red Lobster for dinner. They're having their endless shrimp deal, so that's why we went. Ava slept the entire time and she continued sleeping when we got home -- even as we got her ready for bed. Thank you, Ava!
Side note: Notice Dan's glasses? He got them yesterday. He doesn't have to wear them all the time, but he seems to enjoy them.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Ava had her first swim class tonight! Her and Connor enjoyed their first water babies class -- and I think the parents had a pretty good time as well. It was 30 minutes of basic "swimming", the hokey-pokey, and a little free swim. This is all taking place at our local park district.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
We made it home! Upon our arrival we found a gift from the McGee family -- they're missionaries our church family supports and they stayed at our home during our Missions Weekend. It's canned tuna from Alaska. I'm so excited to try it!
Saturday, October 4, 2014
The whole family is here! Late last night Mandy, Cale, Gwen, and Stefanie rolled in to town. We all spent this rainy day relaxing at Bill, Jan, and Grandma's house. Later that evening, some local cousins came by to join the fun as well. Once everyone went home, we went to our cabin and Dan's father opened a bottle of wine and put together a nice cheese assortment. We shared some excellent conversation and even shed a few happy tears.
Friday, October 3, 2014
It was a crisp day and the fall leaves were so beautiful. We decided to snap a few photos during our stay in Michigan. In the photo below, Ava was upset and then Dan made her laugh -- she's actually laughing in the photo. I snapped just as he was about to give her a kiss. Another highlight of the day, we got to celebrate Grandma Nelson's 92nd birthday by having a lovely dinner at Blue Bayou. We also saw snow -- winter weather comes too quickly up here.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
We got up at 3:00 a.m. and left at 4:15 a.m. this morning to drive to the U.P. (Michigan). We stopped once to have breakfast and let Ava stretch. We made it to our destination at about 11:00 a.m. This weekend we're here to visit with Dan's grandmother (Carolyn), Aunt Jan, Uncle Bill, and local cousins. Today was Ava's first time meeting her great-grandmother. Ava took to her rather nicely. They had a lovely time bonding. Dan's parents made it up just after dinner.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Oh how I loooove freebies! Especially when this is my 2nd(!) free 32-pack of diapers. I'm part of a survey group, so I'll be sure to let them know what I think.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Went to Target to pick up a few things we need for our upcoming trip and found these little cuties. I sent this image to Dan and asked if I should get them for Ava. Apparently the answer was an obvious yes. That was easy.
Monday, September 29, 2014
First time brushing her teeth (her only two) with her Minnie Mouse toothbrush. Such a good girl!
Sunday, September 28, 2014
It was a gorgeous day to take a trip to Konow's. We're creating some family traditions with our neighbor's (Ryan, Nickie, and Connor) -- it was everyone's first trip to Konow's. Ava had so much fun! We all did!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
We're celebrating Gwen's 1st birthday and Mandy and Cale's new house! So many reasons to celebrate and be grateful for God's blessings. Carol is holding two of her favorite blessings -- her grandbabies!
Friday, September 26, 2014
We have the Young Adults over for our monthly meeting. I think Ava is attempting to take a selfie with Nick's phone.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Worship practice! Dan is playing the cajon (drum), so I thought I'd volunteer to sing. Ava enjoys worship practice. When she's not playing or chillin' with a bottle, she claps along to the music. I think our worship team likes having her there.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Nick and Ryan came over and this time they brought dinner. We dined on steak and chicken skewers, salad, and specialty green beans -- that had a little kick to them. We also shared some delicious desserts. Goods times were had by all.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Today was the funeral service for my uncle. Funerals are never easy. If you have a moment, please pray for my Aunt Barbara, she misses her husband terribly. I tried to snap a photo today, but my phone ran out of battery power. So, here is a photo of Ava sleeping. Earlier today she said her first word. She extended her arm and pointed to Jetta and said "doggie". Well, it sounded like "d'ggie", but she continued to say "d'ggie" and "d'g" whenever she looked at Jetta. That counts, right?
Monday, September 22, 2014
Today was the wake for my Uncle Rich -- he passed away on Tuesday, September 16, 2014. It is always nice to gather with family, but I wish the circumstances were much different. I'm sure Uncle Rich would want us to just enjoy our time together and not fuss over him. So, to keep things on a positive spin, in honor of my uncle... check out this White Sox ticket that he was randomly on, back in 1992. How cool is that?
Saturday, September 20, 2014
We're in Milwaukee celebrating Chris and Leanne's wedding! Congratulations to the happy couple! Ava joined us for the ceremony, then went to her grandparents' house to spend the evening with once of Carol's church friends (Nancy).
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
A night we the "three best friends that anyone could have" is just what I needed. Debbie and Nancy came over and we spent the evening hanging out, sipping wine, and watching The Hangover (once Ava was in bed).
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
This is what usually happens when Ava goes to bed early. Me? I'm watching The Proposal and sipping caramel coffee.
Monday, September 15, 2014
It's chilly and wet outside, so it's the perfect day for some fancy grilled cheese and tomato bisque soup! Oh my... this was a gooooooooood meal.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
After church we went to White Fence Farm for lunch with my parents. It was Ava's first time, so of course we had to snap this photo.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Sometimes an evening in is all you really need. Watching Ava play with her toys brings Dan and I so much joy.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Ava is feeling a little crummy today, but nothing some little lamb slippers and playtime with Jetta can't fix.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
A day I will never forget... an anniversary that I will never forget... today we remember the lives that were lost on September 11, 2001.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Newly engaged, my cousin, Jocelyn, and her fiance, Jared, stopped by for a visit. It was a blast hanging out with them and they have asked Ava to be their flower girl! This is extra special because I was the flower girl for Jocelyn's mom.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Seriously, how cute are these two?! Ava is getting ready for bed and Jetta wanted to see what Ava was up to in her crib. This photo was pretty easy to snap. Adorable!
Monday, September 8, 2014
In hopes of helping my face and neck heal, I signed up for a free mini facial at Aveda. It felt good to get pampered and I bought a new face lotion. Let's hope my skin continues to heal -- if it is, it's going very slowly.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Happy (belated) Birthday, Jetta! Yesterday was Jetta's 2nd birthday, but we celebrated today. We love spoiling our little pup.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Well, my rash is still here. In fact, it's getting worse! I've tried everything to make it get better, but nothing seems to be helping. Time to go see a doctor. Ava was there to support her mommy the whole time. After getting a couple different medications I started to feel a little better. I still missed out on a family get-together at my Aunt Marlene and Uncle Jim's house and I also missed our neighborhood block party. I'm pretty bummed, but I did get some laundry and cleaning done.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Ugh! My face and neck are having some sort of allergic reaction to some face lotion that I borrowed. I'm trying to relieve my skin with natural remedies. Let's see if pure lavender oil and coconut oil helps.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Nothing will keep Ava from playing with her new toys. This girl is pretty fearless.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
I got to spend my lunch break visiting Rachel and baby Matthew! It was nice to take a break and hold a cute, itty-bitty baby. Later this evening I also went to church to be interviewed with Melanie and Patty for a Phantom Ranch 60th Anniversary video -- we talked about the Something from Jessie Memorial Scholarship.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Happy Labor Day! Our drive home has been a long one -- lots of rain and traffic. On our way home Ava sampled her very first pumpkin shake from Culver's and she got to play with some ancient technology.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Today was a nice and relaxing day. We even managed to wrap the day up with a cozy bonfire and some wine.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
We're in Fargo! Today we went shopping and had lunch at The Boiler Room. It was a fun and fabulous day -- even though Nicole's was closed because of the holiday weekend.
Friday, August 29, 2014
We made it to Kathleen and Brad's! The drive was about 9 hours long and we were both very tired when we arrived, but we're grateful that we have an extra full day to spend with family. Ava has been having fun playing with Jetta's brother (Lovie).
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Happy 32nd Birthday to me!! After work, Dan, Ava, and I went out to dinner with my parents at Mama Onesta's. At dinner I got to open my birthday present -- a GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition!! I am so excited to capture some amazing footage with this new camera. It's a small but mighty camera. After dinner, Dan and I packed up the car and headed up north to visit Kathleen and Brad. It was a great birthday!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
It was a last-minute effort, but we managed to use some of our birthday freebies to see Guardians of the Galaxy at Hollywood Blvd with our friends, John and Linda. Special thanks to Jessica for watching Ava while we went out.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
After work, Ava was not interested in taking a nap -- even though she really needed one. She finally agreed to nap, but only if I was holding her. That's perfectly okay in my book! She wanted her little cow to join us as well.
Monday, August 25, 2014
We have been getting quite a bit of rain lately, but that's okay because it also means we've been seeing more rainbows as well.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Today, Ava, my mom, and I ventured out to Indiana for a baby shower in honor of my cousin (Erik) and his girlfriend (Angela). We had a great time visiting with family and I even won a prize playing Baby Bingo.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
This is a recent hand-me-down from our neighbors. It has so many features that Ava enjoys. It has toys, she can eat off it (the toy tray is removable), and she can walk around the house. When Ava's happy, we're all happy.
Friday, August 22, 2014
First of all... Happy 29th Birthday to my sister, Kathleen!! In other news, Dan and I went on our first one-on-one date since Valentine's Day. Thanks to Jeff and Sarah for watching Ava so we could go out to Rosemont for some (window) shopping and dinner. It was a great night out.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
I was nominated by Dan and tonight I have completed the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I also made a donation to help find a cure. This was all done in memory of my former boss at Williams-Sonoma, Sue, who recently passed away from ALS.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Dan's car stereo has been acting up for several months, so one of his birthday presents was a new stereo console. Tonight he's actually in the works at installing it himself.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Dan is quite popular with the girls tonight. Ava used to nap like this all the time with her daddy, but lately these moments are few and far between. That made this cuddle time extra special for Dan.
Monday, August 18, 2014
More birthday freebies! Tonight we went to Go Roma to enjoy our free birthday dinners. Yummers!
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Before we knew we were having a girl, Dan's mom picked up some Batman goodies when she found out we were having a baby. She passed on these items to us today. Good thing Ava seems to agree that Batman is for everyone to enjoy!
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Happy 27th Birthday, Dan!! This morning I went out and got Starbucks for the birthday boy and his dad made an nice breakfast. Later, I went out with Dan's mom and sister (Stefanie) and enjoyed a nice pedicure -- part of an early birthday present for me. After getting our feet pampered, we met up with Dan's other sister (Mandy) for lunch. That evening, Dan and his dad went out for a fancy sushi dinner. It was a great day for everyone!
Friday, August 15, 2014
We're visiting Dan's family this weekend. Ava is such a good little traveler. She makes herself right at home no matter where she is.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Tonight we're celebrating Dan's birthday a little early by having dinner with my parents at The Cheesecake Factory. At dinner, Dan got to open one of his birthday presents early and Ava was happy to help him unwrap his gift.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Ryan (left) and Nick (right) joined us for dinner this evening. I was bold and made a nice Italian dinner for a true Italian. Good news! My meal passed with high approval. It was a great evening.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Dan is working on mini apple pies for our dinner guests tomorrow. Apple pie is one of Dan's favorite desserts to bake.
Monday, August 11, 2014
The world received the sad news that Robin Williams passed away today -- who, after struggling with depression, took his own life. The world can be a tough place to live and hard times can fall upon anyone. Today, this rainbow served as a beautiful reminder that God is love and His promises are true. When life gets hard, turn your eyes upon Jesus.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Our church hosted a free Adam's Road Concert this evening. Adam's Road is a Christian, non-profit musical ministry dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through song and testimony. All three of the members of the ministry were at one time LDS (Mormon) missionaries and through the Grace of God have come to Biblical Christianity through the reading and studying of the Bible. They have all since left religion for a personal and saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Ava and I ventured up to Wisconsin for Leanne's wedding shower -- Leanne is marrying Dan's cousin (Chris) in September. The party had a touch of southern class and it was really cute. Before leaving, we snapped this family photo.
Friday, August 8, 2014
It's August, so you know what that means... birthday freebies! Sharing your birthday month with your spouse offers many opportunities to enjoy free meals together. Tonight we dined at Noodles & Company. Yum!
Thursday, August 7, 2014
This was so much fun to watch -- and I actually got a photo! Ava and Jetta were playing tug-of-war with one of Jetta's favorite toys. They played like this for several minutes.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
My cousin (Kevin) stopped by this evening to return some audio gear he borrowed from me for a film project. Ava had fun bonding with her cousin. So sweet!
Monday, August 4, 2014
Late last night, Dan and I decided to do some rearranging in our den/office area. We want to make it more of a play area for Ava, so moving the desk gave us more open floor space. Today we finished cleaning up. Now we just need to hang some more pictures and bring in some of Ava's toys.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
We stopped by Pleasant Hill to visit and wish Jessie a happy birthday -- she would've been 32. Ava was so sweet. On her own (well, while holding my hand) she went up to Jessie's stone, smiled, and reached out to touch Jessie's photo. Such a bittersweet moment.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Welcome to the world, little Matthew! Today we got to meet and visit with Jason and Rachel's baby boy -- who was born yesterday. Ava was so interested in Matthew and I certainly loved holding a precious newborn. Uh-oh, I wonder if I caught baby fever?
Friday, August 1, 2014
Today, Patty, Melanie, and I fought time, traffic, and a nasty storm to get to Phantom Ranch Bible Camp to sit in on Urban Camp's last evening chapel session. It was a wonderful experience and gave us a small glimpse of how our Something from Jessie scholarship is helping inner-city youth. To God be the glory!
Thursday, July 31, 2014
On our way to church, Dan and I saw this horse-drawn buggy. Certainly not something you see everyday. Sorry the photo is blurry.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Wow! This was probably the best (and easiest!) sweet corn I have ever made. Special thanks to my parents for picking us up this corn from a local farmer's market. This corn came from Twin Garden Farms -- if anyone is curious.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
I'm in the process of earning multiple eBay gift cards from Influenster. My first gift card arrived today! If you want more information on how to join Influenster (for free!), check out my Freebie Programs tab.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Dan's mom came down last night so she could watch Ava on today. After work, Dan, Ava, and I ventured with Carol to the Bolingbrook Promenade for some dinner (Mago Grill & Cantina) and light shopping. As we were saying our good byes, Ava kept offering the top of her bottle to Carol. Such a sweet and silly girl we have.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Happy Birthday, Mom!! While Dan went to a Cubs vs. Cardinals games, Ava and I ventured to Starved Rock with my parents to celebrate my mom's birthday. We enjoyed a lovely lunch outside, strolled around Starved Rock, and picked up some AMAZING cupcakes from Two Girls and a Cupcake -- some were enjoyed immediately and some were brought home for later.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Pretty soon I'll be saying good bye to my Fridays off, so Ava and I decided to take advantage of this time and visit Dan at work for lunch. As always, our visit was fun and Ava enjoys all the attention she gets from her daddy's co-workers.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Happy Birthday, Dad!! Today we got to celebrate my dad's birthday by having him and my mom over for dinner. Dan grilled some steaks and we enjoyed a fabulous dinner together. The birthday celebration will continue on Sunday at the Illinois Railway Museum.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Oh boy... this girl is all about standing up on her own these days. Now, once she starts walking she'll really be happy.
Monday, July 21, 2014
We did some much-needed grocery shopping tonight and Ava insisted on pushing the shopping car to our car.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
One thing we absolutely love about our neighborhood is the fact that it is very kid and family-friendly. When the weather is nice you're very likely to run into a few families out and about. I missed the first swarm of children who ran to greet Ava, but I managed to snap this photo on Ava getting attention from one of her biggest (or littlest) fans, Nickie (brown hair).
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Ten years ago, Dan and I officially met at Phantom Ranch. Here we are today, hanging out with life-long friends with Ava and Jetta. While at camp we got to visit with Saj, HB, Olen, Roy, Jessica P, Krista, Jessica K, Matt K and their daughter (Anna), Renee, Kelsey, Kaci, and Hannah. For dinner (after we dropped off Jetta at Dan's parent's house) we went out with Matt, Jessica, Anna, Renee, as well as Ben, Marissa and their daughter (Londyn). Today I really miss my summers spent working at Phantom Ranch with all my friends.
Friday, July 18, 2014
The other day I found out that my dear friend (and fellow freelancer), Brian, is moving to California with his wife (Tasia). Sad day! They're moving in a week, so I made last-minute plans to meet up with him for lunch. Ava and I joined Brian and his great uncle to enjoy Brian's company before the big move. It was a bittersweet gathering. While I'm very excited for Brian and Tasia, I am really going to miss having them around. Later this evening, Dan, Ava, and I went over to Jason and Rachel's for a bonfire. Ava even took a moment to "test" some of "Baby Rose's" toys in the nursery.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
As a last-minute decision, Dan and I are subbing for two A/V team members this Sunday. It was a busy day and I wanted a break from making dinner, so we stopped at Culver's on our way home from worship practice. Did you know that if you fill out the receipt that comes with your food (via phone call or the web) you can get free ice cream? Yep, we cashed in on this sweet deal before heading home.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
The "polar vortex" is back. The weather got a little "chilly" for the month of July (low 70's), but that didn't stop us from taking an evening stroll through the neighborhood.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Ava meets Daniel Tiger -- a Mr. Rogers spin-off. Okay, so we don't really let Ava watch TV (yet), but Daniel Tiger serves as nice background noise for all of us. Besides, Ava isn't really interested in TV right now. When she does watch it usually lasts about a minute and then she goes back to playing with her toys. Dan managed to catch her watching long enough to snap this photo.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Parenting fail....... we successfully blew up Ava's kiddie pool but failed to fill it up early enough in the day so the water would get warm. Oh well, Ava and I got to dip our feet in the cool water before we took it down. We'll try again some other day.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
This morning/afternoon we had brunch with the newly weds -- Dan and Brittany. We enjoyed a delicious meal (made by Brittany) and swapped Disney honeymoon stories. Later that day, Ava's booster seat arrived. Yay! This thing is sure to help with feeding Ava meals. Plus, thanks to the Amazon gift cards I've cashed in on, this little beauty was only $0.37. Score!
Friday, July 11, 2014
Ava and I had a lovely Friday morning and afternoon together. Once again, I wanted some exercise, so I decided to push Ava in her stroller and walk to the grocery store to pick up a few items -- I even packed a cooler for transporting items home. That evening we had dinner at Jeff and Jenn's place so we could visit and our daughter could meet. Ava and Evelynn were so cute playing together.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Today we walked to Culver's for some ice cream -- yes, even Jetta joined us. Once Ava was in bed, Dan and I played some Mario Kart (Battle) via N64. Just like old times! This was how Jetta decided to relax while we played.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Ava is getting quite good at crawling. She is getting better and better at staying up on all fours as she moves forward. She'll even crawl on the wood floor.
Monday, July 7, 2014
What a day! After work I made dinner and even volunteered to cut the grass this week (I wanted the exercise). Cutting the grass was quite the chore. Some areas I had to cut the grass three times! Yeah, thanks to the nice rain we've been getting, it was that thick. Needless to say, I was excited to shower and head straight to bed.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
It's Stefanie's turn to visit Tennessee! Dan took his sister to the airport very early this morning so she could visit Tucoma as well as some other friends. After church, Dan, Ava, and I went to Meagan's Sweet 16 Birthday Party. While we were there, Ava discovered the joy of (seedless) watermelon on a hot summer day.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
This afternoon we hung out in downtown Naperville. Once again, the weather was perfect and it was a nice afternoon to enjoy some shopping and a stroll by the river.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Happy Independence Day! Stefanie came down last night and today we took the train to Chicago. Yay for Ava's 1st train ride! While in Chicago we met up with Dan and Stefanie's parents for lunch at Howells & Hood and enjoyed a meal while outside -- the weather was perfect. After lunch we parted ways and our little group did some shopping on Michigan Avenue. Before heading back to the burbs, we picked up some Garrett's popcorn. The evening was complete with fireworks in our backyard and watching home videos from our recent trip to California -- and a little from our trip to Florida in 2007.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Dan is showing Ava how much fun it is to play the drums at tonight's worship practice. She had fun banging on the drums with her daddy.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Mmm... freeze pops! Ava got a tiny taste of her daddy's freeze pop and now Jetta thinks it's only fair that she gets a taste as well.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
I went to visit Ava at Mary Jane's during my break and I found her sleeping like this. Hahaha! Too cute.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Oh my! Things go a little scary this evening. Just check out that radar! The sirens went off and we spent quite a bit of time in the basement while the lights flickered. Thankfully, we didn't lose power and the tornado that touched down in a nearby town didn't last long. Thank you, God! Your hand of protection is always appreciated.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
It's time to head home. We snapped a few more photos before and had some family prayer time before we went our separate ways. Mom and Dad took Kathleen and Brad to the airport while Dan, Ava, and I stopped in Nashville to visit Dan's co-worker (Aubrey). Still, we got home at a reasonable hour (dinner time) and Ava was a well-behaved traveler. She hasn't been a fan of staying in her car seat for too long, so a little fit here and there wasn't bad at all. Thanks again, Mom and Dad for such a lovely, family-fun vacation!
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Today is our last full day in Tennessee (sad). Kathleen and Brad got up early and did Laurel Falls -- instead of Alum Cave Bluffs, which was their original plan. Today we went to Gatlinburg and played Hillbilly Golf -- a childhood favorite of Dan's. We laughed a lot while playing mini golf. We also walked around Gatlinburg to do some shopping, until it started to pour rain. We hung out at the cabin while it rained and the guys played pool on the deck while us ladies continued our book discussion on The Great Gatsby. After dinner (more amazing leftovers) and once the rain calmed down, we ventured out so Dan and Brad could go bungee jumping for the very first time. Oh my! Seriously, what a day! How do I pick one photo? It's been hard to pick just one, but here is our one and only group photo during the entire trip -- love it.
Friday, June 27, 2014
This morning I got to meet up with an old camp friend, Becca, for some coffee. Kathleen and Brad got up early to do Chimney Tops (a very popular hike that is currently only open Friday - Sunday). Shortly after they got back we packed up and we all did the Little River trail. Tonight's dinner was back at Huck Finn's Catfish. Since Kathleen and Brad were planning on doing another hike early the next morning, they went to bed early while Dan, Mom, Dad, and I stayed up to play Bananagrams and sip some wine.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Happy 5th Anniversary to me and Dan! We started the day off by getting up early to hike Andrews Bald (RT = 3.5 miles) and Clingman's Dome (RT = 1 mile) -- both are hikes that Kathleen and I have done before. Later that day we had lunch at the cabin (leftovers) and hit the pool. That evening, Dan's friend (Tucoma) joined us for a visit at the cabin while Mom, Dad, Brad, and Kathleen did some shopping. The evening was complete when we all met up for dinner at The Apple Barn. Yes, eating there more then once is always okay with me.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Kathleen and Brad flew in very late last night, so today was a calm, relaxing day for all. Our highlight of the day was hitting up the craft loop to do some shopping. Ava seem to really enjoy the local music. Tonight we decided to stay in and we ordered food from JT Hannah's Kitchen for dinner.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Time to hit the pool! Today was a great day to hang out at the pool and Ava had a blast. We even continued our family tradition of bringing a ball to the pool and making friends with every kid who wanted to play with our ball. Tonight was also the perfect night to eat outside and enjoy some BBQ, so we dined at Bennett's BBQ. So much fun!
