My Infertility Journey

Quite frequently I am approached/contacted about my infertility journey. It is an honor to have a story that gives women and families hope that they'll have children, especially when they're dealing with infertility. So, to help those interested in reading about my infertility struggles, I've placed all of my blog posts in one location -- and in order. I hope and pray that by reading my story, you too will feel encourage, no matter what struggles you may be facing.

To read a specific blog post, simply click on the title.

"My pleasure had become my pain..."
Friday, February 15, 2013
I didn't know where to start. I sat with my mother-in-law in the living room of her house so her and I could have a private conversation. I lured her in by simply saying, "I have something I'd like to talk to you about." Now, here we are and I'm lost for words, worried that I'm making her nervous by just sitting there, entangling my fingers as I desperately searched for the perfect words to start this difficult and embarrassing conversation. I looked at her and she looked me. Then, the words came.

My Clomid Treatment(s)
Monday, February 18, 2013
First and foremost, I would like to extend a great, big THANK YOU to everyone who has reached out to me and Dan with regards to our infertility journey. The Facebook posts, personal messages, text messages, and one-on-one words of encouragement has been overwhelming! I am in awe of how God has provided us with so many prayer warriors for our journey. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated and we cannot thank you enough.

While I'm Waiting
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
One day, while I was in Minnesota with Dan and my parents, visiting my sister (Kathleen) and her husband (Brad), we went to the Mall of America to do some shopping. Shortly after having breakfast at McDonald's (waiting for the stores to open), we casually made our way down one of the mall's many escalators. While we descended to a lower level, my sister called out, "Isn't that the McKenzies?"

This Is Going to Make Me Stronger
Friday, February 22, 2013
On Monday, February 18th I had a doctor appointment to check the progress of my medication. During this typical and familiar appointment with Dr. S and his staff, they drew blood and did an ultrasound. The process has become so routine, I've pretty much become a pro at getting in and getting out via autopilot -- I know exactly where to go and what to do.