Monday, June 23, 2014
Today we spent a good portion of the day at Cades Cove. With a view like this, can you blame us? Ava even got to enjoy her very first picnic. Baby's 1st Picnic at Cades Cove? Major score, Ava! The day wrapped up with dinner at The Apple Barn.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
We made it! We only heard Ava fuss for a short while (at about 12:30 a.m.) during our 8.5 hour drive. She woke up just as we got to our destination -- phew! We were sleepy, but managed to pull into a Cracker Barrel for some breakfast. We spent the morning/afternoon wandering around Pigeon Forge and exploring the Smoky Mountains. We got into our cabin just before 3:00 p.m. and my parents arrived around 5:00 p.m. Our first dinner was at Huck Finn's Catfish. It sure feels good to be back in Tennessee -- I love vacationing here!
PS - Ava is now a fan of waving. She waves to anybody and everybody -- even if they're not looking.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Happy Wedding Day to Dan and Brittany! It was a beautiful wedding and we have a lovely time. I'd also like to extend a special Happy Anniversary to my parents -- congratulations on 34 years of marriage! Later this evening we packed up our CR-V and began our road trip to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Our plan is to drive all night while Ava is sleeping.
Friday, June 20, 2014
We're at Dan and Brittany's wedding rehearsal this evening. Dan is standing up as a groomsman and both him and I will be reading scripture passages during the ceremony. We are very excited for Dan and Brittany and honored to be part of their day!
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Ava has learned a new trick -- sticking her tongue out. What a silly girl! This is the face I got to enjoy during my break from work. I love that I can visit with her while she is at Mary Jane's house.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Yikes! Check out those clouds. Earlier today was had some nasty weather at work -- including a tornado warning that required us to take shelter. Thankfully, everything is okay and I haven't heard of any damage. These storms are a reminder of how powerful God is.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Ava is 6 months today! She's 15, pounds, 13 ounces and 26 inches long. During today's 6-month check-up she got her third (final) round of three vaccination shots and one oral vaccination. Today Ava also had her 6-month photo shoot with Robb Davidson -- so much fun! Despite the heat, humidity, and her baby boo-boos from her shots earlier today, Ava was a champ at posing for some adorable photos. We are very excited to see the final product. Robb Davidson never disappoints!Monday, June 16, 2014
Her big day is almost here! Today I got to attend Brittany's personal shower. Only 5 days left until she walks down the aisle and marry's her best friend, Dan.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Happy 1st Father's Day to my wonderful husband, Dan! After opening his awesome metal pegboard kit from Ava, we surprised my dad by delivering breakfast and the custom painted bean bag boards -- which Dan painted. Dan took the existing bean bad boards and fixed them up. We also go him some Bears bean bags to go with his "new" boards. After church we all enjoyed lunch at Wild Fire.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Happy Birthday to our neighbors Sadie and Henry! After a super fun time at this kiddie birthday party, Dan, Ava, and I went to check out Dan and Brittany's new house.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Today was a BEAUTIFUL day! Ava and I did some grocery shopping at Whole Foods and Jewel, made a Starbucks run, and spent some quality time outside in the sunshine with Jetta. It was a good day for all.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Now this is a sight I like to come home to! Ava and I went to a worship leaders meeting at church and once we came home we found Dan cleaning the hard wood floors. Ava immediately joined in on the fun and helped her daddy clean.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
HBO GO is a pretty cool app on our Smart TV. Tonight we're watching R.I.P.D. It's okay. I was expecting it to be much funnier.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Today is Meg's last day at work -- her family is moving to Colorado because of her husband's job. We're saying "Best Wishes" to Meg with the help of chocolate and cheese fondue. Yum!
Monday, June 9, 2014
We're all slowly recovering from a busy weekend. Cuddle time on the couch, watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix is a great idea.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Looks like we might have a little volleyball player on our hands. Her and Daddy were already working on some drills this afternoon.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Congratulations on graduating high school, Devin! We had a great time catching up with friends and celebrating at Devin's graduation party. Here is Ava with the man of the hour.
Side note: Ava made her first attempts at crawling forward today! Her legs have the motion down, but her arms need a little more coordination. This is all very exciting for us!
Friday, June 6, 2014
Once again, God blessed our Annual Something from Jessie Spaghetti Dinner! It was a fabulous evening for all who attended. As always, I had a blast with the praise band as we wrapped up the evening with some energy-packed music -- giving all the glory to God.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Ugh. This evening got so busy that I totally forgot to snap a photo at church. This evening we set up the church for our Annual Something from Jessie Spaghetti Dinner (tomorrow). Everything looks great and we're super stoked about tomorrow's fundraiser. Well... I guess this photo will have to do. Here is a photo of Dan and I wiped out and ready for bed.
Side note: We have officially noticed Ava wave tonight!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Check out these stage lights! Tonight I met up with Jenny and her boyfriend, Matt, to set up Matt's lights for our Something from Jessie Special Presentation. So cool!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
My poor baby had a little fever last night. She has had a stuffy nose since Sunday, but today she is on the mend and helping me grocery shop. Honestly, whenever she's feeling a bit under the weather she always takes it like a champ. She's all smiles, eats on schedule, plays whenever she's awake, and hardly even fusses. She had a great time with me at the grocery store -- she tried to chew open this bag of chips almost the entire time.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Today is Emily's first day at work -- Welcome, Emily! In honor of her first day, Emily brought donuts to share with everyone. Yep, she'll fit in very nicely around here.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Baby's first Plush Horse experience! This afternoon we joined our neighbors Ryan and Nickie and their son, Connor, at Plush Horse for some amazing ice cream. I grew up going to Plush Horse and I am so happy to pass this childhood tradition down to the next generation. Yes, Ava got to taste some more ice cream.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Happy Baby Shower to our dear friends, Jason and Rachel -- Rachel is due to have a baby boy on July 21st. My mom and I got to attend this lovely shower at the Joliet Country Club this afternoon -- while Dan attended a 2nd birthday party for our neighbor's daughter (Hillary). Later this evening, Dan, Ava, and I met up at Cold Stone for ice cream with our dear friends, Dan and Brittany -- where Ava had her very first taste of ice cream. At first, her facial expression made her appear a little unsure about the ice cream (probably because it was cold), but she kept leaning forward and opening her mouth -- her way of asking for more.
Friday, May 30, 2014
This is how we have found Ava two mornings in a row. She goes down for bed on her back and wakes up on her belly. Time to clear her bed so she doesn't run in to anything.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
I caught this precious moment between Dan and Ava this evening. Lately, Ava has been interested in touching faces. She seems to be quite fond of her daddy's face.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
What a geek! Ha ha! Check it out... I got to try Google Glass while attending the Ellucian Illinois conference at Kishwaukee College. Definitely not within my budget, but still a pretty cool gadget.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Time to recover from a busy weekend. After work we watched a movie and enjoyed some ice cream -- so relaxing. Even Jetta got to have a taste of Dan's ice cream.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Happy Memorial Day -- a day to remember and thank those who have fought for our country. For the last couple of years we have spent Memorial Day at the Dixon home with our small group for a BBQ. Today was Ava's first Memorial Day and she was dressed in red, white, and blue for the occasion.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Today was Ava's dedication at Parker Road Bible Church -- the day we publicly declared our desire and commitment to share our family faith with Ava. It was such a blessing to have so many loved ones to share this special moment with.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Happy Graduation, Michelle!! My baby cousin is all grown up and done with high school. It was so nice to attend her graduation party today and visit with family and friends. After her graduation party, the seven of us (Mom, Dad, Dan, Ava, Kathleen, Brad, and myself) went to dinner at Public Landing -- always a good idea.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Brad and Kathleen are here! Woohoo! They landed very early this morning and will be with us until Monday evening. Ava, Jetta, and I went over to my parents house so we could all spend the day together -- Jetta was very happy to see her brother (Lovie). Once Dan got off work he joined the fun. It was so nice to sit outside and watch the guys play lawn darts in front of the house.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Mommy's happy shopper! After another band practice (this one was for Sunday's worship service), Dan and I went grocery shopping. Today was Ava's first time riding in the shopping cart -- and she loved it.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Time for another Something from Jessie band practice! Once again, Ava joined us as our little groupie. It was very nice of our dear friend (Linda) to join the fun and take care of Ava while we focused on our music. After a few tears, due to some minor separation anxiety, Ava quietly napped in Linda's arms. At the end of practice, Ava woke up super happy and I managed to snap this photo of Ava with one of my fellow vocalists, Jessica.
PS - Yes, I know it's hot outside. The thick, winter hat is to help protect Ava's tiny ears during the band practice.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
If you know me, you know I love a good coupon. I just used my $10 off Kohl's coupon to buy this darling 3-piece set for Ava. I was torn between this outfit and another, so I let Ava pick. She went for this outfit twice in a row. In case you can't read the receipt, it basically says...
Item Price: $24.00
Sale Price: $13.99
Coupon: $10.00
TOTAL (with tax): $4.31
SAVED: $20.01 (83% Savings)
Monday, May 19, 2014
This girl loves giving kisses! As you can see, sometimes she likes being silly when she gives kisses.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Today was Ava's first trip to the park. After Ava's not-so-well-received reaction to sitting in the grass, Dan and I took a stroll with Ava and Jetta to the neighborhood park. It was a lovely afternoon to be outside. Ava's first park activity was the swing -- and she loved it. She also got to go down slides and the teeter totter -- all while on Mom or Dad's lap. We didn't stay too long, but I'm sure we'll have lots of trips to the park in the future.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Congratulations to Danielle and Patrick!! Despite snow flurries (!!) and record lows the day before, Dani and Patrick still managed to have their wedding ceremony outdoors. It was a little chilly, but when the sun was out that certainly helped all of us stay comfortable. It was a lovely afternoon and evening celebrating with friends.
In other news, Ava is 5 months old! She weighs 15 pounds, 10 ounces and is 24 & 3/4 inches.
Friday, May 16, 2014
We had a lot of grocery shopping to do this evening. First we hit up Whole Foods, followed by Trader Joe's, and Jewel. Little Miss Ava slept the entire time.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Mmm... free lunch for the entire division! It sure is nice to feel appreciated.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
I can honestly say, this sight never gets old.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Dan is stuck at work this evening and Jetta is wondering where he is. She has been going back and forth between the front door and the back/garage door, looking for him. When she's not looking out the window, she's laying on the floor, watching the front door -- even though he comes through the back/garage door. Poop pup. Don't worry, he'll be home soon.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Ava is ready for her close-up. Dan got her dressed this morning, complete with fun, girlie accessories.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Today was my first, official Mother's Day -- as Ava's mom. It was a wonderful day! Now, if I can only be half the mother my mom has been for me and my sister, my children will have an amazing life. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, soon-to-be moms, furbaby moms, moms at heart, and step-moms. I hope you all felt blessed today!
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Happy Birthday to my father-in-law, Dan!! Today, Dan, Ava, Jetta, and I took a day trip to Wisconsin so we can celebrate his birthday. While we were there, we had a mini photo shoot for cousins, Gwen and Ava. Gwen was loving the attention and Ava (who normally loves the camera) was a little fussy. Okay, I guess she just woke up from a nap, so maybe that had something to do with it. Still, Dan managed to capture this cute image of these two cuties.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Tonight we are dining at Front Street Catina with our dear friends, Jason and Rachel. Here's Ava hanging out with the mom of her future boyfriend -- due July 21st. Well, when we say "boyfriend", Dan playfully explains that he is a boy who will be her friend. Ha! So silly. Ava is a daddy's girl, that's for sure.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Ava didn't stay a awake for our last Young Adults meeting of the spring. She slept through the entire movie, Fireproof.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Unstoppable band practice for the Something from Jessie Spaghetti Dinner! Even our little groupie, Ava, was in attendance -- she cuddled with Dawn most of the time. Per usual, it was a great time and we got a lot done, despite a broken guitar string and a missing vocalist. This guy comes the furthest (1+ hours) to jam with us and he does it all with a servant's heart. Thank you, Jake! You're such a blessing.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Tonight, we're working on some more homemade baby food for Ava. As you can see, Ava is supervising her father while he peels tiny purple potatoes. After we steamed the potatoes I gave them a whirl (before I pureed them) and I found them to be quite tasty. I hope Ava enjoys them too!
Monday, May 5, 2014
Today we dined on Mexican food in honor of Cinco de Mayo. Ava joined in the fun and tried avocado for the first time. She wasn't exactly thrilled, but she enjoyed it a lot better then broccoli -- now that was a disaster.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
It's been a full weekend, but I'm very grateful that I got to enjoy a Sunday afternoon cuddling with Ava -- which made me grateful I didn't have to go to work after church. Today Dan also continued working on fixing up our landscaping (while I cuddled with Ava), we enjoyed small group at our house, and wrapped up the evening by giving Ava a bath. Tomorrow is Monday and we're all wishing the weekend had just one more day. Oh... and by the way, Happy Star Wars Day! May the fourth be with you.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Spring cleaning (me = inside, Dan = landscaping), our first Derby Party, playtime with Ava, and lots of editing... it has been a fun-filled and productive day.
Friday, May 2, 2014
This little girl must've had a busy week. This evening, Dan tried picking her up from a nap to wake her for one last feeding. Instead of waking up she stayed asleep as she curled up in his arms.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Who? Who? Who has the cutest little owl pj's? Dan is at worship practice running a/v and we're just waiting for the Young Adults to come over so we can start watching Courageous... so we thought we'd take some selfies to pass the time. Ava looked at my phone for every picture. This girl must enjoy selfies.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Having Ava at daycare with Mary Jane (and so close to where I work) makes it easy for me to get some snuggle time during my break. Moments like these melt my heart.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
The wild and crazy weather continues! Today we got smacked with pea-size and some marble-size hail for several minutes while I was at work. I'm praying for those down south who have it much worse -- tornadoes.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Happy (early) Mother's Day, Carol/Mom/Nina! Carol came down on Sunday to watch Ava for us today. It sounds like her job was pretty easy today -- Ava napped for about 5 and 1/2 hours straight! I guess Ava's little case of the sniffles is making her extra sleepy.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Happy 1st Birthday, Zane! Today we got to celebrate the birth of a special little guy. Zane's Dr. Seuss theme party was cute and clever. In my heart, first birthdays are very special and I think Zane's parents did a lovely job at making it a fun and memorable day for everyone who came. Side note: Ava received her very first goodie bag from a child's birthday party. She may not be able to enjoy all of the contents within this adorable goodie bag, but we have saved this favor and placed it in her closet so she can enjoy it in the future.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
It seems like most days I'm the first one up and the last to go to bed. Today was one of those crazy, busy days... crown prep at the dentist (me), a trip to Oak Brook for some shopping at Pottery Barn and Pottery Barn Kids (while I still have my discount), worship practice at church, and lots of laundry at home. This isn't the most flattering selfie I've ever taken, but I think it expresses how I felt at the end of the day -- when I squeezed in a quick shower just before midnight.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Aubrey (Dan's co-worker) is moving to Nashville... sad! We'll miss her but we're happy we got to attend a "going away" party that was thrown by another PTL co-worker, Tammy.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Ava slept through the night beautifully, despite her slightly stuffy nose. She spent the majority of the day in her room with Grandma and Grandpa Koval -- and the humidifier. Our little girl was still hungry and happy, per usual. Then, after an evening of watching Blue Like Jazz with the Young Adults (Ava slept through the entire movie and then some), we went back into her room to hang out with the humidifier.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Hmm... Ava sounds a little congested this evening. Good thing she's scheduled for a nice, warm bath. This girl loves her bath time! After her bath her and I cuddled in her room with the humidifier and the scent of eucalyptus. I think it was a relaxing moment for both of us.
PS - The little scratch on her nose was discovered Easter morning. We believe she scratched it in her sleep. We're not sure how she managed -- she was wearing little mittens.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Ava shopped 'til she dropped this evening. Today we shopped at Williams-Sonoma and Pottery Barn to enjoy the final days of my discount.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
The Lord is Risen! The Lord is Risen Indeed! This is the reason why I worship God -- He sent his one and only Son to save me from my sin. On Good Friday Jesus Christ died on the cross to bridge the gap between me and God so that I can go to heaven. Today we rejoice because Jesus has conquered the grave and is ALIVE! Today is also Gwen and Ava's first Easter. We all went to Elmbrook Church with Dan's family to celebrate Christ's resurrection.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
After our third Something from Jessie band practice, I had the honor of photographing Devin for his senior photo session. I've know this guy since he was a little kiddo and I taught him in Jr. Church. Following Devin's photo session, Dan, Ava, Jetta, and I ventured up to Wisconsin for the weekend.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Today we honor one of the darkest days in history -- the day that love died. Today is Good Friday and it was such a blessing to honor my Lord and Savior's sacrifice for me at the Parker Road Bible Church Good Friday service. Today may be Friday, but Sunday is coming!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Ava is 4 months old! She weighs 13 pounds, 6 ounces and is 24 & 1/4 inches. During today's 4-month check-up she got her second round of three vaccination shots and one oral vaccination. She took everything like a champ -- with very minimal crying. Daddy was also there this time to comfort her during this brief discomfort.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Tonight was a low-key night for all of us. After spending the entire evening watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix (and napping through a few episodes), we had to wake Ava for her last bottle of the evening. After her bottle, a quick diaper change, and some cuddle time with Daddy, she went right back to sleep in her crib. Bless her sweet, little heart!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Last night's snow is still on the ground this morning. Ugh! Whoever is praying for snow, please stop! Even Dan (a.k.a. Mr. Snow) has even started praying for the snow to stop.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Today was Ava's first day at daycare with Mary Jane! I am so blessed to have our pastor's wife (mother of six) available to watch Ava for part of my work week. Mary Jane is close to work and very affordable. Mary Jane is such a blessing to my family!
Sunday, April 13, 2014
It's official, I've put in my two-week notice for Williams-Sonoma -- actually, I gave my noticed just before I left for California. As of right now, I will be off the schedule starting Monday, April 28th. However, since I do not appear to be on the schedule for the duration of my employment, today just might be my last day. It's been a great run (2006 and 2007 as a seasonal employee and 2008-present as a core employee), but I look forward to having my weekends back and more time with my family.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Tonight Ava, Dan, and I got to celebrate my dear friend Debbie's 50th birthday! It was fun spending the evening with some of my favorite (former) co-workers.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Tonight we picked up three blu-ray combo packs movies from Best Buy (for about $6 after we used our Best Buy Rewards). Ava went to sleep rather early so Dan and I made an attempt to watch Fast Five. Yep, that didn't last too long... we both fell fast asleep.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Yikes! This isn't the best sight to see on the drive home. Hope everyone is okay! I think a local plant is on fire.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Ava has earned her ears! She's truly a little Mouseketeer and this photo makes it official. Too bad it's time to go home. Don't worry, little Minnie Mouse, we'll be back.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Today was my last full day of Ellucian Live and I think I have lots of ideas (and notes) to take back to the office -- it's been a great conference. This evening the four of us drove to The Grove and Universal City Walk for an evening of shopping. Below is a photo from The Grove -- Ava seems to enjoy her lighter clothing in this warm weather.
Monday, April 7, 2014
After another full day of Ellucian Live, the family and I headed to the beach! Our first beach was Newport Beach (followed by Huntington). While at Newport Beach, Ava got to dip her feet in the cool ocean water and feel the wet sand squish between her toes. I had the honor of dipping her in the water for the very first time and after a tiny shock from the cold temperature, Ava absolutely loved feeling the water wash over her feet and watching the tide come in and out. This photo of her and Dan captures her awe so beautifully!
Sunday, April 6, 2014
This is why we're in California... I'm attending the Ellucian Live Conference with 8,500 attendees who also work in education. The opening session was fantastic and I've been enjoying the smaller sessions that I got to attend -- I'm so pumped! After my first day at the conference I got to meet up with Dan, Ava, and Stefanie at Downtown Disney. I could get used to this.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
On Saturday, April 6, 2013, Dan and I found out that Ava was on her way. Today (almost a year later), we're here at Disneyland with our sweet baby girl and it has made this trip to Disneyland even more magical. Don't let this photo fool you. Ava may be asleep but she has been awake for most of the day and has been loving her first Disneyland experience -- and for the record, her very first ride at Disneyland was Dumbo the Flying Elephant. Since we had park hoppers, we also got to venture over to Disney's California Adventure park for part of the day. Aside from the rides, shows, and delicious food, we've also been enjoying the 70's and sunny weather.
Friday, April 4, 2014
California, here we come! Today is Ava's very first plane ride and she did great. She got a little fussy when she was tired and hungry, but she calmed down quickly each and every time. Praise God!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
While Dan and I saw God's Not Dead with the Young Adults, our dear friends, Dan and Sue, watched our sweet, little Ava. While we were at the movies, (my) Dan got images of (the other) Dan getting his bird to sing -- and Ava loved it! Such a sweet blessing.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
After Dan, Ava, and I ran out to do some light shopping, Ava and I had another Skype date with Aunt Kathleen! Lovie even made an appearance and sang "Hakuna Matata" to Ava.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
It's time to start packing! We leave for California on Friday -- I'm attending a conference for work and Dan is tagging along so I can continue to nurse Ava. This will be Ava's first official plane ride. I flew quite a bit while I was pregnant with her, so hopefully she's comfortable with flying.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Dan and I were very grateful that his mother came down from Wisconsin to help with Ava while he is sick. After caring for Ava all day (while Dan and I were at work) and before she went home, Carol, Ava, and I went to Chic-fil-A for dinner -- and yes, even though Dan stayed home in bed, I brought him some home for dinner.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
After a rough night and a rough morning, there were some positives about today. (1) Ava got a new jumper from Grandma and Grandpa Koval -- this girl loves to jump and be active. (2) Grandma Nelson/Nina has come down from Wisconsin to stay the night and offer some help while Dan is sick. (3) Ava and I got to Skype with Aunt Kathleen and Lovie. Oh, and by the way, don't get excited about the ultra sound photos in the background, those are Ava's.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Dan isn't feeling any better. In fact, he's losing his voice and just sounds awful -- poor guy. Ava is her usual happy self. She actually took a 4-hour nap today! We got to cuddle in bed like old times. Oh how I've missed moments like these.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Ek! Dan is sick and stayed home from work today. After visiting a medical clinic he found out he has a nasty bug and is contagious. He'll spend the next couple of days in quarantine (our bedroom) until he gets better. I've moved into the guest room and Jetta is helping me get settled.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
My iPad arrived at work today! I' especially looking forward to using this at the Ellucian Live Conference. Last year I used my iPhone to take notes -- this iPad will be much easier to type on.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
After calling Uncle Brad to wish him a very happy 28th birthday, the four of us cuddled on the couch and I made my second attempt to watch Now You See Me -- via HBO GO (currently still free). Yeah, I fell asleep again (we all did), but at least this time I saw some scenes that I missed the last time I fell asleep -- including the ending.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Ava isn't the only new baby on the block. Tonight we got to meet Nickie and Ryan's sweet baby, Connor (born 2/11/14). Take a look at the future Class of 2031!
Monday, March 24, 2014
Surprise! Dan and Ava came and surprised me at Williams-Sonoma! Their timing was perfect, I was just telling one of my managers how much I miss Ava when I have to go from one job to the next -- and don't get to spend any real time with her. This special visit brought tears of joy to my eyes and made my long work day so much easier.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Today was Ava's first time in the church nursery. She was so brave! Okay, Ava slept most of the time... Mommy was the brave one here. In other news, I got a (belated) 5-year anniversary gift from Williams-Sonoma. Belated because it arrived while I was on maternity leave and I just got it tonight.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
We all had an eventful day! First, Ava and I went to the Parker Road Women's Breakfast at the Harris home with my mom while Dan and my dad set up my parents new TV and brought the air hockey table to our house. Later that evening Dan, Ava, and I went to Dan and Brittany's wedding shower -- where Dan and I won a "newlywed" type game that tested how well we knew each other. Cheers to the soon-to-be bride and groom!
Friday, March 21, 2014
After picking up my parents new TV, we decided to have some dinner at Go Roma. Yum!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
I'm about to get my worship on! Tonight I'm back on the worship team as a vocalist -- I'll be back as a leader next month.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
No iPad yet, but I got my iPad case and keyboard at work today.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Everyone may be seeing green today (since it's St. Patrick's Day), but I'm seeing pink. Hott pink to be exact! Some of my Williams-Sonoma co-workers got me hott pink Uggs in honor of Ava. What a sweet surprise!
Sunday, March 16, 2014
We have a new Samsung 60" LED Smart TV! Special thanks to the Parker Road guys who helped Dan get it up on the wall after small group.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Baby's first trip to get the family taxes done. She's obviously thrilled. Up next, Something from Jessie band practice and then sushi with Jake. Those events might be a more exciting for her.
Friday, March 14, 2014
My car is finally getting washed! It felt so good to watch the bubbles clean up my car.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Ava makes her first attempt at sleeping in her crib at night. I'm surprised she was okay with being swaddled -- she hasn't been a fan of this for a while. She made it most of the night but wanted to eat at about 2:30 a.m.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
The temperature was actually 57 a moment ago, but I waited until I wasn't driving to snap the photo. We need more warm days! I am so done with winter.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Today is my first day back at work. I'll let you in on a secret, I'm not as thrilled as I look in this photo. However, knowing my parents are home with Ava makes the transition so much easier! Thank you to everyone who has been praying for me. Your prayers are certainly working!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
One of my Williams-Sonoma co-workers got Ava a gift. I work with so many sweet people!
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Grandma/Nina and Grandpa Nelson love having both of their granddaughters over for a visit!
Friday, March 7, 2014
We made it to Wisconsin for the weekend! Ava has amazing cuddle skills and we're capturing the proof.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Ava and I decided to join Daddy for lunch at work -- since my maternity leave is rapidly coming to an end. He was very happy to see us!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Daddy is home!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Somebody has taken a liking to Sophie the Giraffe -- even if it's only for a little bit here and there.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Tonight one of my managers (Moriah) ordered us pizza to enjoy while we worked. Mmm!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this girl gets comfy in the weirdest of ways. Oh how I love her!
Saturday, March 1, 2014
We made it to March and, sadly, my maternity leave is almost up. What do Ava and I do to savor this time together? We cuddle!
Friday, February 28, 2014
Little Miss Ava just wants to be held today. Once again the Moby Wrap has come to the rescue! While I cleaned up the house (preparing for Fancy Nancy's visit), Ava was all snug as bug in this cozy wrap.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Ava and I are on tour, so to speak. This morning Ava woke up in a very happy mood, so we decided to spread the love. Our first stop was PTL to surprise Daddy with a grande caramel macchiato from Starbucks -- yes, he was very surprised and quite happy to see us. Next we made our way to JJC to visit my co-workers. Ava got quite hungry during this visit, but thankfully she has lots of sweet ladies who wanted to help feed her her bottle. Our last stop was a trip to the fertility clinic that gave me the medical support I needed. They wanted us to visit, so since we were passing by we did just that. Below is a photo of Ava with Jennifer and Dr. Springer -- they loved meeting Ava! By the way, our timing was perfect. We got to see everyone who helped take care of me and their were no patients waiting.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
We had another visitor! My former co-worker, Nancy, stopped by with some lunch. Her and Ava got along beautifully!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
It's Batbaby! Today we got to surprise Daddy with this adorable Batgirl costume that we picked up at Target with Grandma Koval the day before. Dan loves his surprise!
Monday, February 24, 2014
Today Ava, Jetta, and I are heading to my parents' house so I can sort through some of mine and Kathleen's toys. On the ride there, Jetta insisted on riding in the back with Ava. I snapped this photo while at a stop sign.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
It's time for some lunch after church and today we are dining at Mimi's Cafe. Yum!
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Another Redbox freebie, so we rented Runner Runner. In other news, Ava has started cuddling with her blankie bear. So stinkin' cute!
Friday, February 21, 2014
Tonight we had dinner at one of our neighbor's house so we could hang out and they could meet Ava. Ava loves making new friends!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Today, Ava and I got to meet up with Fancy Nancy for some Starbucks and girl talk. We had a blast this afternoon!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
I got on the treadmill today and it felt amazing!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Sometimes Ava won't take her afternoon nap unless I nap with her. I'm going to cherish these naps forever!
Monday, February 17, 2014
Ava is 2 months old! She weighs 10 pounds, 9 ounces and is 22 & 3/4 inches. During today's 2-month check-up she got three vaccination shots and one oral vaccination. She took everything like a champ -- with very minimal crying.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Gotta love this freebie from Victoria's Secret! It's a full-size bottle of body spray.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
I was honored to host this month's Parker Road Women's Breakfast at my home this morning. I love having these ladies over!
Friday, February 14, 2014
We have a guest with us this morning. Little Zane is here and it looks like he and Ava are each other's very first Valentine's Day dates. Later today Ava and I had lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Koval at Public Landing, then Jenn and Nick came by to watch Ava so Dan and I could go out to Olive Garden for dinner.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
During this VERY cold and snowy winter, I am so excited to finally have a remote car starter on my car -- Dan has one on his car too.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Ava got a Valentine's Day package from Grandma/Nina and Grandpa Nelson.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
A quite night in and we're watching the new Lego movie.
Monday, February 10, 2014
I sent a baby announcement to the fertility clinic I was going to and they sent back a lovely card and this onesie. Ava will wear it proudly -- once it fits.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
It's the 4th Annual Chili Cook-Off and Youth Group Bake Sale
Saturday, February 8, 2014
While Dan is skiing up north in Wisconsin, Ava and I had a visitor -- Debbie!
Friday, February 7, 2014
Free Redbox movie! Tonight we're watching Captain Phillips. We both highly recommend it!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
The Young Adults are over for our weekly meeting and Ava loves having so many loving arms that are willing to hold her.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Today is my first day back at Williams-Sonoma. Since I'm still on maternity leave, heading in to the store for a part of the day wasn't too bad. I did miss Ava though.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
It's time to edit Ryan's short film for his presentation. Jetta gets comfy with Ryan while our project exports.
Monday, February 3, 2014
When Dan comes home from work he loves to relax by cuddling with Ava.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
It's Superbowl Sunday and once again we have the youth group and young adults are our house to watch the big game! The Vikings may not be playing, but that didn't stop these three from wearing their Vikings clothes. Ava needs to hurry up and fit into her Bears clothes -- I'm clearly outnumbered here.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
More snow?! Say it isn't so! We are getting slammed with snow this winter. Thankfully one of our neighbors lets Dan borrow his snow blower anytime he needs it.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Let's shop! Ava and I met up with Grandma Nelson (a.k.a. Nina) at Gurnee Mills to do some shopping and lunch at the Rainforest Cafe. Later today we also got together with my parents and the Filas at Melanie's house in honor of Jessie's anniversary. Both Ava and Zane are new to this annual tradition.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
We met up with Grandma and Grandpa Koval to visit Jessie on her 14th anniversary. This was Ava's first time meeting one of her namesakes -- the Lee in LeeAnne is for Jessica Lee Troyer. It was very cold, so we didn't stay long. Afterwords we all went to my house to bake gingerbread cookies.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Ava thinks her daddy's soft robe is perfect for cuddling.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Another rough day. Only a month old and this girl doesn't seem to like Mondays.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Once again, a pat on the back and Ava is fast asleep.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
We're filming at PTL! Ryan (center) has a presentation coming up and Dan and Jeff (right) are going to help illustrate Ryan's presentation.
Friday, January 24, 2014
I'm not sure what these two are thinking, but I sense a lot of playful mischief in their future.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
The look that says, "We're not really going to get out of bed, right Mom?". No sweetie, we're not.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Melanie came by to bring us dinner and to spend some quality time with Ava. We had a lovely afternoon together. Thank you for coming out in the snow to see us, Melanie!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Yum! White Chocolate shakes from Steak 'N' Shake... I look forward to these every winter.
Monday, January 20, 2014
More cuddle time with Daddy!
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Our chocolate drawer just got replenished with Fannie May Mint Meltaways. Thanks Dad!
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Ava and I attended our very first Parker Road Women's Breakfast this morning. Thank you to the Maui family for hosting this special gathering.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Ava is one month old! She weights 8 pounds, 2 ounces and it 21 & 1/2 inches.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Look at what came in the mail today! Thank you Horton family for these adorable blocks from Pottery Barn Kids!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Cuddle time with Daddy while he relaxes after a long day at work.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Grandma and Grandpa Koval are over for a visit and it looks like Grandpa has lots of cuties to cuddle with.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Today I finally picked up Ava's birth certificate (as well as a few copies) and since I was so close to work I decided to stop by for a quick visit. Ava was pretty fussy today, but she managed to meet a few of my co-workers.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Floyd and Ava get in some cuddle time at Parker Road. These two really love each other!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
This morning we drove home from Wisconsin so we could meet up with some friends. Dan's buddy (also named Dan) and his finance Brittany stopped by with some goodies for Ava.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Due to an unfortunate death in the family, Dan had some relatives in town for the funeral. While we couldn't make it to the service, we did make the trip up to Wisconsin to visit some of Dan's family.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Today is a good day to just stay in your pj's and nap -- so that's what we did.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
These two... so silly! Can't you just feel the love?
Monday, January 6, 2014
Our little Mouseketeer sporting her custom Minnie Mouse hat that was knitted by my dear friend, Carrie.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
More snow?! Yuck. At least we had some sweet, young neighbors who offered to shovel our driveway for free. It was a loooooong and tough job, so we thanked them with Fannie May chocolate and some cash. We appreciated the opportunity to stay inside and cuddle with Ava.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
It's never too late to celebrate the holidays with family. Today we got together at my cousin Caryn's house (on my mom's side) to celebrate Christmas. This was a lovely opportunity for Ava to meet some more family. Here she is with her Great Aunt Barbara -- my mother's oldest sister.
Friday, January 3, 2014
How does Ava like to relax? Sitting up and having her back firmly pat. It seriously puts her to sleep and here is the proof...
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Even when she's fussy I still love this girl. Today was a rough day.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
It's the last day of 2013 and we're in Wisconsin celebrating with Dan's sisters and our niece, Gwen. Ava and Gwen are ready to ring in the new year! Too bad the weather was too snowy -- it caused Mandy and Gwen to head home before the ball dropped.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Dad's first day back at work and already he has a special visitor. Ava was the talk of the office at PTL and she enjoyed all of the attention from Dan's co-workers.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Today was Ava's first real bath -- since the last of her umbilical cord has fallen off. Good news! Ava really likes baths!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
This evening we had a mini photo shoot with Ava. I haven't had a chance to edit them, but I thought this image was very sweet. Oh how I love her tiny feet!
Friday, December 27, 2013
Tonight's meal was brought to us from the Kledzik -- who also welcomed a little girl into their family almost a month before Ava (their 5th!). Two of the Kledzik girls joined their mom in dropping off our dinner so they could hold sweet baby Ava.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Today we received our first of many meals from the ladies of Parker Road Bible Church. Today's meal is courtesy of Inez -- homemade minestrone soup, side salad, and freshly baked rolls! Yum! We even had enough for leftovers.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
MERRY 1st CHRISTMAS, AVA!! Today we celebrated Christmas morning as a family in our home. Later, Grandma and Grandpa Koval joined us for a mini gift exchange and brunch, followed by an evening spent at Uncle Ron and Aunt Tamie's house with my dad's side of the family.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Dan's family (Dan, Carol, and Stefanie) came down from Wisconsin to spend Christmas Eve with us. That evening we exchanged gifts and later went out for dinner at Granite City. Today was also Grandpa Nelson's first time meeting his second granddaughter, Ava. Look closely and you'll see little Ava sleeping in the moby wrap her father is wearing
Monday, December 23, 2013
Dan's long time friend, Eric, and his girlfriend, Leslie, came down for a visit this evening so they could meet Ava. Both our baby and our "furbaby" took to them very quickly.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Today was Ava's first time attending a worship service at Parker Road Bible Church. She had some many loved ones eager to meet her and shower her with love.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Let the Christmas festivities continue! Today we had Christmas with my side of the family while my sister and brother-in-law are in town. First, we had Christmas morning at our house (complete with lots of generous gifts), followed by a second Christmas (and Secret Santa) at my Uncle Ron and Aunt Tamie's house.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Today we had a couple of visitors come by to see our little Ava. Our friend Michele and her son, Zane, stopped by to give Ava a little gift -- a "My First New Year's" onesie. Later that evening Ava went to her first Christmas party -- the Young Adults Onesie/Pajama party at the Buhle home.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Ava had her very first photo shoot from Bella Baby. Dan and I were very happy to purchase some gorgeous images from them -- below is one of my favorites. On this day we also got to go home! That evening, Ava got to meet Jetta, Aunt Kathleen, Uncle Brad, and Jetta's brother, Lovie.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
We are staying an extra night in the hospital so Ava's pediatrician can observe her one extra day -- since I tested positive for Group B Strep. We're all still a little tired from yesterday's events, so it was nice to be able to catch up on sleep here and there. I captured this beauty while I was cuddling with Ava.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
She's FINALLY here!! Ava LeeAnne Nelson was born at 11:25 a.m. She's 6 pounds, 12 ounces and 19 inches long. We're all doing well and absolutely in LOVE with our little girl. It's so hard to pick one photo for today, but I thought this moment with Ava (shortly after she was born) holding my finger and looking up at me is positively one of the best moments I've ever had in my life. Today, Ava got to meet her grandparents (minus Grandpa Nelson, who missed her by 30 minutes because he had to catch a flight), my friend Debbie, Aunt Stefanie, Aunt Mandy, Uncle Cale, cousin Gwen, and our friends Jason and Rachel.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Today is "eviction" day for our little girl. Tonight we checked in at Silver Cross and not leaving until we have our little girl in our arms. Our parents are here with us for some of the evening -- we spent most of it watching football.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Today is our church's annual Christmas Luncheon. I love luncheons at the church -- especially around the holidays.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Fresh waffles from our new waffle maker, a winter wonderland outside our windows, and we're watching Elf... what a fantastic Saturday morning!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Today is my last day at work before I go on maternity leave and the President's Holiday Gathering at lunchtime was a fun and festive way to wrap things up at work.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
It's our due date! Unfortunately we have no baby news to report. Instead, Dan and I spent the evening wrapping Christmas presents and topped it off with hot apple cider and ginger cookies.
Aww... wow! My parents came by tonight and dropped off lots of homemade freezer meals for Dan and I to enjoy once we're home from the hospital with our baby girl. Thank you, Mom and Dad!
Monday, December 9, 2013
Ugh! This is not how I was expecting to start the work week. Turns out a snow plow took out our 2-month old mailbox (as well as our neighbor's) last night. Thankfully we got our mailboxes replaced before the mail even came today.
Nothing exciting to report today... unless you're just as excited as we are that the nursery FINALLY has curtains. Not sure why it was so difficult, but we had the hardest time finding curtains to go with our decor in the nursery. We were tickled pink when we discovered these lovely curtains at the The Land of Nod on Saturday. It may sound silly, but it sure felt good to have them up tonight.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Despite the fact that I've been feeling pre-labor signs pretty strong all day (and basically since Thursday), nothing has happened (yet). Oh well, that just means Dan and I get to attend his work Christmas party at the Reel Club. It was a fabulous night! The food was delicious and the company was fantastic! Dan is blessed to have so many wonderful and friendly co-workers.
Friday, December 6, 2013
TGIF! We're spending the evening at home watching Christmas movies via Netflix and eating peppermint ice cream. Hmm... I hope Dan is finished with his ice cream because it looks like Jetta is helping herself to whatever is left.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Thanks to a special birthday gift from my dear friends Debbie and Nancy, I was able to enjoy a very relaxing pedicure at Coldwater Creek Spa in downtown Naperville. Thank you, my girls!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Tonight Dan hung up our Pottery Barn book shelves and his homemade mobile in the nursery. Step by step our nursery is really coming together.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
How do you get your husband to vacuum the whole house? Buy a new vacuum, of course! After our current vacuum unexpectedly broke on Saturday, Dan did lots of research before purchasing this new Shark vacuum. He was so excited to start vacuuming when he brought it home. I wonder how long this will last.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Dan is a natural! Look at how he put Jetta to sleep in his arms. How sweet!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
After Dan experienced a few hiccups in his crafting project, Carol stepped in to help her son with his crib mobile. I'm very excited to see the finished product.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Today we're celebrating Stefanie and Carol's birthdays. Among today's activities was a family wine tasting -- it was a blind tasting. Wine tasting isn't exactly pregnant-lady-friendly, but I still had a lovely time. We all had a great timr and this event has already been asked to repeat in the not-so-distant future.
Friday, November 29, 2013
After putting up our Christmas decorations, Dan, Jetta, and I made our way up to Wisconsin to spend the holiday weekend with Dan's side of the family. Part of the evening was spent teasing Jetta with this very large toy giraffe. Oh... by the way, I'm also 38 weeks along today.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving! Today we spent the holiday with my side of the family -- at my parent's house. Even though I was battling a nasty cold, I still managed to taste everything.
Monday, November 25, 2013
My co-workers threw me a surprise baby shower at work today! What a great way to spend a Monday. Thank you everyone who made this sweet surprise possible! You made my day!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
This is my first Sunday off from Williams-Sonoma while I'm on my maternity break. Jetta is showing me how to properly relax on Sundays.
Friday, November 22, 2013
I'm 37 weeks along today and considered full-term. On a side note, we also got cable today -- only because it's "free" due to a new contract agreement.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
An unexpected free (and delicious!) lunch at work makes a great treat.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
More crafting for Dan. He's been busy working on a custom crib mobile for the nursery. If case you were wondering, YES, I do enjoy having such a creative husband.
Monday, November 18, 2013
I got another Influenster freebie to test out! These full-size freebies really make my day.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
What better way to kick off the Christmas season than to participate in Operation Christmas Child! Our church collected 50+ boxes for this life-changing organization. I only wish we could be there when our child opens her gift box. To God be the glory!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Today we found ourselves at Dan's alma mater for the Men's Volleyball Alumni Match -- where alumni play against the current volleyball team. Among the alumni was Dan's best friend, Myk. It was fun to see Myk (as well as other players) back on the court. Oh memories!
Friday, November 15, 2013
Surprise! Dan's co-workers threw him a surprise baby shower at work and I got to join in the celebration. Dan, you sure have some thoughtful and creative co-workers. It was a wonderful event and Dan's co-workers really made us feel special. Thank you PTL!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
The pencil lamp has made it's way to the nursery. Next step, get a new lamp shade -- one that is less yellow.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Dan's latest nursery project: transforming a yellow pencil lamp into a powder pink pencil lamp. This pencil lamp was mine as a kid.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Jetta asks Dan if he wants to cuddle and/or play in the cutest way possible.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Happy Veteran's Day! Today I got to spend part of the day with my favorite Veteran -- my dad! This afternoon we enjoyed a nice lunch at Applebee's. In honor of my dad's service to our country my dad's meal was free -- thank you Applebee's! And a special thank you to all the men and women who have served or are currently serving in the U.S. military.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Today I went with Dan's sisters (Mandy and Stefanie) to celebrate Leanne's baby shower -- Leanne is due on Christmas. Leanne and Chris (Dan's cousin) are also expecting a baby girl.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Today we spent the day shopping and running errands with Dan's sister (Stefanie). I think the highlight for Dan was eating Rocky Rococo's for lunch at the mall.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Tonight we went out for dinner with our friends Jeff and Jen -- who are expecting a baby two weeks before us. I got so caught up in conversation that I forgot to take a photo while we were at Le Crepe. Oops! I guess here is the photo we took after dinner -- my 35 week photo. Now it's time to head up to Wisconsin to spend some time with Dan's family!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Jetta patiently waits to see if Dan will share some of his bagel with her. How can he say no to her sweet puppy eyes?
Monday, November 4, 2013
This evening we celebrated the life of a woman who has always been a BRIGHT light for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Anne Richards, thank you for always encouraging me, telling me how special and beautiful I was, and for being such a positive role model for all Christ-followers.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
The rest of our Pottery Barn Kids Larkin Hi-Lo Changing Table has arrived (11/2/13) and today Dan picked up our Pottery Barn Kids Sleigh Side Tables. The nursery is really coming together!
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Today, Dan and I got to see some of our most favorite people when we got together for a mini camp reunion. It was a blast and it really made me miss my summers spent at Phantom Ranch on summer staff.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Dan was surprised at work when his supervisor (Rebecca) called a company-wide meeting to present Dan with a BIG box filled with specially designed cake pops! Here is one of each design. Of course Dan brought some home for me to enjoy and they were AMAZING!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy H-A-Double L-O-W-Double E-N! I made it home in time to pass out candy to some adorable trick-or-treaters. Poor Dan made it home in time to pass out candy to non-creative teenagers looking to score our remaining goodies -- which he didn't cave and give them anything extra. Ha ha!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Finally! My caramel apple shake craving has been fulfilled! Thanks Dan! He picked up this special treat on his way home from work. Mmmm.......
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Ha! Sometimes I can't help but laugh at some of the freebies I get in the mail.
Monday, October 28, 2013
It's that time of year once again! Time to put together my dad's cross country DVD. Tonight we're capturing footage.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Yay! I get my own chair when working at Williams-Sonoma. These days my hips and feet can use the break. Although, nothing is swollen, I just get achy if I stand for too long.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Dan's sister (Stefanie) is staying with us this weekend and she spent the majority of her stay helping us get the nursery organized and prepped. Just look at this closet! All of the baby clothes are washed and organized in order of age. We also washed and organized sheets, blankets, bottles, pacifiers, etc. Stefanie was a HUGE help this weekend and we are very grateful for her willingness to help us out.
Friday, October 25, 2013
The first part of our Pottery Barn Kids Larkin Hi-Lo Changing Table has arrived. Yay!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
One of the new features of having insurance while pregnant... FREE breast pump! I got this outstanding, high quality Medela breast pump in the mail today. What a blessing!
Monday, October 21, 2013
I don't know what it is about today, but today just called for a Starbucks pick-me-up. This afternoon I used my break to go to Starbucks with my co-worker (Nancy). I enjoyed a Starbucks favorite: Pumpkin Spice Latte (decaf). It was delightful!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
It's been a long weekend and we're all a little tired from all the excitement. Cuddle time and Netflix sounds like a good idea to everyone in the Nelson homestead -- including Jetta.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
It's baby shower time! Today, Dan and I get to celebrate our baby girl with so many loved ones who have been praying for her, long before we were even expecting her. The whole day was a blessing and we are so excited to bring our daughter into such a loving and supportive family.
Friday, October 18, 2013
These guys are working so hard for mine and Dan's shower tomorrow at Parker Road Bible Church. So excited!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Acid reflux is a very typical pregnancy symptom for me, but today was extra annoying! Yep, I kept these antacid pills close by all day long.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Another unexpected package has arrived in honor of our baby girl! I get so excited waiting for Dan to come home so we can open these surprise gifts together.
Monday, October 14, 2013
UGH! Last night our's and our neighbor's mailboxes were victims of mailbox baseball. Yep, at about 8:30 p.m. I happen to be in our guest room when I heard a loud CRASH! BANG! outside our house. At first I thought someone just dropped something in their garage while working on a project. Next, I heard (and saw!) a pick-up truck speed off and still didn't think anything of it -- because I didn't see our mailboxes. Later that night at about 9:30 p.m., Dan got a text message from a neighbor saying he just noticed our mailboxes were completely wiped out! Sure enough, the damage was incredible. Dan spoke with our neighbor and later called the police to report what had happened. The next day (today), our neighbor replaced both mailboxes. At least we have friendly and supportive neighbors.
Today is Missions Sunday at Parker Road Bible Church! After hearing from some of the missionaries that Parker Road proudly supports during our worship service, we gathered for a wonderful "soup-luk" meal.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Dan and I love double-dates! Tonight we went out with our dear friends, Dan C. and Brittany, for dinner at bd's Mongolian Grill and even got to celebrate Dan C's early birthday. Check out his festive birthday hat -- courtesy of our waitress.
Friday, October 11, 2013
A lazy night in and catching up on last night's Grey's Anatomy... yep, sounds good to us!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Today, I got together with "the three best friends anyone could have..." (a.k.a. Debbie and Nancy) for dinner at Ariel's. While at dinner these two passed along my belated birthday gift along with the hilarious card. I love my girls!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Oh my! We got a package from Dan's aunt, uncle, and grandmother from Michigan (U.P.). It has been such a blessing to receive unexpected packages in honor of our baby girl.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Hmm... looks like another birthday celebration at work. Happy Birthday, Kathy!
Monday, October 7, 2013
The garage is still under construction but looking better and better each day! Today our friend (Jason) came by and helped Dan repair and install some old cabinets (thanks Aubrey!) so Dan could have a proper work bench. Jason even managed to get Dan a nice counter cop for on top of the cabinets. Dan is planning on painting the cabinets and making them black.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
The garage organization continues! Check out the Fast Track Dan installed for clean and easy storage. He bought his Fast Track with a birthday gift card from his parents -- gotta love practical birthday gifts when you're a home owner.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
I've known Alisha since we were in junior high. We both had a difficult journey getting pregnant, so it was a blessing to attend her baby shower today! What's even cooler is the fact that we're only 2 weeks apart -- Alisha is 32 weeks and I am 30 weeks.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Floyd was nice enought to come over for a second time to help Dan paint our garage. It's looking great so far! I'm very excited to have a clean and organized garage and Dan is looking forward to having a proper work space for house projects.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Dan is almost all caught up with Grey's Anatomy. It looks like I even got Jetta hooked.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
I just won a $5 Subway gift card through My Coke Rewards. This is (at least) my second time winning a Subway gift card through one of their games.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Our birthday coupons for a free medium beverage at Dunkin Donuts was about to expire, so after dinner Dan and I went out to pick up some tasty seasonal treats. Dan got an iced appled cider and I got a salted caramel hot chocolate. Both were amazing and delicious!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
She's here! At about 1:30 a.m. our niece, Gwen Louise Anderson, was born -- on her due date, might I add. Dan and I drove back to Wisconsin to meet this precious babe and to congratulate the happy (and tired) parents. Just by looking at this photo you can tell Dan is a natural.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Our family is about to add another family member! Dan's sister (Mandy) went into labor this morning. Dan and I made the trip up to Wisconsin is hopes of meeting our niece but it looks like we'll have to come back tomorrow. In the photo you can see Mandy's room slightly lit up -- top left corner. Just before we headed home Dan and I took Mandy's husband (Cale) out so he could get some dinner. Cale decided to eat his meal in the parking lot so he could get some air. As long as the room looked dim we could assume nothing exciting was happening.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Tonight Dan and I are having dinner at Emmett's with some of his co-workers. It was supposed to be a send-off party in honor of a co-worker (Candice) who will be starting a new job soon, but she got called away to a family emergency. Still, everyone managed to get together and the focus shifted onto Kayla's 29th birthday -- the girlfriend of a co-worker. Happy Birthday, Kayla!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
This unexpected treat was a delicious splurge! It's banana cake with creamy (amazing!) chocolate frosting topped with a chocolate cover strawberry. This fancy cake was leftover from an event (I don't know what) at work. Thank you for sharing your leftovers!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Today I'm exercising my couponing skills. After dividing my purchases at Walgreens, I managed to buy $114 (pretax) worth of products for $45.02 (including tax). That's a savings of $68.98 -- and then some, since I would've paid more in taxes if my grand total was higher. I love it when I save more than I spend!
Monday, September 23, 2013
SURPRISE! I got a special delivery from Dan's dad, mom, and sister (Stefanie). In this lovely wrapped gift was a long-sleeve Bears maternity shirt! I didn't wait a minute, I put it on right away and it fits great. Thank you Dan, Carol, and Stefanie! Go Bears!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Now here is a sight I love to see after work... Dan massaging my feet! Plus, he offered all on his own.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Happy 40th Birthday, Brian!! I am so glad we got to celebrate with you. Tasia, you throw a fantastic party!!
Friday, September 20, 2013
I'm 28 weeks today! Only 12 weeks to go. I've got this.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Happy (belated) Birthday to my boss, Susan! Today, multiple department got together to honor Susan. I love being in a place where folks love to celebrate birthdays! There were so many goodies to enjoy.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Today I made apple pancakes with apple butter for dinner. Both came from The Apple Barn in the Smoky Mountains (Tennessee). Later I made pumpkin spice cookies for my boss' birthday celebration (tomorrow). I'm loving these fall-themed foods!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Dan is at the Blackhawks training camp/game this evening, so Jetta and I are having a nice, quiet evening at home. Together we played with her toys and cuddled on the couch watching Netflix. To make the evening even more cozy, I made some hot apple cider.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Only a few short days ago, Dan's dad invited me, Dan, and Dan's brother-in-law (Cale) to join him for the Bears vs. Vikings game at Soldier Field. The weather was rainy virtually the whole time, but we still managed to do some tailgating and enjoy the game. I'm a Bears fan and Dan is a Vikings fan -- so we had fun teasing each other. It was a very close game, but the Bears managed to win by 1 point when there was only 10 seconds left in the 4th quarter. What a game!
Saturday, September 14, 2013
The weather has certainly cooled off these past couple of days. Poor Jetta is already missing the heat. She was walking around the house shivering so we put one of her little sweaters on her. Later she rang the bells by the back door (asking to go outside) and when I let her out all she did was sit in the grass and enjoy the warm sunshine. She looked so content. It was darling!
Friday, September 13, 2013
Dan called me on his way home from work to invite me out on a date. Our destination? Red Lobster for their endless shrimp special! Naturally we went with a coupon, but the real bonus was the fact that our super-awesome waitress sent us home with more than enough leftovers for (at least) two more meals. Mmmm... I think I know what we'll be having for lunch tomorrow.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
The Young Adults are back in session! Nick and Jetta are still working on some unfinished business... he's still attempting to get the "leg of approval" from Jetta. Good luck, Nick!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
12 years later and the long, drawn-out sounds of emergency sirens still brings me back to the events of September 11, 2001. Today, at work, we had a memorial service to remember the lives that were lost on 9/11.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
It's HOT today! I don't know what the high was, but this afternoon Dan's car was reading 99°! It's days like today that I am very grateful for central air conditioning.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Happy Birthday to my co-worker, Rosa! Celebrating a birthday is a great way to start the work week.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
I'm home from work and ready to relax on the couch. Looks like Jetta and I are on the same page. Jetta is already loving her new chew sticks.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
It's HOT outside today! The weather worked out nicely for our annual block party. We live on such a friendly street and it's events like these that make me especially happy God brought us here.
Friday, September 6, 2013
HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY, JETTA! In honor of her birthday, Jetta got to enjoy some of her favorite things. She got some peanut butter in the morning and once Dan and I got home from work we took her for a car ride to PetSmart (for some birthday goodies) and then to McDonald's for some ice cream. Who knew even dogs get freebie coupons for their birthday? Thanks PetSmart! The chew sticks were her freebie -- thanks to her birthday coupon. They're big, so hopefully she'll take a while to go through them. When we got home we gave her one more gift, the unstuffed fox -- replacing the unstuffed squirrel she loved (and destroyed). Happy 1st Birthday to Jetta, Lovie, and their brothers and sisters!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Bottoms up! Time to check and see if I have gestational diabetes.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Dan is playing football on our PS3 (Bears vs Vikings) and Jetta is supporting her daddy by wearing her custom Vikings jersey. Hmm... Maybe I should go put on some Bears gear.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
After an unexpected morning at the vet with Jetta, we still managed to get home in 10 hours -- just in time for Dan to do his second (and final) fantasy football draft of the season.
Monday, September 2, 2013
It's Labor Day and I'm celebrating by lounging on Kathleen and Brad's couch with Jetta and Lovie snuggling beside me. Kathleen had to go to work for a little bit and the guys are working on some fancy, new bean bag boards.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Jetta and Lovie are having a blast playing together! They put playtime on hold when they noticed Kathleen was eating some lunch. Who can resist these cuties? Of course Kathleen shared her finals bites with both of them.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Dan, Jetta, and I are on the road today. Our final destination is Moorhead, Minnesota to visit my sister (Kathleen), Brad, and Jetta's brother (Lovie). I picked up some Jimmy John's for Dan and I before we left and wanted to wait until 5:00 p.m. to eat my sandwich. It was 4:30 when I caved and gave in. #babywins
Thursday, August 29, 2013
I just back from doing some decoration shopping with my mom and our church friend, Kay. We were shopping for decorations for mine and Dan's upcoming baby shower. Once I got home I enjoyed this delcious Goose Island Orange Cream Soda -- a great way to wrap up a wonderful evening.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Today is my 31st birthday and I felt extra special all day long. I got lots and lots of Facebook posts and messages, text messages, and phone calls from family and friends throughout the day. My co-workers got me a chocolate cake and some other goodies to enjoy during our lunch break -- and they even sang two birthday songs to me. After work, Dan surprised me with fresh flowers and Goose Island Orange Cream Soda (yum!). That evening Dan and I dined at Wildfire and came home to relax with Jetta and watch some Netflix. It was a wonderful day! Thank you to everyone who helped make it such a great day!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
The Director of Human Resources baked these delicious desserts in honor of the first week of fall classes. These sweet treats were a lovely distraction from all the busy work.
Monday, August 26, 2013
After work Dan and I met up at Jason and Rachel's house for some pool time. Next, the four of us walked to rq! BBQ for dinner (yum!) and wrapped up the evening with a ride in Jason's bronco. I love summer!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
How do I sum up our last day in Colorado with one photo? Easy... I made a little collage with InstaCollage. First, I got free Starbucks for my birthday (Mocha Cookie Crumble Frap, Venti). Next, we had breakfast at Snooze with Myk and his friends. Then, as an extra fun feature (for Dan anway), Dan and Myk played volleyball at Washington Park with some of Myk's friends. I spent the afternoon watching everyone play volleyball as I relaxed in the shade and listened to some of my favorite tunes. It was a great way to wrap up our stay in Colorado. We maxed out our stay by taking the last flight back to Chicago -- we landed at Midway at 1:10 am Monday morning (totally worth it).
Saturday, August 24, 2013
This morning we met up with my Uncle Ed at Mimi's Cafe for breakfast. The three of us had a lovely time catching up while we dined on a delicious breakfast. After breakfast Dan and I spent the rest of the day watching Myk play in a sand volleyball tournament -- he and his volleyball teammate came in 7th place.
Friday, August 23, 2013
We made it to Denver, Colorado! Our stay may be brief, but we intend of making the most of our stay.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
After a long day of work (13+ hours), it felt good to come home to a PartyLite package waiting for me. Last week I order this lovely Falling Leaves Fragrence Warmer as part of a fundraiser for my dear friend, Tim Medendorp. It was an easy win/win purchase. I got something lovely for my home and my purchase will also help a friend in need.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
While I was working on a project in the office (a.k.a. the editing suite), Dan came in and started to help. While he was working on a list, Jetta sat on the floor and watched him. She sat and she watched him for a very long time. Then, she started inching closer and closer until she was pretty much up in his face. I guess she just wanted him to notice her.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Dan and I were delighted to share a free (birthday) movie with some of our dear church friends. Tonight we saw The Wolverine at Hollywood Blvd. If you sign up for Hollywood Blvd's emails then you'll get 8 free tickets to use during the month of your birthday -- everyone just needs to purchase one menu item. Actually, you'll get 8 tickets to use at Hollywood Blvd as well as their Hollywood Palms location -- so it's more like 16 free tickets. Who doesn't enjoy a free movie?
Saturday, August 17, 2013
And the birthday celebrations continue! Today we got together with Dan's family for a delicious meal, some birthday presents (for both me and Dan), and an amazing Heath ice cream cake from Dairy Queen! Dan and I are both big fans of DQ's Heath Blizzard, but out of the two of us Dan is certainly the #1 fan, so this dessert was fantasic! Thank you for the wonderful birthday celebration, Nelson family!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Happy 26th Birthday to my wonderful husband, Dan! He may be feeling under the weather (and actually took a sick day), but we still managed to make his birthday special. Today we ventured up to Wisconsin to be with his family for part of the weekend. On our way up the birthday boy made a special dinner request... Rocky Rococo Pizza! This is a childhood favorite for Dan and his family and it's not available at home. Once again, Happy Birthday Dan!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
How do I pick one picture to sum up the day? It was quite an eventful day. First of all, our crib arrived! We've still got more to get for the baby's room, but this is a great start. Then, later in the evening, Dan and I went out to Benihana for Dan's (early) birthday dinner. We had two generous birthday coupons to use and they could only be used Monday through Thursday for dinner. No biggie... we'll adjust our plans to save some money and have a nice dinner out. It was a great day! The only downside to the day is that Dan is sick with a nasty head cold. Feel better, birthday boy!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Dan got a new "toy" today! This brand new (in it's orginal packing and everything) Craigslist purchase has just multiplied his "Honey Do" list. I hope he's still smiling when he sees the list.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
After work, I came home and Dan surprised me with "just because" flowers. Isn't he sweet? Plus, they're my favorite color -- purple!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
My cousin Jessica, along with her husband Andrew and son Zach, came over this afternoon. After a delcious breakfast (lunch) at Honey Field Pancake House and Restaurant, Jess and I explored Babies 'R' Us and then met up with the guys back at mine and Dan's house. Little Zach got to meet Jetta and they shared some precious moments together. Jetta needs to get used to having a baby around, so Zach was a nice warm-up.
Friday, Augsut 9, 2013
Earlier this week I won some free tickets to see the new Disney movie Planes. We had no intensions on seeing the movie in theaters, let alone on opening day, but hey, the price was right.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Today at work we had a farewell luncheon to honor one of our student workers. Good luck at Illinois State, Bobbi! Enjoy your new comforter sets and gift card for your new apartment.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Jetta is supervising Dan as he makes another attempt at caulking. Thank you to everyone who offered some helpful tips! It was a slow process, but he got the hang of it and did a lovely job finishing the crown molding. Unless he finds any areas that he missed or needs touch-ups, I think he's done caulking.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Mmm... I've been daydreaming about waffles and Dan made it happen! He borrowed a waffle iron from a co-worker/friend to make me waffles. It looks like I'll have some leftovers for any future cravings.
Monday, August 5, 2013
I request so many random freebies that often I forget what I should be getting. After a long, hard day of working two jobs, it was nice to come home to this (surprise) full-size freebie.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Baby Nelly's room is really coming along. Our neighbor (Dan, pictured right) let Dan borrow some of his awesome tools and even helped install some of the chair rail and crown molding.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Today would be Jessie's 31st birthday. I wish she was still here so I could celebrate with her, but I rejoice in my heart knowing she is with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Happy Birthday, Jessie! Love and miss you lots! xoxo
Friday, August 2, 2013
Dan and I LOVE sharing the same birthday month -- BIRTHDAY FREEBIES! Tonight we're enjoying free food from Noodles & Company. Yum! If you sign up for email updates/newsletters from your favorite restaurants you can get some amazing freebies the month of your birthday. Since Dan and I were both born during the same month we get double the freebies -- all month long.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
We decided to let Jetta tag along while we run and get more paint for the baby's room. She didn't stop looking for Dan the whole time he was in Home Depot.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
More painting in Baby Nelly's room! This time we're sure we've got it. Here's Dan applying the fresh bottom coat of paint.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
I got a random coupon from Dunkin Donuts for a free medium drink. It was due to expire at the end of the month, so I used my break at work to cash in on this delicious freebie.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Two out of three poms are ready for Baby Nelly's room -- in case you missed our Facebook announcement, we're having a GIRL! These poms (an idea found on Pinterest) take forever to make, but they'll be worth it!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
On Saturday, July 27th we started painting Baby Nelly's room. Our goal is to paint the room two shades of gray. Instead... we got two shades of blue/gray. Ugh! We're gonna try this once again.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
After ice cream, Dan and I went with some of his co-workers to see a midnight showing of American Graffiti -- a classic. Technically, since we saw the movie at midnight it was now Saturday. It was fun seeing American Graffiti on the big screen. By the way, can anyone buy me a bottle of Old Harper, the hard stuff? I lost my I.D. in... in a flood.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Dan and I met up with some of his co-workers for some ice cream at Every Day's a Sundae. Dan has some fantastica co-workers! I really enjoy spending time with them.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Sadly, today is the day we all head home. On the plus side, Kathleen and I got to share our first flight home. We're pretty sure the last time we flew together was in January 1997 -- on our way home from a family vacation in California. Anyway... this extra time together was greatly appreciated. Thank you for making the flight arrangements, Brad!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Happy Birthday to my dad! While he is happiest when he's making others happy, we managed to squeeze a few birthday requests out of him. One of them was a trip up to Newfound Gap. A fine choice, birthday boy!
Monday, July 22, 2013
My first full day in Tennessee. We spent the majority of the day shopping and walking through Gatlinburg. It was a wonderful day!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
After two short flights I finally made it to Tennessee and met up with my parents, sister, and brother-in-law! I only got to spend a couple of hours with my brother-in-law (Brad) before he headed home to Minnesota. Still, even in that short time, he managed to make me smile and entertain us all. Yeah... you'll have to ask about what's going on in this picture, it's rather tricky to type out.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
I met up with my good friend (Nora) for breakfast/lunch at Blueberry Hill. I've been craving pancakes and so this meal really made me smile. Of course, spending some time with Nora was wonderful as well.
Friday, July 19, 2013
What did I tell you... Dan and I had lots of leftovers from our dinner at Maggiano's. The special we ordered came with an appetizer, two entrees, and one dessert to share -- plus, they also offer complimentary bread. The appetizer and bread was so filling we hardly touched our entrees (since we wanted to save room for dessert). We also got to pick two more (full-size!) entrees to take home! That's a lot of leftovers! So yeah, we enjoyed some tasty Maggiano's leftovers for dinner. Dan will be set for lunch/dinner the next couple of days while I'm away. Good thing he likes pasta. After dinner, Dan and Jetta were on their way to Wisconsin for the weekend.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Since we were in Oak Brook, Dan and I decided to have a nice dinner before we part ways for the next couple of days -- he leaves for Wisconsin on Friday (7/19) and I leave for Tennessee on Sunday (7/21). We dined at Maggiano's and it was simply delish! We also went home with LOTS of leftovers.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
It may be a long, 15-hour work day for me, but at least I get to sample some delcious frozen hot chocolate at Williams-Sonoma. Yum!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Today we had our "20 Week" ultrasound -- a little early since I'm 18 weeks and 4 days. This ultrasound is for doctors to get a good look at the baby's deveopment, but it's also when you can find out the gender of the baby (depending on his/her postition). The lady who did the ultrasound was very nice and she let Dan sit next to her while she examined Baby Nelly from head to toe. I couldn't see what we going on, but afterwards she showed me a few key features. Dan got to see the baby's 4 heart chambers, stomach, kidneys, etc. He also saw the spine, skull, femur(s), etc. The ultrasound tech said that Baby Nelly is developing beautifully and that his/her heartbeat is right on. The baby weights about 9 oz and is really taking shape. Oh, and yes, we did find out Baby Nelly's gender. Stay tuned!
Monday, July 15, 2013
It finally happened. Baby Nelly (nickname for Nelson) is starting to show. At 18 weeks and 3 days, I'm starting to grow a little baby pooch. Not in an obvious sort of way, but he/she is starting to make a few clothing items snug. During my break from work, I ventured to Target and checked out the maternity section and I didn't find much, but I found a black swimsuit top, to go with my black bikini bottom, that'll make me look like I'm wearing a one-piece without pressing hard against my belly. Apparently I'm a pretty small pregnant lady... because all the "small" swimsuit tops were big on me (around my belly). I guess there's just room for Baby Nelly to grow.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
After church my mom and I stayed for a baby shower for Baby Westergren. Unfortunately, I had to go to work and left before things really got rolling, but I managed to have lunch with some lovely ladies. Congratulations on your baby boy, Westergren family!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Dan and I had planned on going to the Taste of Chicago today, but after our morning walk with Jetta we decided it was way too hot to go -- especially since I'm pregnant. So instead, we opted for a cheap indoor activity. We went to the budget theater to see Furious 6. We got two movie tickets, a large popcorn (with coupoon), and a medium drink for less than one ticket to see a new movie. Score! Oh, by the way, we really enjoyed the movie.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Once again, I enjoyed my Friday off. I spent the day watching The Price is Right and Little House on the Prairie. I also napped,took Jetta for a walk, and soaked up a bit of sun. Later, I met up with Dan and his co-workers when they got off work. Together we walked to Emmett's for drinks/dinner/snacks. Dan has some really fun co-workers and I certainly enjoy spending time with them.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Fail. I meant to take a photo during our game night with Dan C. and his girlfriend Brittany, but I forgot. Ugh! I snapped this photo to remember the evening. I guess I was having too much fun to remember to snap a photo.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Today, I had the opportunity to attend the SkillPath Leadership and Teambuilding Conference. Just before Dan and I went our separate ways, I noticed that my conference was located very close to where Dan works -- about 10ish minutes. Since the conference wasn't supplying any lunch (a first for me) we took this rare opportunity to meet up for lunch. During my break, I drove to PTL to meet up with Dan. Together we picked up some Chicken Pad Thai and took it back to PTL where we ate in a cute, little dinning area. It was fun visiting Dan at work!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
After Dan had an intense game of racquetball with church pal (Will), Jetta still wanted to wear her daddy's stinky shirt. She sure looks up to him... and it's not just because she's short.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Once again, Dan and I wrapped up the day with Grey's Anatomy on Netflix (I think I got him hooked) and freeze pops. Jetta is playing the "I'm just so cute, you have to give me what I want" card while Dan enjoys his pink freeze pop. Dan sure has a hard time saying no to his girls -- Jetta got a tiny taste this time around.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
After work, I was perfectly content laying on the couch and watching some more Grey's Anatomy. Poor Jetta doesn't seem to understand why Dan didn't share his freeze pop with her.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
The celebration continues! Dan, Jetta, and I went to our friend Sarah's house for a 4th of July BBQ and another chance to see some amazing fireworks. One highlight of the day was seeing some of my beloved camp friends (Sarah and Kaylin). I sure wish we got to see each other more often.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Yay! Another day off for me! I spent the entire day watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix -- starting from the beginning. Jetta didn't seem to mind -- she cuddled with me virtually the whole time.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy Independence Day! Today we had two of Dan's co-workers (along one co-worker's girlfriend and their two dogs) over for a BBQ and game night. At about 9:00 p.m. the guys sat on the roof of our kicthen extension while Kayla and I sat on a couch in the soon-to-be baby's room with the pups. We watched lots of fireworks go off around our neighborhood for an hour. It was an amazing sight and Jetta didn't seem to mind the fireworks.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Today we're celebrating Lisa's birthday at work. Nancy is lighting the candles while we get ready to sing Happy Birthday to Lisa. Birthdays are a great excuse to bring in some goodies to work.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
After the village removed our dead parkway trees (without warning, without removing the stump/roots, and without putting in new trees), Dan took matters into his own hands. Today we went to Lowes and purchased two Cleveland Pear trees for $10 each! Our church pal, Devin, came and helped Dan remove the old stumps/roots, and plant the new trees. It turned out to be a much more difficult task than expected, but the guys managed to pull it off. As an added bonus, I had the day off a work -- and I didn't even request it off. Woohoo!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Dan and I took a day trip to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin in honor of our anniversary. While in town we had lunch at Egg Harbor -- always a fine choice. By the way, Dan likes coffee now. He discovered this not too long ago at another Egg Harbor restaurant close to work.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Our new couch arrived! We've got our family all decked out in our new decor and we love it. We got the extra couch space just in time for some company. Lynette, her husband (Matt) and her son (Luke) came to stay with us on their way to the UP.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
We're scheduled to get our new Pottery Barn couch on Friday (finally!), so Dan's co-worked (Ryan) came and took our current couch.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Today is mine and Dan's 4-year wedding anniversary! After work, Dan surprised me flowers and we enjoyed some of our (orignial!) wedding cake while we sipped sparkling grape juice and watched our wedding DVD. Tradition says we need to buy a gift of silk for the 4-year anniversary. Since we already bought a PB coffee table as our gift to each other, we picked up some French Silk ice cream to keep up with tradition. Clever, I know.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Dan and I are watching America's Got Talent while enjoying our favorite chocolate ice cream -- Premium Ice Cream Chocolate Lovers Triple Chocolate Cake by Blue Bunny. This is a great way to relax and unwind.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Happy 30th Birthday, Rachel! Dan and I joined our friends, Jason and Rachel, at Hollywood Blvd to see World War Z -- the movie was chosen by the birthday girl. The nasty (and dangerous!) weather delayed our arrival, but we all managed to make it on time to see the movie from start to finish. I'm not a big zombie fan, but this movie was quite entertaining. On a side note: Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup! Dan and I made it home in time to see the third period. Way to go, Hawks!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
I was in the mood for something sweet while working at Williams-Sonoma, so one of the managers let another co-worker bake some amazing cookies! These warm, fresh-baked cookies went perfectly with a cup of ice, cold milk. Yum! Not only were the cookies a great treat, we also had an amazing day in sales -- score!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
After a spontaneous trip to Madison, Wisconsin (for a discountiued coffee table from Pottery Barn), we made it home in time to attend Jeff and Jen's wedding reception backyard BBQ. Congratulations Jeff and Jen!
Friday, June 21, 2013
It's Pizza Friday -- a tradition that we haven't been keeping up with lately. No matter... today we're making homemade pizza!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
My latest VoxBox from Influenster -- the Sun Kissed Vox Box! Inside I got Olay Fresh Effects BB Cream, Sinful Colors ge nail polish (blue), Dr. Scholls for Her High Heel inserts, and Goody Ouchless hair ties. I'm looking forward to testing each of these products and sharing my findings.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Half price milkshakes at Sonic! Dan and I took a quick trip to Sonic to get some delicious shakes. I got strawberry cheesecake and Dan got hot fudge. Both were delicious!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Happy Father's Day to my father, Ken, and the father of my baby, Dan! I surprised Dan with breakfast in bed and some lovely port wine glasses he has been wanting -- which I got on sale at Williams-Sonoma (plus my discount). Later, after church, Dan and I took my parents out to eat at Bonfire and gave my dad his Father's Day gift -- his 8mm home movies on DVD (a gift from Kathleen and Brad as well). He was so surprised and he loves his gift!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Happy Father's Day to my father-in-law, [Mr.] Dan! My Dan is known as Daniel around his family so they can distinguish who is who. This afternoon we gathered at Mandy (Daniel's sister) and Cale's home for a Father's Day BBQ. Gotta love summer!
Friday, June 14, 2013
Dan and I took a trip up to Wisconsin to visit Dan's family. That evening we went to downtown Waukesha for dinner and roamed the streets during a summer festival. We saw this amazing saxaphone player (below) from a local church. Him and the bongo player were fantastic! Next, we went to see Man of Steel -- which was okay.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Today is a sad, sad, sad day at work. Debbie (left) is moving on to a bigger and better job and is leaving us. Debbie and I have gotten close through our jobs and I know I'll continue to see her outside of work... still, it won't be the same. I'll miss you, Debbie!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
There is a big storm rolling into town. I snapped this photo just as I was leaving work. The storm caught up with me when I was about 10 minutes from home. I heard sirens going off and even got hit with some hail. When I was about three minutes away from home it started pouring buckets and I could hardly see. It felt good to get home safe and sound!
Monday, June 10, 2013
This box of Hershey's Cookies 'n' Creme Premium Cookie Mix came in the mail today! Freebies like this really make my day.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
SURPRISE! Our church surprised our senior pastor and his wife with a special 25th anniversary luncheon. It was a lovely celebration!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
We attened Jessica's high school graduation party. It was a blast and we got to spend some quality time visiting with our church pals and well as newly weds, Adam and Tanyale.
Friday, June 7, 2013
There is NO doubt in my mind! This was, by far, the biggest and best Something from Jessie Spaghetti Dinner we've ever had! The gym was packed during the dinner, lots of people were hanging out outside, and during the special presentation they had to bring in extra chairs -- and there was still folks standing! It was amazing to have some scholarship recipients present and willing to share what they like about Phantom Ranch. I've never been so motivated to keep this scholarship going! To God be the glory! Thank you to the praise band for all your hand work. You guys were rock stars!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
After setting up at church for the Something from Jessie Spaghetti Dinner, my parents surprised me with some delicious cherries! Time to get out my spittin' cup -- for the pits.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Dan is finishing up some of the custom dessert stands -- just in time for the Something from Jessie Spaghetti Dinner on Friday. They're really coming along nicely!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Shortly after getting home, I had arranged for some builders to come and install our custom locker by our back door -- right by the garage. Thank you Gold Metal Interiors! You did a lovely job!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Today is our last full day in Florida and our last day at the Disney parks. By the end of the day, Dan and I each picked out a baby (6 month) outfit to take home. Since we don't know what we're having, I picked out a girl outfit and Dan picked out a boy outfit. Hmm... we wonder which one we'll need.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
We went to Cocoa Beach for the afternoon and on our way back we stopped to see my dad's side of the family, who just rolled in to Florida. We wish we got to spend more time together, but it was still neat seeing each other in Florida.
Friday, May 31, 2013
More fun at the Disney parks! I think the highlight of our day was dinner at the new Be Our Guest Restaurant at the Magic Kingdom.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Time for a BIG announcement! Dan and I are expecting our first Mousekateer in December! Praise God!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Florida, here we come! Our flight out of Midway was at 6:00 a.m. but we were still all smiles! Dan will be joining us later today -- once he is done with work.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Today got off to a really rough start, but I was happy that I got to end the day on a more positive note -- getting a mani and pedi before I leave for Florida!
Monday, May 27, 2013
Happy Memorial Day! A special thanks to all our veterans and troops who are still serving our country. While I enjoyed my BBQ with our church's small group (thank you Bill and Barb for hosting), I still haven't forgetten what this day is really about. Thank you to all our troops for your service!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Dan and I went to Chicago for one reason -- so Dan could shop at H&M. They have the best men's section and Dan was due for some new clothes. He found some great deals and we had a lovely time downtown.
Friday, May 24, 2013
This was a really rough work week for Dan, so he asked me out for a dinner date. Tonight we dined at Red Lobster. We each got the 4-course meal deal and needless to say, we were stuffed!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
I got free lunch at work today! Registration and Records treated folks to lunch as a way say "thank you" for helping with graduation -- I did some behind the scenes prep work. After my meal, I decided to snag two brownies to take home. JJC makes amazing brownies -- Dan and I are huge fans!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
At work, we hosted the Ellucian Illinois Conference. At lunch, Otto handed out some amazing door prizes (courtesy of our vendors) to conference attendees -- JJC employees were not eligible. He gave away gift cards, an Xbox 360, iPad Mini, and so much more!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Lunch at White Fence Farm? Yes, please! After church, Dan and I went to lunch with my mom, dad, Uncle Ron, and Aunt Tamie. We had a great time catching up! One good thing about White Fence Farm, the atmosphere and the food are always the same -- you can count on it!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Dan, Jetta, and I took a trip to Paw Paw to visit our friend, Jake. Jake helped Dan replace his brake pads and rotors while I caught up with Jake's mom (Diane) and got a tour of her barn yard animals. She has horses, a miniature horse, small donkeys, pigs, emus, ducks, chickens, rabbits, bunnies, a deer, and so much more! Later, Jake took Dan and I on a mini tour. Jetta joined us and did very well with the animals.
Friday, May 17, 2013
My church friend (Kay) hosted a Blessing Unlimited party at her home. My mom and I attended, as did many other women from our church. It was a lovely evening of girl time and shopping! Thank you to the Blessings Unlimited rep (Diane Nelson) for the fun-filled presentation.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Tonight was our last Young Adults meeting before we go on break for the summer. At the end of our meeting everyone had fun asking Jetta to "stay" as they laid a small guacamole chip in front of her. Below is a photo of her looking at Dan as if to ask, "How much longer are you going to make me wait?" What a good girl!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Today we're celebrating three birthdays at work. You know what that means... lots and lots of goodies!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Dan and I had to take a trip into the city to run an errand, but it worked out beautifully because we got to see my cousin (Jessica), her husband (Andrew), and their newborn son (Zach). Dan and I got to spend much of the evening chatting with our family and holding little Zach. What a cutie!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day! Today we took my mother to Mimi's Cafe for lunch where we showered her with some wonderful gifts -- including the always-popular Dunkin Donuts K-cups. Love you, Mom!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Our latest Something from Jessie band practice was a hit! The next time we practice it'll be the BIG day -- Friday, June 7th. Hope to see you there!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Time for some BBQ! Dan and I joined our friends, Jason and Rachel, for dinner at Smoky's in Joliet. It was delicious!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
A Williams-Sonoma co-worker, who just happened to stop in WS while I was working, treated me some delicious tea from Teavana! Thanks Mary Beth!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
We went over to our neighbors', Steve and Allison's house to watch The Blackhawks game. Hawks won! Good times!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Tonight, Dan and I made a copy cat version of Noodles and Company's Mac and Cheese and got a free Redbox rental, Django Unchained. It was a very violent movie, but was very well made. We both agreed it was worth seeing once.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
We had two celebrations with Dan's family this weekend. We celebrated Mother's Day and Dan's father's birthday. Happy Mother's Day and Happy Birthday to my favorite in-laws!
Friday, May 3, 2013
My in-laws were at a Third Day, Josh Wilson, and Colton Dixon concert. So while Dan went to a Blackhawks game (last-minute), my mother-in-law called me so I could listen to Colton Dixon live. It was distorted but I could tell he was singing "You Are". Thanks, Carol!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
We went to see a "Midnight" (9:00 pm) showing of Iron Man 3 with our usual church pals. When our list of "must-see" movies grows, it must be summer! By the way, it was a FANtastic movie!
Wednesday, April 30, 2013
My JJC friend/co-worker (Debbie) surprised me with this Minnie Mouse phone case for my upcoming trip to Disney World! Thanks Debbie!
Tuesday, April 29, 2013
Our new Pottery Barn rug for the family room has arrived! Jetta approves.
Sunday, April 27, 2013
Jetta got to meet Dan's grandmother while she was in Wisconsin, staying with Dan's parents. They got along nicely -- especially since Grandma Nelson let Jetta steal a few chips from her.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Dan's sister (Stefanie) came down for a visit. We took her to a local Chinese/Japanese restaurant (Asian Harbor) and then to The Plush Horse for some ice cream.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Since it is National Infertility Awareness Week, Dr. S's office had lots of snacks and goodies when we stopped in for an appointment. I even left with a lovely sunflower. How sweet!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Time to test out my new treadmill! So excited!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
I left work early so I could be home to accept this exciting delivery -- my treadmill! Dan and I used our Best Buy gift cards and rewards to purchase this fabulous treadmill -- with special thanks to Viggle for the gift cards and Best Buy Reward Zone for the rewards, via Facebook surveys. In the photo below, Dan has just finished assembling the treadmill and is reading up on it's functions.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Thank you, Influenster and Ivory, for this full-sized Ivory 2 in 1 hair and body wash. I'm ready to test it out and share my thoughts -- as promised to Influenster.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
We bought tickets back in (I think) November 2012 to see comedian Jim Gaffigan at The Chicago Theater. After many months of waiting, our moment had finally arrived! Dan and I went to see Jim Gaffigan with our friends Jason and Rachel. It was hilarious from beginning to end! If you have Netflix, look him up to watch a full stand-up performance. I'm sure YouTube will have plenty of Jim Gaffigan clips for you to enjoy. If you're a Jim Gaffigan fan, you'll be happy to hear he did mention Hot Pockets. "Hot Pocket!" - Jim Gaffigan
Thursday, April 18, 2013
We celebrated two birthdays at Young Adults tonight. Happy Birthday, Nick, and Happy (belated) Birthday, Mikaela!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
After a long and busy weekend, free Redbox movies were a great way to wrap up the weekend.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
It was an eventful day at the Dare 2 Share: Follow conference. We heard from speakers Greg Stier and Zane Black. Moral One was a speaker and musical talent as well. Everfound took the stage as did the Colorado Christian College drama team. We had an opportunity to reach out to the community and make an impact for Christ. It was a wonderful and meaningful day! One of our students (Meagan) got to share a special moment with Greg Stier after the conference. He listened carefully as she thanked him for his words of wisdom at the conference and shared her personal testimony.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Day 1 of the Dare 2 Share Conference entitled Follow. This year's musical talent was four brothers from Russia who make up the band Everfound. They put on a great show and are very humble about giving God all the glory.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Dan and I will be attending the youth group Dare 2 Share conference Friday through Saturday, so we brought her over to Mama C and Papa K's house so they could look after her -- apparently Jetta also refers to their home as the KB&B (Koval Bed & Breakfast). They were already spoiling her as soon as she got there! She was excited to discover her belated Easter treats.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
After a long and busy conference, I made it home safe and sound. I wonder if Jetta missed me.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
I managed to use my lunch break to walk over to see the Liberty Bell -- and no, I didn't lick it. Anyway, later that evening the conference hosted an amazing party! The theme was a New Jersey Beach party -- I forget which beach. There were carnival rides and games, an ice cream truck (soft serve), ice cream carts (featuring Blue Bunny ice cream bars), multiple bars, a Bruce Springsteen tribute band, a DJ, custom rice jewelry, fake tattoos, fake hair extensions, photo booths (complete with costumes), and video games. Other than ice cream we also had corn dogs, funnel cakes, Italian ice, french fries, cotton candy, soft pretzels, and popcorn to eat. Walking among the crowd were magicians, characters on stilts, and acrobatic performers. It was quite the party. The image below gives you an idea of what the main room looked like. Just like with all images on this page, click on the photo to enlarge the image.
Monday, April 8, 2013
During my lunch break at the conference, I made my way across the street to the Reading Terminal Market. It was one of the most unique market's I have ever been to! They had just about everything... restaurants, books, crafts, herbal shop, fresh food, meat and seafood market, ice cream, flower shop... the list went on! I enjoyed exploring this vintage market very much.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
I made it to Philly! Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that is. Today through Wednesday, April 10th I'll be attending the Ellucian Live Conference. Once the conference wrapped up for the day, I went for a stroll in downtown Philly with two of my co-workers (Nancy and Julanne). We made our way to the Philadelphia Museum of Art and I ran the "Rocky" steps. Later, we found a nice Irish Pub and I enjoyed my first Philly steak sandwich -- yum!
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Since Dan and I were well overdue for a nice dinner date and I was going to be out of town for the next couple of days, we decided to go out to Geja's for a romantic date. Seriously, this is one of our most favorite restaurants! If you decide to give them a try, make sure you make a reservation before you go. The chocolate fondue for dessert is my favorite part! Does that surprise you? I didn't think so.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Dan and I went over to one of Dan's co-workers (Ryan) and his girlfriend (Kayla's) house for dinner and games. Tonight we played two new games. First, we played two rounds of Pandemic and then one round of Gloom. Both were fun and interesting games, but I think I enjoyed Pandemic a little bit more.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
It was a slow evening at the mall, so I spent my shift working on new features (like the photo below) for the store. New features can be a lot of work, but they give the store such a fresh image! Oh, and in case you were wondering, yes I had to do the wrapping as well.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
I am so excited! Our sectional couch is finally on sale at Pottery Barn! Combine the sale with my employee discount and you've got some very significant savings! Dan took a moment to chill while a very friendly PB manager prepared our order. We also bought an area rug to go with our new couch. They're really going to dress up our family room. The rug will come soon, but the couch might not arrive until later in May. It'll be worth the wait!
Monday, April 1, 2013
Jetta's new bed has arrived. Do you think she likes it? She hasn't said much since she got it.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Today was our church's Annual Chili Cook-Off and Youth Group Bake Sale. The bake sale helped raise funds for the Youth Group's upcoming 30-Hour Famine. As always, it was a blast and the biding on baked goods was extremely generous.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
The Lord is Risen! The Lord is Risen Indeed! Happy Easter! We spent Easter in Wisconsin with Dan's family. It was a lovely weekend spent being thankful for God's countless blessings. My number one blessing is, without a doubt, my salvation! Thank you, Jesus!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
This morning we had our second Something from Jessie band practice for the year. As usual, it was a blast! We're so psyched for the 2013 Something from Jessie Spaghetti Dinner! Special thanks to Mikaela for subbing as a vocalist! It helped to have someone there to sing with me while our other vocalists were absent from practice.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Good Friday: The Day that Love Died... Dan and I were honored to help the youth group with our church's Good Friday Service.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
It was so nice outside, so Jetta and I went for a nice, long walk.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Dan and I were feeling brave, so we decided to try making our own corn dogs and mini corn dogs. Working with the hot oil was the worst part! Once we got the hang of it things went smoothly. It was a lot of effort, but we might try it again someday. Well, we have one more box of corn dog mix, so we'll (probably) attempt to use it.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Thanks to Groupon, Dan and I scored a great deal on 80-minute massages at Elements Therapeutic Massage. It was a wonderful and relaxing experience -- just what we needed.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Tonight, I got to see my sister and Jetta got to see her brother. Jetta and I had a great time on Skype with Kathleen and Lovie! Video chatting is a-mazing!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
It's Palm Sunday! This morning I had some amazing kids helps with our opening song, "Hosanna".
Saturday, March 23, 2013
We got to meet our newest family member! Dan and I took a trip with my parents to the NICU to visit my cousin, Jessica's, baby boy Zachariah! Congratulations Jess and Andrew! He's beautiful!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
We joined some of our friends from church to a belated-birthday-viewing (Happy Birthday John!) of Oz the Great and Powerful at Hollywood Blvd. While we were waiting for the theater to open up, I snapped this photo of Dan in the new Monsters University cardboard cut-out.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Today may be St. Patrick's Day, but I'm seeing yellow rather than green. All thanks to my dear friend, Kay. Today she gave me a "Bucket of Sunshine" just to brighten my day. Kay, this sweet gesture has me smiling all day! Thank you!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Today, Dan and I used a gift card to see an early showing of Oz the Great and Powerful (in 3D!). It was a fabulous movie! I highly recommend it! As an added bonus, the large theater was virtually empty. We were able to enjoy the movie with no distractions.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Change of plans! Dan and I had to move our massages to March 25th, so we went out for dinner and a new Asian restaurant by our house -- Asian Harbor. It was delish! No doubt we'll be eating here from time to time.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Happy Pi Day! We didn't have pie in the house, but we did have a cupcake. Jetta waited patiently for me to give her the "okay" to have her portion of the tasty treat.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Tonight I got to have a much-needed coffee date with college friend, Nora. It was a blast! We got caught up while we sipped Skinny Vanialla Lattes and she gave me a Medal of Saint Gerard -- in honor of my infertility. I put the medal on (as a necklace) as soon as I got home. Thank you, Nora!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
I've got no evening work today! What a glorious feeling! Tonight I get to cuddle with Dan and Jetta while we watch 24 on Netflix. Jetta gets comfy in the weirdest ways sometimes... life with her is never dull. Look at how she wedged herself within Dan's arm. Her ears are sticking straight up! I guess she's comfy, she's been cuddling like that for a while now. She's so stinkin' cute!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Free lunch at work? Yes, please! Got this delicious lunch at a work meeting today. The hot soup really hit the spot.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
My parents got me this bracelet to serve as a reminder of God's promises throughout my infertility trials. It serves as a great reminder and might become an interesting conversation starter, giving me an opportunity to share my testimony.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Today I went to Tanyale's wedding shower at church. It was a blast! Look at how happy the bride-to-be is! She'll be marrying her best friend (Adam) in about two months -- May 19th.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Date night with my hubby! Thanks to a coupon, we went out to bd's Mongolian BBQ for dinner. It has been a long time since we've eaten here, so it was a tasty treat!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
SURPRISE!! Brad and Kathleen got me a plane ticket to Tennessee so I can join my parents and sister for a family vacation! Getting this email left me speechless. Thank you Brad and Kathleen!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
As you can see, both Dan and Jetta had a long day. Jetta had her second day at doggie daycare and Dan had an extra long day at work. Seeing these two cuddle melts my heart.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Snow day! I got off work early (11am) so I got to spend the afternoon watching Netflix and playing in the snow with Jetta. We got 8 inches, but she still managed to hop/prance/jump through the snow. We had a blast and we both napped afterwords.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Just before I started my shift, I posted on Facebook inviting family/friends to stop by and visit me if they were at the mall. I got 4 visitors! Later that evening I made myself some espresso via the Verismo™ 585 System by Starbucks® -- yum.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
This doesn't happen every day... I tore a key at work when I closed a display case! I guess I don't know my own strength.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Game Night #2 at the Nelson Homestead! Tonight we were joined by some of Dan's co-workers and their girlfriends. Even Jetta had some company tonight! Ryan brought his pooch, Gram.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Game Night at the Nelson Homestead with Michele and Jeremy. This is Michele and Jeremy's first time play Scrabble. Can you believe it? Not all our words were legit, but we had a blast!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Today, Jetta had her first day of doggie daycare at Doggie Depot, Inc. They post photos and videos of the dogs throughout the day via their Facebook page -- so you can (sort of) keep an eye on your pup while they're at daycare. Doggie Depot posted this photo of Jetta in honor of her first day. "Jetta" also wrote me a letter to tell me all about her first day. She's super tired after a fun-filled day at daycare.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Our Disney Park Hoppers arrived! Don't worry, one of them is supposed to be a 2-day pass. Dan and I have a leftover park hopper that still has one day left on it.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
I got to break the fast at my friend (Kristin's), jewelry party. Today I attended the House of Gemmes Spring 2013 Collection Preview party. Kristin is the CEO of House of Gemmes. It was a blast and I went home with some FABulous new gemmes to add to my collection.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Today we begin fasting for the Youth Group 30 Hour Famine as we raise funds to help starving children and families. To God be the glory!
Photo coming soon!
Friday, February 22, 2013
We had our first official Something from Jessie 2013 band practice! We were missing a few of our bandmates, but we still had a fun and successful band practice. The Something from Jessie Spaghetti Dinner is set for Friday, June 7, 2013. We hope to see you there!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
I used my break from work to hit up the mall with my friend and co-worker (Debbie). At Charming Charlie I found these cute boots on sale for $9.99! They were the only pair left and they were in my size -- that never happens! I bought them and I'm excited to wear them.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Today we celebrated my co-worker (Nancy's) 50th birthday! There were lots of carbs and sugar on the menu, but I stayed strong and had two (small!) pieces of pizza and I completely passed on a cupcake. It was so hard!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
While I was home (editing) Dan went to a Blackhawks game -- for free! Check out his view from the suite they had. I got to see via FaceTime. Gotta love smart phones!
Monday, February 18, 2013
I am so proud of myself! Today, while working at Williams-Sonoma, I resisted these toffee cookies! These were leftover, so I got to bring them home. They're for Dan, of course.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
At the advise of a friend who has been through a similar infertility trial (and was blessed with twins!), I've also started drinking raspberry leaf tea (found at Whole Foods) -- thank you, Anna!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
I had two parties today, so I used Instagram to make one Picture of the Day. First, I went Michele and Jeremy's baby shower with my mom. Later, I went to my friend, Sarah's, surprise 30th birthday party with Dan. Lots of celebrating this weekend! I love it!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Dan and I went out for a belated Valentine's Day date. Tonight we dined at The Cheesecake Factory. Special thanks to my parents for the gift card (from Christmas) and the two coupons for free cheesecake. We ate for free, came home with leftover food, and we even have some money on the gift card. It was a wonderful date!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Jetta (and her new teddy bear) would like to wish you a very happy Valentine's Day!
Monday, February 11, 2013
At Williams-Sonoma I spent the evening unpacking boxes of products from our Algonquin store. They recently closed and we got a lot of their merchandise. So sad.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Tonight's dinner was completely free! I filled out a survey with Corner Bakery and got a free corner combo meal and I also won a gift card from Subway. My meal came from Corner Bakery and Dan's meal came from Subway. Free food and I don't have to cook? Score!
Friday, February 8, 2013
Dan and I made plans to go out to dinner with our friends/neighbors, Steve and Allison. Together, the four of us dined at Wildfire -- a first for me and Dan. The evening was a total splurg! It was FANtastic!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
The Facebook freebie I won from House of Gemmes arrived today! I love their jewelry and I'm excited to add these earrings to my House of Gemmes collection.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Southwest has an exceptional sale on airfare, so Dan and I planned a spontaneous trip to Florida with my parents! Dan was able to book all four of our flights for a super-low price. As an added bonus, my flight was free! Yep, I scored enough Southwest miles by doing random surveys over the last couple of years. Pack your bags, Mom and Dad, 'cause we're going to Disney World!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Last night, Dan had an extra-long day at work and came home to find me stressing over another failed blender -- I don't have good luck with cheap blenders. Without hesitating, Dan turned around and went out to buy me a new Ninja blender! I am so blessed to have such a loving husband! As an added bonus, my new blender works great. Thank you, Dan!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Today, Williams-Sonoma was closed so we could do inventory. I got to work just as folks were finishing up, so I didn't do much inventory. Once inventory was virtually complete, I cleaned with two of my fellow co-workers. I got to do lots of dusting! What you see below is one of about 6 Swiffer dusters -- and this one doesn't look quite as bad as some of the others. I was busy getting dust out of everything! I cenrtainly did my best to help give the store a nice, fresh face-lift.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Dan and I were excited to host the Jr High/Sr High/Young Adult Super Bowl Party at our house. We had a blast having everyone over for the big game!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Family dinner at the Nelson home in Wisconsin! Carol made homemade chicken pot pie... it was amazing! Since I'm trying to cut as many carbs as possible, Carol made mine with no crust.
Friday, February 1, 2013
We made it to Wisconsin to visit Dan's family! Stefanie is in town and Jetta was very excited to cuddle with her.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
In honor of Jessie's anniversary Dan and I got together with Jessie's mom (Melanie), my parents, and our friends, Michele and Jeremy. Together, we gathered at Melanie's house where we had dinner and watched Jessie's one-year anniversary video. It was bitter-sweet.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Today is Jessie's 13-year anniversary. I went to visit my BFF after work. I spent some time in prayer during my visit. Oh how I still miss you, Jessie!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
59 degrees before 7:30 AM? Wow... that is not your typical morning in January. I'll take it.
Monday, January 28, 2013
I am so blessed to have family and friends who help keep me grounded in my faith. Text messages like these are always appreciated!
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Where's Dan? I'll just check where the kids are playing... and... yep, that's where I found him. Drew and Caris love playing with Mr. Dan. How sweet!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
While Dan and my dad painted the guest room and powder room, my mom and I ventured to Chicago to attend my cousin, Jessica's, baby shower. She's expecting a baby boy ("Thor") in March.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Tonight, Dan and I went on a sweet and simple date -- dinner at Cheddar's. I love spontaneous dinner dates with my hubby!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Today I met up with my friend (Alisha) for dinner at Lone Star Steakhouse. Her and I grew up together but recently got back in touch about two years ago. I love playing catch up with this girl!
Monday, January 21, 2013
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I'm off work -- well, one of my jobs anyway. Today we had a whole house humidifier installed. Maybe once this gets going Jetta will stop shocking me every time she touches me.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
While I was at work, Dan and my dad finished painting the family room. I got home just in time to catch the final moments. They did a great job!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Let the painting begin! Today, Dan and I finally started adding some color to our walls. We started by doing the fireplace in the family room and the two art niches (one by the stairs and the other in the hallway by our bedroom). So far so good!
Friday, January 18, 2013
I met up with my former co-worker (Nancy) at Gordon Biersch. We spent five hours catching up over dinner. It was a blast! We just missed Debbie, the third part of our "BFF Trio" -- "Cause we're the three best friends that anyone could have!"
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Look what just arrived! I'm so excited to finally read Home for Good by the talented Jessica Keller! UPDATE: I cannot put this book down!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
I had to rush from one job to the next, so for dinner I had a delicious Jamba Juice smoothie -- with a protien power boost. So good!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Jetta got a bath today. She doesn't like getting a bath, but she does get used to the water and will usually stay calm while I wash her. She's probably thinking, "Please hurry!"
Monday, January 14, 2013
On Sunday, January 13th we rented some free movies from Redbox. Today we finished watching our movies and I returned them -- before we got charged for a day of rental. This time around we rented The Watch and Ice Age: Contitental Drift. We both enjoyed Ice Age the most.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
More healthy goodies! This popsicle was made with 100-calorie Vanilla Greek Yogurt, strawberries, and a little bit of honey. Yum! Too bad our cheap popsicle maker broke in the process of making these. I guess it'll be a while before I get to make them again.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Doctor's orders: give up as many carbs as possible. Yikes! Today I made some banana muffins using bananas, oatmeal,100-calorie Vanilla Greek Yogurt, eggs, baking soda, and baking powder. The recipe called for sugar, but I substituted honey. I also included a scoop of chocolate protien powder. These are amazing muffins! I'll be making these often. Thank you, Pinterest!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Our Christmas gift to each other finally arrived! After small group, Dan insisted on installing our new chandelier from Pottery Barn. I used IntsaCollage so you can see the old and the new chandelier. The new one will look better once we get some additional light bulbs.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Jetta makes certainly makes life interesting. Check out how she decided to keep warm this morning -- that's Dan's robe sleeve she decided to climb into. Silly pup.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
This evening we dined at the new Cheesecake Factory at Orland Square Mall with our long-time friend (Robb) and his super fun girlfriend (Maggie, a.k.a. Maggtron). It was a blast from beginning to end! Naturally, the cheesecake was extremely delish.
Monday, January 7, 2013
More cuddle time with Jetta? Yes, please! Dan was out for the night, so it was just me and my baby girl chillin' at home.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Oops! I guess I forgot my apron with my name tag, so for today I'm just Kay at work -- a nickname some of my friends use, so I'm used to it.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Dan and Jetta were dressed up to watch the Minnesota Vikings take on the Green Bay Packers. Sorry Dan and Jetta, Green Bay won, but you two sure looked cute -- for Vikings fans anyway.
Friday, January 4, 2012
We went over to our friends' (Jeff and Jen) to have a fun-filled game night. Jetta got to come along and she made herself right at home on Jen's lap.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
An unexpected free lunch is a great way to spend your first day back at work. Oh who am I kidding? Free lunch is apprecited any day!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Happy New Year! The six of us toasted to the New Year with some sparkling wine -- courtesy of Bryce's father, who also happens to mine and Dan's dentist. The rest of the evening was spent watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix and in the morning we stayed in our pj's all day. Not a bad way to start off 2013.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Tonight we spent a nice, quiet evening at Jason and Rachel's house to ring in the new year. Raleen and Bryce were there as well. We spent most of the evening playing a new game called Wits & Wagers -- it was fun!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Now that Dan's sister (Stefanie) and brother-in-law (Thomas) were in town (with their dog, Jake), we had another Christmas get-together. This time around Dan and I got to host at our house. Dan, Carol, Mandy, Cale, Stefanie, Thomas, and Jake drove down from Wisconsin to spend the day with us. It was a wonderful, fun-filled evening. Multiple Christmas celebrations are always a plus!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
I know it's a dark photo, but if you're able to see it, it is a photo of me and Jetta cuddling on the couch. During my Christmas break I was blessed with plenty of free time to catch up on some much-needed rest -- Jetta was there for support.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Today, my little sista (Courtney) adopted my car (Roxy). Dan and I had Roxy vacummed, washed, and gased up for Courtney to take over. I'll admit it, I miss Roxy but I'm glad she gets to stay in the "family".
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas! We got to my parent's house late on Christmas Eve so we can spend Christmas Day with my side of the family. We spent the morning with my mother (Chris), father (Ken), sister (Kathleen), and brother-in-law (Brad). Later that day we went to be with my dad's side of the family. It was a blast! Playing Bingo has become a delightful tradition -- we always laugh so hard! In the end, it was a wonderful Christmas celebration. Plus, Lovie and Jetta really enjoyed their first Christmas!
Monday, December 24, 2012
We got to Wisconsin late on the 23rd so we could spend Christmas Eve with Dan's side of the family. It was a wonderful day with Dan's mother (Carol), father (Dan), sister (Mandy), and brother-in-law (Cale). Jetta had a blast with her doggie cousin, Vito.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Ever since Jessie passed, my family has gotten together with her family on or around Christmas Eve. This year we went over to Melanie's house. As usual, there were lots of gingerbread-themed gifts to be exchanged and gingerbread cookies to be eaten. It was a great night!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Dan and I went downtown with my Dad, Kathleen, and Brad -- mom stayed home to relax with our pups, Jetta and Lovie. After taking the train into Chicago, we stopped at Garret Popcorn, enjoyed the view of the Christmas tree in the Walnut Room at Macy's/"Marshall Fields", and shopped/dined at Christkindlmarket. I love this Christmas tradition!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Woohoo! Check out my new car! Today we purchased a 2013 Honda CR-V EX. I even got the color that I wanted.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Today we hosted the Young Adults Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. This isn't even everyone who were in attendance -- we waited too long to take a group photo. No matter, it was a fun-filled party! Doesn't everyone look FABulous? Even Jetta has her own ugly sweater.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
We got some yummy (homemade!) Christmas treats from our neighbors Dan, Kelly, and baby Grace.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
We spent another evening at a local dealership. This was a very stressful night and we still made no car purchase. Ugh!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
I finally got to say thank you to my dear friend, Rachel, for helping me with Dan's surprise party (back in August). Today, her and I saw The Hobbit at iPic Theaters. We really enjoyed watching the movie on the big screen while we each snuggled with our own blanket and pillow. Did I mention our seats fully reclined? I'm amazed that I stayed away for the (almost) 3 hour movie.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Today was the President's Holiday Luncheon at work. I had a lovely time taking a much-needed break with my co-workers and friends. It really makes me sad to think that not everyone was enjoying the holidays today. My thoughts and prayers are will the families that were hurt by the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
'Tis the season to eat lots of amazing food! Today was the first of many holiday parties at work.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Happy 12-12-12! Dan finally got his "Pickle Gift" for this year. While I'm certainly not a Vikings fan, Dan is. Out of pure love, I got Dan a custom Vikings jersey for Jetta. Yep, this was the smallest size possible.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
I hate to admit it, but it looks like my car might be seeing it's final days. The cost to repair is a bit high, so tonight Dan and I did some last-minute car shopping with my dad. We're just getting started and still weighing our options, so no new vehicle yet.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Mother Nature is such a tease! I'm dreaming of a white Christmas and this just won't do.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Today was our church's annual Christmas luncheon. I always enjoy spending quality time with my church family.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
I was the lead in capturing my very first Armenian wedding! While I spent the majority of time snapping photos with my awesome photog buddy, Robb, I also enjoyed working with my long-time video buddy, Saj. We had a blast!! Congratulations Nick and Talin!!
Friday, December 7, 2012
My original Picture of the Day was going to feature a photo of me with my good friend from college (Nora), since we unexpectedly ran into each other at Target. However, she was feeling pretty camera shy, so here is a photo from mine and Dan's very late dinner date at P.F. Chang's. Wow, I miss Vegas.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Jetta styling Justin's hair at our Young Adults meeting. Or was she flossing her teeth? It's hard to tell.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Today, The Cheesecake Factory officially opened at Orland Square Mall -- this makes me very happy. I was surprised to find it wasn't very crowded when I arrived just before 5:30 p.m. I doubt that will last once word gets out that it's open.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
A co-wroker brought in some Twinkies the other day and today I am enjoying mine. Could this be my very last Twinkie?!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Happy Birthday, Meg! Office parties are a great way to break up the day.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Jetta got a new outfit!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Oh how I love decoating for Christmas! Today, I gathered with several women at church to Deck the Halls. It was a wonderful morning/afternoon filled with fun and awesome fellowship. After decorating we went to Papa Joe's for lunch -- yum!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Dan and I joined his parents at Jolane's Restaurant and Bar for a special birthday dinner. Happy Birthday to my favorite mother-in-law, Carol!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
During our Young Adults meeting, Jetta was entertaining the group by selecting a few members to offer her "leg of approval". First of all, she has never peed by lifting her leg and secondly, she has never marked her territory. We're not sure what possessed her to do this! While playing with Jason, Jetta started lifting her leg and just stood there, hovering by Jason. LOL! Only Jason and Derek were honored with the "leg of approval" -- which gave us all a good laugh. While Nick was unsuccessful this time around, he will try again next week.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Jetta got her last distemper shot today, so she was quite content spending the evening cuddling with Daddy.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Dan sent me this photo via iMessage. Looks like his co-workers enjoyed my Williams-Sonoma Pumpkin Dessert Squares -- they were gone before lunch.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
After coming home from work, I hopped on the computer to continue working on a video project. During a quick break I found this precious sight... I am so blessed!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Tonight we had a little going away dinner at Aodake for Dan's former supervisor, Olga. Olga will be heading back to Russia in a couple of weeks. Along with Olga, we also met up with Dan's former co-worker (Jeff) and his fiance (Jen) -- they got engaged just the night before. He's a photo of Jeff, Olga, and Dan.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Thanksgiving continues! Today we had my parents come over for a really nice dinner. Our main course was a Chicken Artichoke Lasagna -- which I made from scratch! Everyone agreed it was deeeeee-lish! I'll be making it again, that's for sure.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Dan's Aunt Diane supplied some fun-filled Thanksgiving crackers. After we broke open the crackers we found these delightful hats among the goodies. Therefore, a group picture was ceratinly a must!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
We made it to Wisconsin! Tonight we're spending the night at Dan's parent's house so we can be with them on Thanksgiving. Upon our arrival, Dan got right to work making an amazing apple and sharp cheddar cheese pie. I used Instagram's InstaCollage to put together the image below -- I wanted everyone to see how much work he put into his delicious pie. Yep, Dan is our official pie baker in the family.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Jetta got some new clothes from Rachel. Here's Jetta modeling her new "Ugly" Christmas Sweater. Isn't she cute?! Thanks, Rachel! Now Jetta is all ready for the Young Adults Ugly Christmas Sweater Party.
Monday, November 19, 2012
'Tis the season to start decorating for Christmas at work! Well, we've been featuring Christmas decor for a few weeks now, but at last, the Christmas decor has been moved to the front of the store. While I didn't stay for the whole floor set, this was one of my projects for the evening. Aside from a missing poster, this is my finished product. Happy holiday shopping everyone!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Once I got home from work it was time to continue editing some videos. It's been a long day, but I powered through it. This is my "I'm tired but I'm also focused on editing" face.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Thanksgiving hasn't arrived just yet, but that doesn't stop the city of Chicago from getting into the Christmas spirit. Today, Dan took me downtown to make sure I got to see Colton Dixon (Season 11 American Idol Alumni) preform. He did a fabulous job and I really look forward to buying his CD!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Today was a great day on many levels. First of all, I got to hang out with a friend I've known since I was a baby! My lifelong friend, Danielle, came over for a visit and we had a great evening catching up over dinner at Chili's. In other news, I got my very first smart phone! I am now the proud owner of an iPhone 5. Hopefully this means I'll be much quicker at posting each Picture of the Day.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Why does Jetta love Thursday nights? Because every Thursday we have a Young Adult Small Group meeting at the house and she gets lots of playmates!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
You don't see this everyday! My dad... on... a... computer! Yep, there's my dad typing away on my double-screen, (Mac Pro) desktop computer, putting together the boys cross country stats book. He may not be the fastest at typing, but I admire his determination. Way to go, Dad!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
After watching a couple of episodes of Extreme Couponing on TLC (via Netflix), I was inspired to get some great deals. So I clipped some new coupons, searched the sale ads and this is what I got at CVS:
Total Items Purchased: 31
Total Bill: $142.42
Total Spent: $58.77
Total Saved: $83.65
This is what I did... I divided my purchases into two separate transactions to make sure I got the most bang for my buck. For starters, everything I bought was already on sale/clearance and I had a manufacturer's coupon for every item purchased. First, I bought all my items that gave me CVS ExtraBucks. Next, I bought all of the items that didn't earn ExtraBucks and used my ExtraBucks from the previous transaction to help pay for my second transaction. Not an Extreme Couponing experience, but I'm learning. In the end, I spent about $1.90 per item.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Thanks to our Veterans, I had today off from work. However, Dan still had to jet off to work. Since Dan's co-workers were hoping to meet Jetta, I took her to visit Dan and his co-workers during their lunch break. Jetta loves making new friends and she was the hit of the office. After visiting Dan and his co-workers, Jetta and I strolled into Happy Dog Barkery for some treats. It was a wonderful shop/bakery and Jetta loves her treats. I'm sure Dan will be stopping in there from time to time to pick up some goodies for his little girl.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Dan and I had a blast packing up boxes for Operation Christmas Child! I really wish we could be with the children when Samaritan's Purse hands out our boxes, but I trust that God will place them into the hands of children who can really use what we've sent. To God be the glory!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Today I got to attend a baby shower for a wonderful, long-time friend! Jessica (center) and I have known each other since we were wee little campers at Phantom Ranch. Her husband (Matt) and I have known each other since Kindergarten -- they met in college. Getting to share this special time with them is so exciting!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Jetta's den has arrived! Dan and I did some research of crate training before we introduced her to her new sleeping quarters. As you can see, our first night went beautifully!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Today, at work, we celebrated Jennifer's birthday! Celebrating birthdays at work is always a good time with my co-workers.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Check it out! I just got all of this for FREE! The total value was about $15. That's a lot of amazing chocolate. The Lindt and Ghirardelli are hidden in the house -- they're stashed as emergency chocolate.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Happy Election Day! Yes, I took the time to vote (before work). Did you? Sorry the picture is blurry. My phone doesn't take good close-up photos, but you get the idea.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Meet Lovie! He is one of Jetta's brothers and he just got adopted by my sister (Kathleen) and her husband (Brad). Yep, Kathleen and Brad got to name this adorable pup and they'll have Lovie with them this Thursday! Welcome to the family, Lovie!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Jetta has already been called "Lucky" several times -- mostly by Dan I might add. But it's my fault, I bring up Lucky (my childhood pet Chihuahua) quite a bit now that Jetta is in our lives. My dad was so excited to meet Jetta on Sunday. These two love to cuddle -- and this photo really brings back a lot of Lucky memories. I'm so blessed to have two precious pups come into my life.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Jetta got to meet lots of new people today, including another dog! Today, we went up to Wisconsin for Cale's birthday bonfire. While were were there, Mandy and Cale's dog (Vito) got introduced to Jetta. Jetta was quite nervous at first and she kept sticking her face in Cale's jacket. I'm pretty sure she was thinking, "If I can't see you, you can't see me." The two warmed up to each other pretty nicely before the night was over.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Jetta is officially home! Welcome to your forever home, Jetta!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Meet Jetta! Today we finally got to adopt our first choice Chihuahua puppy at the Joliet Township Animal Control Center. I already love her so much!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy H-A-Double L-O-W-Double E-N! I get to work all day, so I treated myself to pot pie Wednesday at Cracker Barrel with my friend and co-worker, Debbie. Add some hot apple cider and you've got one happy girl.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
It was our last day in Michigan, so we decided to have a nice lunch at Tabor Hill Winery. The photo is a little dark, but you can see the beautiful rolling hills of grapevines behind us.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
We went on our annual trip to Michigan with friends, Jason and Rachel, this weekend. Today, we went shopping in Holland and stopped by one of our favorite wineries, St. Julian.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Dan and I joined some of his co-workers for a midnight showing of Ghostbusters. We got there early to stand in line and look what I found! I ain't afraid of no ghost.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
My longtime friend, Debbie, was in town for a visit this week, so her and her son (David) stopped by for a visit. I so wish she didn't live so far away.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Dan got permission from his boss to take a little longer break so he could come out and see the Chihuahua puppies. He was also quite taken by my favorite little girl. Isn't she just precious? I'm so excited for November 1st!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Another free meal from Corner Bakery! Today we got to try their NEW! Bacon Tomato Mac & Three Cheese. It was delicious!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Dan found some Chihuahua puppies at an animal shelter by my work, so I went to visit them. This precious pup won my heart right away! Hopefully we'll be adopting her on November 1st -- when the pups are 8-weeks old and available for adoption.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Today, at work we had a mini health expo for employees. There wasn't much going on, but I did get a nice back/shoulder/neck massage!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
My dad came over and we spent a couple of hours capturing footage and digital photos for his cross country DVD. It's quite the project but it's a great excuse to spend some quality time with my dad.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
A day early, but Dan and I went out to celebrate our dating anniversary -- we've been together non-stop for eight years! Tonight we went out to Baker's Square and then saw Looper. Seriously, Joseph Gordon-Levitt looked so much like Bruce Willis in this film, it was wild. Both of our activities were covered by gift cards (from Dan's birthday) and coupons.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Got me some delicious Starbuck's coffee from one of William-Sonoma's Starbucks Verismo Coffee Makers. Yep, it takes just like Starbuck's -- for real!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
No, this isn't a photo of Williams-Sonoma closed. We lost power! It was so weird. First it happened to just Pottery Barn (across the hall) and then it happened to us. Wait! It gets stranger. The music and the registers still worked. Weird. We stayed open the whole time.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
We were supposed to take the Young Adults to the World's Largest Corn Maze, but unfortunately we got rained out. Instead, the group decided to stay in and play games.
Photo coming soon!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Since Stefanie and Thomas were in town we used the opportunity to spend more time with them. Today, we went to the Milwaukee Public Museum. There, we got to check out the butterfly garden. It was so enchanting! And look... I made a new friend! Later that evening we went to see Pitch Perfect -- so funny!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Grandma (Pearl) Dunn passed away on Monday, October 8, 2012. Today, we gathered to remember and celebrate her life at her home church in Wisconsin. The funeral home put together this lovely collage of photos. Dan's mother (Carol) got to keep a smaller version -- a beautiful way for her to cherish her mother's life.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Stefanie and I putting the finishing touches on a poster of photos in memory of Grandma Pearl Dunn. Carol and Stefanie did the majority of the work on this special project.
Monday, October 8, 2012
I got a free Redbox code so I used it to rent Phunny Business: A Black Comedy. My dear friends and production co-workers, Brian Kallies and Laura Szymber, worked closely on this film. It was fabulous and very entertaining! Nice work on the cinematography and editing, Brian!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
It was time to start the long drive home. We stopped at Culver's for lunch where Dan and I got our first pumpkin shakes of the season. Yum!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Happy 90th Birthday Grandma (Carolyn) Nelson! Here's the Birthday Girl with her children, grandchildren, and great-grand children. What a beautiful celebration!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Dan and I carpooled with his sister (Mandy) and brother-in-law (Cale) to northern Wisconsin/the U.P. On our way up we stopped at Rocky Rococo for dinner -- a childhood favorite for Mandy and Dan. We also saw some significant snow flurries on the drive up!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
My parents came over for dinner and we dined on Aurelio's Pizza for dinner and Fannie May Mint Meltaways for dessert. After dinner we watched The Hunger Games -- my mom ready the books and she had yet to watch the movie. My mom also brought over my sister's copy of the books so I can read them.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Dan and I went over to our neighbors' house to watch the Bears vs. the Cowboys -- and I was properly dressed for the occasion. GO BEARS!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Today at work I was told to go in back, take a break, and eat some snacks. Sure! You don't have to ask me twice. I also watched a video about our new Starbucks Verismo Coffee Makers. It was a good day!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Since it was such a gorgeous day outside, Dan and I decided to visit Long Grove. Little did we know that the 20th Annual Long Grove Apple Fest was going on this weekend. It was very crowded, but it was a blast!
Friday, September 28, 2012
I stayed home from work so I could supervise our landscaping installation. It turned out beautifully! Major props to my sister-in-law, Mandy, for designing such a lovely layout and to Bio View Maintenance for the detailed installation. It really gave our house a delightful face-lift.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
At our Young Adults meeting we sang Happy Birthday to Jason! Check out those pumpkin cupcakes!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
The fall goodies just keep rolling in at work... and there is more to come!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Did I mention how much I love pumpkin goodies? Well, I do. Today I am baking some delicious Sprinkles Pumpkin Cupcakes for Jason's birthday (9/26).
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Dan's friend (also named Dan) gave us some free tickets to see the Chicago Cubs, so Dan and I spent the afternoon cheering on the Cubbies! It was a fun game -- even though they lost. One a side note, we both got free drinks from Dunkin Donuts. Pumpkin for me, Vanilla Chai Latte for Dan. What a great day of freebies!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Dan won some Groupon money, so he used it to snag a delicious deal at Pepe's Mexican Restaurant. Savings on top of savings. I'll take it!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Before our Young Adults meeting, I ran out to get my hair cut at Supercuts. I had a coupon and a gift card that I won online, so my total was $3.95 (before tip). Then, I stopped by Dunkin Donuts for a FREE medium pumpkin spice coffee -- thanks to a birthday coupon. Yum!
Monday, September 17, 2012
A snail mail batch of free goodies! Not a bad way to start the work week.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Young Adults are back in session! Today, we had a kick-off meeting at our house. We dined on chili and other goodies, discussed what we wanted to do as a group, and played games. It was a great night!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Dan was at Steve's house watching the Bears vs. Green Bay, so I watched the game and baked cookies. Bears and baking... good times, good times.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
More birthday celebrations at work! Today we celebrated Susan and Rosa's birthdays -- which were both on Saturday, September 8th. Here are just some of the leftovers from lunch.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
At work, we took a moment to remember the events of September 11th. It is one day I know that I will never forget. God Bless America!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Is the Williams-Sonoma credit card already a year old?! Happy Anniversary, Williams-Sonoma! The exact anniversary of the card is unclear, but they had treats for us at work in honor of this special occassion.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Block party! Today our street held it's annual summer block party. It's not every day you get to play bean bags in the middle of the street. We LOVE our neighborhood!
Friday, September 7, 20012
Dan got a gift card to Five Guys from my parents as one of his birthday gifts. Today, Dan and I were out in the Orland Park area, so we decided to have dinner at Fives Guys. This was my very first Five Guys experience and I must say... it was delicious! My cheeseburger was amazing and I was especially excited about the Caffeine-Free Diet Cherry Coke -- you certainly don't see it often.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Free lunch at work is always a good day. I had was part of a long meeting for an upcoming event. Getting a free meal was a really nice perk!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Dan and I had plans to go to Jason and Rachel's to go swimming -- very likely our last chance to go this season. Our grass really needed to get cut! Since I get home before Dan, I went ahead and cut the grass. This was my very first time cutting the grass at our new home. Dan got home just in time to snap this photo. How convenient.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
My cousin, Kevin, came over and spent the night with Dan. Together, they drafted for their fantasy football teams. As you can see, this is serious stuff.
Monday, September 3, 2012
It was time to start the long drive home. After breakfast with Kathleen and Brad, Dan and I headed towards the Twin Cities. There we stopped and visited with Dan's cousin, Jonathan, and his wife, Emily. Jon and Emily prepared a lovely lunch/early-dinner for us -- which included steaks! We don't eat steak very often, so this weekend was special.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
It wouldn't be Labor Day weekend if we didn't grill out. Thank you, Dan and Brad, for making this possible! The grilled some amazing steaks -- complete with Chicago-style seasoning.
Friday, August 31, 2012
We made to Fargo/Moorhead to visit Kathleen and Brad! Dan is very allergic to dogs, but Mandy is one of the few dogs that he can cuddle with and not react. So, naturally, he spent some quality time with Mandy upon arrival.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
I was very suprised when my friends and co-workers planned a birthday luncheon in honor of my 30th birthday! I even got some birthday goodies!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
MY 30th BIRTHDAY! I came home from Vegas to find these SURPRISE goodies waiting for me at the house. Thank you, Melanie and Floyd! I took the day off of work to have time to rest and relax. After Dan got home from work we went out to dinner at Public Landing (yum!) and then went to see a movie at Hollywood Blvd where we had dessert and watched Premium Rush.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Today is our last day in Las Vegas so we're spending some time relaxing by the Bellagio pool. Not a bad way to spend a Monday.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
We ventured away from Las Vegas to visit the Hoover Dam. What a sight!Saturday, August 25, 2012
Today was a full day in Las Vegas. Without a doubt, our meet and greet with the legendary David Copperfield was the highlight of our day! What an amazing show! It was so cool meeting him! I have been a big fan since I was a little kid. I even got to assist him with a bonus trick. What a great day!
Friday, August 24, 2012
We made it to Las Vegas! Here is a photo from our room at the Bellagio! Amazing! As a bonus surprise, Stefanie and Thomas have joined us in Las Vegas!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
"Pedicure on my toes, toes..." After a difficult day at work, I spent the evening getting a mani/pedi at Jeffrey LaMorte Salon and Spa. I used some stored up gift cards to treat myself to this pre-birthday treat. It was a great way to unwind.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
I'm on Day 3 of my 3-Day Diet. No joke, this was on the menu for dinner... vanilla ice cream! Okay, maybe not the cone, but hey, no one's perfect. Side note... Happy 27th Birthday to my sister, Kathleen!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Since Kathleen was in town, we went out to celebrate her birthday by going out for dinner at Bonfire. It was a wonderful evening! As an unexpected bonus, we even got a private room all to ourselves. Good food... great company!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
This doesn't surprise me... after having my Uncle Ron over, he left all sorts of surprises for Dan and I to find around the house. I discovered this special treat on my nightstand just before I went to bed. Ha ha! Thanks, Uncle Ron!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
SURPRISE! Dan came home to a house full of family and friends there to celebrate his birthday. Me and my crew spent virtually all day getting the house decorated for Dan's surprise Toy Story party! As an added bonus, Kathleen surprised both my dad and Dan by being in attendance.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Dan got an official offer from PTL! Starting August 28, 2012, he will no longer be hired at PTL through Aerotek. Praise the Lord! This happened much faster than we expected!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Happy 25th Birthday, Dan! We went out to The Cheesecake Factory with some friends in honor of Dan's birthday. It was a wonderful, fun-filled evening and the food (especially the cheesecake) was delicious!
My mom emptied out her pantry and freezer with foods that my dad shouldn't be eating. This is just the non-freezer food she passed on to us! Yikes! That's a lot of food. Thanks, Mom!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
After work I stopped by the hospital to visit my dad. As I was leaving, a nurse came in to do a routine check-up on my dad. I snapped this photo with my phone and I was on my way.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
In honor of mine and Dan's upcoming birthdays, we gathered at Dan's parents' house with his mom, dad, sister (Mandy), and brother-in-law (Cale). It was such a gorgeous day, we played Bocce Ball, ate dinner, and opened presents outside.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Today my dad gave us quite the scare when he ended up in the hospital! He had been experiencing chest pain on and off for the last week or so and during a typical bike ride during cross country practice, he stopped in front of a fire station to catch his breath and wait for the pain to pass. A paramedic went out to check on him and after checking his vitals discovered that my dad's blood pressure was dangerously high! Once the ambulance returned from a trip, they loaded up my dad, turned on the siren and took him straight to the ER. Long story short, my dad was on the verge of a heart attack! Praise the Lord, my dad was in good hands and no damage was done. He is now being treated to prevent any future issues. Side note... Day 10 Birthday Clue was a deck of cards.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Day 9 Birthday Clue: Piece of copper.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Day 8 Birthday Clue: Statue of Liberty scrapbook sticker.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Day 7 Birthday Clue: Sharpie.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Today I had my very first nonsurgical face lift! I was a model for my friend, Carrie's, beauty class. Getting pamper is always a great mood-booster... especially if it is for free! Side note... Day 6 Birthday Clue was one of my brand new dresses from Express.
Today, Dan and I went to a Kane County Cougars game, courtesy of Dan's employers. We had the best server for our group... my cousin, Michelle! Side note... Day 5 Birthday Clue was a bag of 30 pennies.
In honor of our friend, Erik's, 30th birthday, there was a party at his house. His parents surprised him by hiring a clown for the occasion. This doesn't surprise me in the slightest. It was hilarious! Side note... Day 4 Birthday Clue was a photo of a field.
Today would have been my BFF's 30th birthday. So in honor of her birthday, Dan and I picked up some flowers and a balloon to leave at her grave. Spending a little time with her is always special. Side note... Day 3 Birthday Clue was an Eiffel Tower bottle opener.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Day 2 Birthday Clue: Sand.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
After a long couple of days of camping and canoeing, it was about 1:00 a.m. and I was finally home and very ready to take a shower. I was exteremly caught off guard when I noticed how Dan decortaed my section of the bathroom! His clever planning has me receiving clues over the next 10 days to unlock a special surprise! Playing this game is so exciting, but I can't wait to find out what he has in store for me!! My first clue? A compass with the letters "S" and "W" circled.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
After canoeing for three hours (and a grand total of 18 miles between both days), we arrived at our final destination -- Beaver Dam. What a great experience!
Monday, July 30, 2012
After canoeing for six hours on the Flambeau River, we made it to our next camping spot -- right on the river.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
The first day of the Youth Group Canoe Trip in northern Wisconsin. Here is our whole group when we made it to our destination.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Our last night together before I leave for the youth group canoe trip. We decided to have a lovely date night before I departed for Wisconsin with the teens. We went to Red Lobster since they had a $10 off two dinner entres -- including their 4-course meals! It was a delightful meal, complete with dessert.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Let the games begin! Dan and I watched the 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony while we had dinner. Go Team USA!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012Dan and I had my parents over for dinner and dessert in honor of their birthdays. In this photo, Dan and I were singing Happy Birthday to them, while my parents were playfully singing Happy Birthday to each other! They're so cute! Love this photo!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
I had a BOGO coupon for a KFC's Original Receipe 6-Piece Chicken Bite Meal. So for about $2.00 a person, Dan and I had a nice little dinner.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
You don't see this everyday! Dan is helping me fix dinner! Here is is preparing the shrimp scampi for our fabulous shrimp and pasta dish. It was delish!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Dan and I wore our Batman shirts when we went with a bunch of friends to see a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises! It was a bitter-sweet event. While we were both very anxious to see the last Batman movie in this trilogy, we were equally bummed to see this series of movies come to an end. This photo was taken immediately following the movie. It was... FANTASTIC! While we were certainly privileged to enjoy this movie in its entirety, it is with such sadness that I must add, not everyone enjoyed their midnight showing of this movie. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Aurora, Colorado victims and their families during this tragic time.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Here is a sight that we haven't seen much this summer... rain clouds! Praise the Lord for the rain that came today. Lord knows we needed it.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Today was a long day at work... and I only had to work one job today! This 99 cent large unsweet iced tea from Dunkin Donuts really hit the spot!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Dan and I finally fulfilled a decoration idea we've had ever since we moved in to our house. We bought lanterns from Pier 1 Imports, decorative hooks from Lowe's, and battery-operated candles from Bed Bath & Beyond. The candles are also set on a timer, so we don't have to worry about turning them on or off. It looks even better in person!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
It was so nice to walk in the door after work and be welcomed home by three awesome guys! Myk and Nick stayed the night after Cori and Mike's wedding and the guys spent the afternoon hanging out. Since we were all tired from a long and busy weekend, the guys rented some free Redbox movies and we ordered Chinese food for dinner. It was a great way to wrap up a wonderful weekend.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
After being engaged for nearly two years, Dan's college friend and fellow biology major, Cori, finally tied the knot with her, now, husband Mike. Dan's college friends, Myk and Nick, were also in attendance. Myk came all the way from Colorado for this special event. The four of us got to see the bride ahead of time, as we picked up items to help dress the reception hall. It was an awesome celebration!
Friday, July 13, 2012
I spent most of my day watching two of our youth pastor's
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
As a last minute idea, some friends of ours from church decided to go see The Amazing Spider-Man. Dan and I had some previously purchased (discount!) movie tickets that we got from AmazonDeals, so we were all set to join our friends. As you can see, the theatre wasn't very crowded when we first arrived, but there was a good size group of people once the movie started. It was a great movie!
Monday, July 9, 2012
After work, Dan and I discovered that there was another festival taking place near our home. So, naturally, we decided to investigate. This festival featured a live band (playing classic 50's-style music), a farmer's market, and car show. The weather was perfect for such an event!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Dan and I spent the afternoon and evening swimming at Jason and Rachel's house. After dinner, a chilly breeze came through and really cooled us off. Naturally, the evening ended with a relaxing bonfire.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Despite the continuing heat wave, Dan and I took a stroll at the Bolingbrook Promenade. It was a lovely evening to be outside!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
I finally tried a hair treatment that I've heard many, many, many times before... the mayonnaise mask! Dan and I have tons of extra packets from our housewarming parties, so I decided to give it a try and put these unused packets to good use. Instructions: (1) Brush your hair so there are no tangles. (2) Spray your hair with warm/hot water, but don't soak your hair. (3) Put a generous amount of mayonnaise in your hair, combing it through your locks like conditioner. (4) Cover your hair with plastic wrap or a shower cap and let it sit for 20+ minutes -- depending on how dry your hair is. (5) Shower and wash your hair like you normally would. The end result: very SOFT hair! I've got plans to try this again!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy Independence Day! Dan and I had our new neighbor (also named Dan) over for a BBQ while his wife and baby were out of town visiting family. The guys braved the heat to grill some delicious burgers. Later that night, Dan and I sat out on our kitchen roof to watch an extreme panoramic view of fireworks getting launched all around us. It was a fabulous way to celebrate the 4th!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Since none of us have work the next day, Dan and I went over to Jason and Rachel's to enjoy some much-needed pool time! Despite the fact that it was super hot all day, the evening cooled off enough for us to enjoy a bonfire. It was a great way to kick-off our 4th of July break!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Not every tree fell over from the recent storms. As you can see, we made an attempt to watch fireworks from the roof of our kitchen extension. Really, they were better in person. This picture doesn't give them justice -- even though there are trees blocking most of the fireworks.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
The power came back on at about 6:30 a.m. Good thing too -- we've got dinner guests coming by! Well, before dinner, Dan and I went out to celebrate our anniversary by having breakfast and Egg Harbor followed by our annual tradition of getting professional massages. This year we went to Cold Water Creek Spa in Naperville. It was a much-needed treat! Later that day, Dan's parents came by for a be-lated Father's Day dinner. Everything came together beautifully and it was such a fabulous day!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Nope. There is nothing wrong with this photo. This it was our house looked like during a MASSIVE storm. This was our second night (in a row!) losing power. The power went out while hurricane-strength winds ripped through the area. The rain was coming down so hard, we could barely see our neighbors' homes across the street! There was so much lightning and even some hail. And I just put away all the candles from the night before.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
In an effort to raise additional funds for the Something from Jessie Memorial Scholarship, T.G.I. Friday's hosted two days in which guests could request 20% of their total bill to go towards SFJ. Today's location was in Orland Park, so we met up with my parents for a delicious dinner and a great opportunity to give to a very worthy cause. We saw lots of fellow supporters while we enjoyed our dinner. Praise the Lord!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
HAPPY 3-YEAR ANNIVERSARY, DAN! Today we celebrated three blessed years of marriage! This evening we met up with our dear friends, Jason and Rachel, at Hollywood Blvd Cinema to see The Avengers, in honor of Rachel's birthday. Did I mention that the movie was free for the four of us? All thanks to Rachel's birthday passes! After the movie, Dan and I exchanged anniversary gifts, sipped our remaining Moscato, and ate our original wedding cake while we watched some more footage from our honeymoon. It was a wonderful day! Oh... and in case you were wondering... YES, the cake still tastes amazing! It is back in freezer awaiting our 4-year anniversary.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Dan and I started celebrating our wedding anniversary a day early. We opened a bottle of Moscato, as with tradition, and we watched our wedding DVD and some footage from our Honeymoon on a Disney Cruise and in Disney World. I still get butterflies in my stomach watching such special memories!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Finally! I managed to ask for a Sunday off at WS so I could join my family when they gathered for lunch White Fence Farm! You'll have to ask Brad to sing his White Fence Farm song. Trust me, it's worth it!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Today was a busy and fun-filled day! Two highlights: (1) seeing my mom's side of the family at our cousin Cali's high school graduation party and (2) going to Plush Horse for ice cream! It was Dan and Brad's very first Plush Horse experience. I don't think I've been there since high school. I got the cake batter ice cream... it was A-mazing and their portions were very generous! We all got "one scoop" with our orders and were surprised by the massive amount of delicious ice cream we received.
Friday, June 22, 2012
After a nice visit with Uncle Bill and Aunt Lorraine at our house, my parents as well as Kathleen and Brad stuck around for an extended visit. It was then that Kathleen and Brad gave Dan and I our (unexpected) early birthday presents. Dan was very excited to get a super cool gift from Brad, Kathleen, my parents, and myself... this train set from Europe! Thank you Brad and Kathleen for picking it up!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Wow... working almost 15 hours today... I needed some espresso to keep me going while working on sale markdowns at Williams-Sonoma.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
I was sitting on the couch in the family room when I noticed that it looked like rain was coming. At a second glace I took a double-take when I noticed a large amount of smoke in the distance. I ran upstairs into the master bathroom to get a better look. Sure enough, there was a fire close by! Dan and I rode our bikes to find the building that was up in flames. It turned out to be a local, family-owned business that was located on the family's home property. We overheard the owners speaking to family and friends that no one was hurt. Praise the Lord there were no injuries, but it is still a terrible loss for this poor family.
Friday, June 15, 2012
As an early Father's Day celebration, Dan and I took my parent's out to Ditka's for lunch. As usual, it was delish! We even got free dessert from our super-sweet waitress. Happy Father's Day to my very special father!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
When I got home from work Dan had some VERY exciting news for me! He was offered a job! Praise the Lord! In honor of Dan's new job, I suggested that we go out to celebrate -- Dan's choice. He chose sushi. It was my 5th sushi experience. Below is a picture of everything that Dan ordered. He's a little more daring than me, but I did pick off his plates.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Dan and I took my cousin Nicolas (from Germany) and his friend, Nadine (also from Germany), shopping at the Aurora Premium Outlet Mall and then to dinner at On the Boarder -- both activities were requests from our German company.
Monday, June 11, 2012
My co-worker (Debbie) gave me her Cindy Crawford Meaningful Beauty skin care supply -- never even opened. I'm so excited to try it out!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Dan's new toy helps water our lawn on hot summer-like days. This little tractor moves throughout our yard, slowly watering it until the trigger turns it off. What a brilliant idea!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Working 10-hour days Monday through Thursday (sometimes longer) can be so exhausting! However, having Fridays off is certainly a well-earned reward! Dan and I took a trip to the Indiana Dunes to get away for a little bit and just relax. The weather and the water (despite being a little chilly) made it a great day!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Dan was blessed to have two job interviews in one week. The first was on Monday, June 4th and the other was today. He said preparing for this interviews was a lot like studying for finals. This self-portait shows his relief once he was all done interviewing -- for now, anyway.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
After working 15 hours on Monday, Dan thought I deserved an unexpected treat. He surprised me by taking me to get rainbow cones! Such a wonderful summer treat!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
On my mom's side of the family, we had a cousin (Nicolas) and his friend (Nadine) from Germany come in for a visit. To ensure our family had the chance to meet our cousin, my aunt and uncle hosted a family cook out so we could gather and get to know Nicolas and Nadine. Here is a lovely family photo from that day.
Friday, June 1, 2012
At this year's Something from Jessie Spaghetti Dinner, we were honored to have some former Urban Camp campers attend the fundraiser. Their presence made the fundraiser extra special.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
It's the day before our 10th Annual Something from Jessie Fundraiser! While we were setting up at Parker Road, my high school pal (Peaches) and her mother (Doreen) showed up with their donation... a custom piñata! At my request, they made a piñata shaped like a giant bag of Skittles -- Jessie's favorite candy. It turned out beautifully! If you are in need of a custom piñata (seriously!) don't hesitate to contact The Piñata Queen! Yes, they can mail your piñata to your home or event location.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
If there is one thing Dan and I are good at, its making the most of our freebies. On this day, we walked to a local Redbox to rent a free movie (New Year's Eve) and then made our way over to McDonald's so that we could each enjoy a free Cherry Berry Chiller.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Dan and I went over to my parents' house for Memorial Day. Dan and my dad did an excellent job fixing our steaks on the grill!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Dan was gone all day playing paint ball with the youth group, so I used my alone time to get some gardening done. I put together these two flower pots for our front porch.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Midnight showing of Men in Black 3! It is so much easier to see a midnight show when I don't have work the next morning.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
After our second Something from Jessie band practice, Devin (pictured) and Jake came over to our house for a late dinner featuring the new Doritos Locos Tacos! Yep, they were awesome. To make matters even more interesting, this was Devin's second TB experience!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Today was our last meeting for our small group -- for this season anyway. We ended the series with our second annual BBQ at the Dixon home. It was then that Dan and I were surprised with a lovely gift card from our fellow small group members -- it was a thank you gift for opening our home as the meeting spot for our group. As a bonus, I also received these special gifts from Barb! A neckalce and magnet of me and Jessie! I helped Barb on this special project and couldn't be more pleased with the results! Thanks, Barb!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Mandy and Cale tie the knot! Their beautiful wedding took place at Byron Colby Barn in Grayslake, Illinois. Dan and I were honored to be part of their special day by standing up in the wedding. This gorgeous photo was taken by Kristin La Voie Photography -- she was a blast!
Friday, May 18, 2012
It's the day before Mandy and Cale's wedding! Here's a lovely photo of Dan with his sisters -- Stefanie and the bride-to-be, Mandy. The rehearsal and rehearsal dinner both took place at the home of Cale's parents. It was a great evening!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Since Dan has some free time on his hands, he has been spending some of his spare time helping friends with projects. Today, Dan was helping Will install an antenna on his family's roof. As a thank you, Will and Kay had us both over for dinner -- which included amazing steaks from a local meat market. Will and Kay's children love playing with "Mr. Dan" whenever possible. Drew enjoys piggy back rides and Caris enjoys playing "You can't catch me!"
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day! The celebration continued (because one day to celebrate mothers just ins't enough) and after church we, once again, ventured back to the Nelson Homestead to cook out on the grill. Dan picked out the steaks and grilled them to perfection! I prepared a delicious salad, Pillsbury crescent rolls, baked potatoes, and non-alcoholic pina coladas -- for that summertime touch. It was a lovely afternoon... perfect for celebrating a wonderful mother!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Dan and I started "Mother's Day Eve" with dinner at Public Landing with my parents. After a lovely dinner, the four of us ventured back to the Nelson Homestead for some creamy carmel cheesecake -- which I made! It was a wonderful, fun-filled evening! A night out that both my parents certainly deserve.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Free ice cream at work today! This 100-calorie, frozen treat was a refreshing pick-me-up.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Thursday night into Friday morning, Dan and I went with church friends to see the midnight showing of The Avengers! It was AWESOME! It was a great way to kick off this year's summer movies!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
I helped out my friend, Carrie, by letting her demonstrate some waxing techniques on me for her class. I love having my under arms waxed! Especially if it is for free.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Not sure how it happened, but Dan and I smacked heads in the family room. I started getting a little bump just above my left eye, so Dan got me a cold Diet Coke to reduce the swelling. It really helped!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Even though I'm not her direct administrative assistant, my boss still gave me a gift on Administrative Professionals Day -- in honor of the times I do assist her. It was certainly an unexpected surprise!
Monday, April 23, 2012
I came home from work to find Dan busy in the kitchen making dinner! He made orange chicken (Panda Express style) with chicken rice and broccoli. It was delicious!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
I was honored to take photos at the Tim Medendorp Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser! I've known Tim and his family almost my whole life. They are a wonderful, Christ-loving family and it has been amazing to see God's hand at work in Tim's life.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Nope. This is not a duplicate photo... well... it is, but it isn't. Dan and I got another FREE Artisan Pizza from Domino's! I didn't have to cook and it was free... a total win/win sitaution! I love it!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Dare 2 Share put into practice! On day two of the conference the youth were challenged (dared!) to go out and share the Gospel with total strangers! Challenge accepted. Here you can (sort of) see four of our youth group girls sharing the Gospel with two women at a local park. Turns out both of the women had a personal relationship with Christ, but the girls still found ways to encourage them in their walk with Christ... and before we moved on, I joined the girls and we prayed for our sisters in Christ.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Dan and I went as leaders to the Dare 2 Share Youth Conference! This year's theme was entitled Game Day. Below is a photo taken during the worship music. GameDay’s worship artist is Brenton Brown. A South African native and acclaimed worship leader, Brenton has written some of the church's best-loved songs - Your Love Is Amazing, Lord Reign In Me and Holy Holy Holy. This youth-group-cenetered conference challenges students (and leaders) to share the Gospel with anyone and everyone and equips them with helpful tips for sharing your testimony.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Free pizza? Yes, please! Once again, Dan and I each scored a free Artisan Pizza from Domino's (via Facebook). Only this time we didn't have to order the pizza right away. We were each emailed a coupon code -- valid for one week. Today, we redeemed my coupon on tried the New Chicken and Bacon Carbonara. It was delish! We even had leftovers.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
First cookout of the year! It was also our very first cookout in the new house. It was delicious! Thanks, Dan!
Monday, April 9, 2012
I saw this at work today. Some students put together this large poster in an area where a lot of students hang out. It says, "How Can We Pray for You??" It looks like the two post-it notes may be prayer requests (I didn't read them). What a great idea, students! Prayer works!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter and Happy (early) 29th Birthday to Dan's sister, Mandy! After our special Easter dinner, we used this (undecorated) practice wedding cake to celebrate Mandy's birthday. Dan's mom (Carol) is making the wedding cake that Mandy and Cale will be cutting at their wedding next month. Carol was practicing her frosting techinques and we played with some decorating options. The cake was very tasty!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
We drove up to Wisconsin to stay with Dan's parents. That night we attended a fabulous surprise party in honor of Leanne's 30th birthday (Leanne is dating Dan's cousin, Chris). Leanne is such a blast and she was totally surprised! This picture was taken just after Leanne was surprised by her many guests (all standing behind us).
Friday, April 6, 2012
Okay, I'm "cheating" again. This photo was actually taken on Sunday, April 8th, but it's only because I forgot to take it on Friday. Anyway, my former housemate (from my camp days), Lynette, arrived late Friday night to stay at our house for a few days. Her hubby (Matt), 18-month old son (Lucas), and two friends (Ben and Nicole) also stayed with us. They left Monday, April 9th.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Dan cut our lawn for the very first time! Our lawn is still forming, but it looks better and better every day.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Our keynote speaker was JR Martinez! He delivered a very insprirational message to thousands of DUG attendees -- and I was lucky to be in the 4th row, center. He is an excellent public speaker and fabulous storyteller. I enjoyed his presentation very much!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Dan did lots of sight-seeing while I was in sessions all day, but we got to spend the evening together while we took a night tour of downtown Washington DC! It was really beautiful seeing the monuments all lit up.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Dan and I arrived in Washington DC! While this trip served as a sight-seeing vacation for Dan, it was a business trip for me. I was in Washington DC to attend the DUG Conference. This evening I attended the fabulous Welcome Party at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center. This year's theme was in honor of the beautiful cherry blossoms -- which bloomed early this year, so we missed them.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
I had the honor of photographing six adorable children! I believe this is the only photo where almost all six are looking at me. Working with three very energetic girls and three babies can be quite the challenge, so this photo is a pretty big accomplishment. Aren't they adorable?!
Friday, March 30, 2012
I'm not sure if this is "cheating," but technically I wasn't actually present when this photo was taken. However, I believe this deserves to be "Picture of the Day." Dan took this photo when leaving his job, on his last day. Due to lack of funding, Dan is currently out of a job. He said his last day was like finishing a good book. What a positive husband I have! We trust that God will continue to provide for us as Dan closes this chapter in his life and continues to search for a new job.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Mandy, my sister-in-law and bride-to-be, opening her gifts at her lovely bridal shower. Everything went smoothly and the guests had a wonderful time.
Friday, March 23, 2012
I was in charge of party favors for Mandy's shower -- Mandy is my sister-in-law and will be getting married this May. Stefanie (my other sister-in-law) helped me assemble the party favors the night before the shower. They turned out really nice!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Today was Nancy's last day at work, so the office threw her a party! Nancy is moving on to bigger and better things. I'll miss seeing her lovely smile every day, but I'm very excited for her and her new job. Good luck, Nancy!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Happy Birthday, Debbie! Enjoy your new Williams-Sonoma goodies!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Dan and I aren't big St. Patrick's Day celebrators, but we did swing by McDonald's so I could get a Shamrock Shake!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Dan and I just used almost all of our Viggle points to cash in on some Best Buy gift cards. We used those gift cards to get a PS3 (320GB)! Truth be told, this will serve as our newest Blu-ray player because it is one of the best ones out there. Want to know how much we paid?! NOTHING! In fact, we have $9.80 left over in gift card money! It took us about a month to save up enough points - and the PS3 was on special, via my Reward Zone account. Ready to download the Viggle app now?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Dan and I went with our friends, Jason and Rachel, to see an advance screening of Blue Like Jazz. Before the movie started, we were pleasantly surprised when we got to meet Donald Miller (the author of Blue Like Jazz), Steve Taylor (the movie director), and Marshall Allman (the lead actor, playing Donald Miller). We also got their autographs! Red my blog post Blue Like Jazz (The Movie) for more details.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
I was driving Dan's car and noticed the outside temperature - don't worry, I was sitting at a red light when I took this picture. 83 degrees in March? Yes, please! Later that day, Dan and I took advantage of the lovely weather and went for a walk to McDonald's to get Shamrock Shakes! Yum!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
I know I post a lot of food pictures, but I couldn't resist this one! Dan and I went to Corner Bakery for dinner and got our combo meals completely for free! Together the meals would have cost us almost $20, but thanks to my amazing coupons we ate for free. We also got a few bonus items! We each got to pick out a piece of fruit and later got to sample their chocolate chip cookies. Everything was delicious!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Dan and I went out for a sushi date early in the afternoon - to catch some cheap deals and a great sushi restaurant. This was my 4th sushi experience. I think I'm getting used to sushi because I have a few favorites!
Friday, March 9, 2012
I won a free North Atlantic Cod Filet Sandwhich from Culver's! It was pretty good. Oh! We both got free ice cream (custard)!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Redbox was offering free movie rentals (in celebration of their 2,000,000th rental), so Dan and I each rented a movie using our own account. I chose the new Footloose and Dan chose 50/50. I also made us a nice dinner and we relaxed on the couch all evening, watching the movies. It was fabulous!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Happy 100th Birthday, Oreo! Dan and I enjoyed some delicious Oreo cookies and milk in honor of your special birthday!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Strawberries were on sale for $0.39 a pound, so we stocked up! They're all clean and cut, ready for the freezer or the fridge. They're so delicious! I'm glad we did this.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
I went with Rachel to a all girls, Mexican-themed Bunco party! Bunco is a dice game that relies on pure luck. It was my first time playing and I had a great time. There were even prizes for various "wins." Prizes went to "Most Buncos," "Most Wins," "Most Loses," and the last person to call "Bunco!" I won the "Most Wins" category and got a $20 Chipotle gift card! Beginners luck, I'm sure. Meanwhile, our husbands had a guys' night and watched movies and ate yummy thai food for dinner.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Dan and I brought back Date Night! We used a coupon to have dinner at CiCi's Pizza (total bill was less than $9!) and then used Groupon to go see The Vow. We were full from dinner, so we didn't get any movie treats. It was a fun-filled night out!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
I went to Heroes Restaurant for lunch with some co-workers. Our lunches helped support JJC and I even got a free t-shirt. Not a bad way to start the work week.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Time to break the fast! Youth Group parents put together a delicious meal for everyone to enjoy once the famine was complete.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Dan and I helped lead the Junior and Senior High Youth Groups during the 30 Hour Famine. This special event helps World Vision raise money to fight world hunger.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
The threat of snow didn't keep Dan and I from going to Bahama Breeze for dinner after worship practice (it really wasn't bad outside). We had a gift card and a $10 off coupon, so we went to enjoy a fabulous meal before we joined the youth group for the 30 Hour Famine.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Happy National Margarita Day! Dan and I went to Pepe's Mexican Restaurant for dinner and even used a buy one dinner, get one dinner free coupon. Score!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Time to go and get our taxes taken care of! I think we have everything.
Monday, February 20, 2012
I had the day off from work, so I used my spare time to fix Dan and I a lovely dinner.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Dan reads to me in bed as we prepare for the Youth Group's 30 Hour Famine.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
FREE pizza and 2-liter bottle of pop from Papa John's! America called the coin toss (heads) during the Superbowl and all Papa John reward members got free pizza and pop! Yum!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day! Dan and I kept things simple this Valentine's Day, but it was a lovely evening!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Another birthday celebration at work! So many yummy goodies! Not a bad way to start another work week.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Parker Road hosted its second annual Chili Cook-Off and Youth Group Bake Sale! It was a blast! There were nine pots of chili. I may not have won, but I had a great time working on my own personal chili recipe.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
I organized a Night of Worship event at church and this is me with my amazing bandmates! It was such a special evening of music and prayer! Everyone worked so hard to make this night possible and we were blessed with a fabulous turn out. To God be the glory!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Oh boy! I don't think we made enough popcorn. Ha ha! Oops!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Yum! Coffee flavored soymilk - which I got for free! Are you surprised? Probably not.
Monday, Febraury 6, 2012
I made chili for dinner! This was my first ever attempt at making chili... and I plan on entering the Parker Road Chili Cook-Off on Sunday, February 12th. I just might be out of my mind! Ha ha!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Super Bowl Sunday we had the youth group over to watch the BIG game! It was a blast!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
I went to David's Bridal to get my bridesmaid dress for Mandy's wedding! The actual color will be Truffle (brown).
Friday, February 3, 2012
Dan and Jake playing video games at AMC before we saw The Grey.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
I attempted to make my own version of a breakfast panini for dinner. I used whole grain bread (lightly buttered), fresh scrambbled eggs, spinach, and parmesan cheese. They were delicious!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Dan was recently blessed with some free skis, so he wanted to find me a snowboard so that we can hit the slopes together (if it ever snows). Dan found this K2 snowboard and boots on craigslist.com. He consulted some friends about the ad - including his best friend, Myk, who lives in Colorado and is an avid snowboarder. Myk's reaction to the ad was: "...deal of the century!" and "If she had that posting up in CO, or somewhere with mountains that stuff would have been boughts by someone in .2 seconds." So we went ahead and bought the snowboard and boots - which were exactly my size! So excited!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Dan and I didn't make it to the cemetary in time to visit Jessie on the 30th, so I used my break the following day to visit Jessie. It was then that I dropped off the flowers that Dan bought for her. On the 30th, Dan bought both me and Jessie flowers. He got me some lovely stargazer lilies and bought Jessie the beautiful green flowers in the photo below - green was Jessie's favorite color. What a sweet husband I have! I am so blessed!
Monday, January 30, 2012
We spent the evening celebrating Jessie's life at her mother's house. This is a lovely new frame that my parents got Melanie at a craft shop. It opens up and has a lovely poem engraved on the inside, along with a spot for a photo on the other side. Melanie is holding it closed up. The outside says, "You will always be in our hearts."
Sunday, January 29, 2012
I baked our traditional gingerbread cookies in honor of Jessie's upcoming anniversary. Dan helped by applying the lovely green frosting.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Dan and I went to Corner Bakery and both enjoyed free Power Panini Thin. We each tried a different sandwich. Mine was made with smoked bacon, freshly scrambled eggs, parmesan and cheddar cheeses on thinly sliced whole grain harvest toast. Dan's was made with ham, freshly scrambled eggs, parmensan and chedar cheeses, and spinach on thinly sliced whole grain bread. Both were delicious!
Friday, January 27, 2012
I went out for lunch with Rachel and we both got free ice cream sundaes from Culver's! Yum!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Mmm... instant Gingerbread Cappuccino (another freebie!). I enjoyed this tasty cup of coffee while at work. It was fabulous! I've got a whole stash of these freebies in my desk drawer at work. Perfect for chilly days.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Dan bought a queen-size headboard for our guest room off of craigslist.com - for $35. After setting up the bed he installed some more bedside lamps from Pottery Barn.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
New bedside lamps from Pottery Barn! Dan did a really nice job installing them.
Monday, January 23, 2012
My dad came over after track practice to help Dan install our new blinds downstairs. They look amazing!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Second snow storm of 2012. Dan and I both got out of work early. It took me over an hour to get home - a drive that normally takes me about 30 minutes.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Dan was teasing me because I got a free can of Progresso soup in the mail.
Monday, January 16, 2012
I spent much of my evening making chocolate-covered pretzels.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Dan is making progress on the art niche by the stairs. He added the vase and straw - both were purchased for well under $10 (total).
Friday, January 13, 2012
Day after the first snow storm of 2012. Snow storms may be a pain to drive in, but I love how covers the brown grass and bare trees. So pretty!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
The first snow storm of 2012! Dan beat me home and already had my half of the driveway cleared. He even cleared off my car before I drove into the garage! What excellent service!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Completely FREE medium pizza from Heritage Pizza! It was covered with ham and then half featured pineapple and the other half had mushrooms and green peppers. Very yummy!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Amazing freebie that I won online! It is a full-size Olay ProX Eye Restoration cream!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Virtually FREE dinner at T.G.I. Friday's! A nice way to spend our last day of Christmas break. We even went home with leftovers! Bonus!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Saying good bye to 2011 at Abbington Banquets with some fabulous friends!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Dinner with the family at Public Landing Restaurant.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Another Christmas celebration! Our first Christmas party in our new home!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas! Christmas at Dan's parent's house in Wisconsin.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve with the family at Christkindlmarket in Chicago.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Dan and I bought a lovely new dining room table from Pottery Barn!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Dan and I exchange stockings and gifts by the fireplace of our brand new home!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
After working at Williams-Sonoma, I went over to my parent's house - where Dan was hanging out. I walked in the door and found Dan and my dad playing with my dad's trains. They played for a couple of hours!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Karolyn and Karolyn! Dan took me to see It's A Wonderful Life and to meet Karolyn "Zuzu Bailey" Grimes.
Dear friends, Jason and Rachel, came over to our house for a special Christmas dinner.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
My co-worker, Debbie, won this lovely prize at our Holiday Reception at work.
Friday, December 9, 2011
We woke up to some beautiful snow!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I saw this idea (for hanging Christmas cards) on CardsDirect.com's Facebook page. I sent the original image to Dan and he loved the idea! So he went out on Wednesday and brought the supplies. While I was at my second job for the evening, he put it together! What a crafty hubby I have! So far we only have one Christmas card on it. I'll update with more photos as we add more cards.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Dan had some time to kill before church so, naturally, he played with his helicopter.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Dinner date and Christmas shopping in Oak Brook. Also, my third sushi experience!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
I found the pickle ornament on our Christmas tree! A fun tradition that Dan and I trade off doing each year. This year it was my turn and after I found the pickle I got to open a gift. My gift was some new figures for my Disney Christmas Village!
Dan surprised me with a little early Christmas present while we were bringing up the Christmas decorations. It was another building for my Disney Christmas Village!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Skyping with Kathleen and Brad while they enjoyed Thanksgiving in Minnesota.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Dan was busy this morning putting LED Chirstmas lights on the lower half of our house. We turned them on to see how they look at night. Beautiful!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Celebrating Jennifer's 50th birthday at work!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Dan and I on Nelson Street in Stillwater, Minnesota.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
While visiting the Mall of America with my family, we ran into some church friends who were also in the area! Seriously, it is very difficult to find someone on purpose in this GIANT mall. Somehow we managed to find our friends without even knowing they were even at the mall.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Happy Veterans Day on 11-11-11! My father served our country through the US Army. Thank you to all the brave men and women who help keep our country safe. God Bless!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The first snow of the season! There was also sleet/hail that same day! Crazy weather... and it's not even winter yet!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Freshly baked Carmel Apple Pie made by my husband - it is super yummy! He did a fabulous job!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Ice cream sandwiches made with pumpkin spice cookies and vanilla ice cream! One additional perk to working at Williams-Sonoma when there is a tech class - delicious samples!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Baked some banana-flavored Sprinkles cupcakes! Super yummy!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
While snacking on some cereal at work, I was reminded of the time I had to go through dozens upon dozens upon dozens of cereal boxes picking out perfect flakes and oats for a Special K commercial - a task that took several crew members over the course of a couple of days. I think about that every time I watch a cereal commercial. I often wonder, "How many hours/days did it take their crew to pick out that cereal for a 30-second commercial?" Good times!
Monday, October 31, 2011
My special Halloween socks!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
All ready for our first trick or treaters in our new house!
Friday, October 28, 2011
I came back from my break to find a surprise Halloween treat on my office door!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Fall decoration on our front door! Dan did everything - he is awesome! I cannot take any credit.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
At work I was holding my spoon in my hot oatmeal while I checked my email. When I went to take a bite I noticed that the heat of my oatmeal warped my spoon! This was not a thin spoon! Ha ha! Oops!
Monday, October 24, 2011
My mood-booster! I've got lots to take care of this evening and I am not having a good day to begin with.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
The table is set for the 2nd Annual Fall Harvest Get-Together at Dan's parent's house.
Thursday, October 201, 2011
Home made pizza with whole wheat crust and reduced fat cheese-stuffed crust!
Home made pizza with whole wheat crust and reduced fat cheese-stuffed crust!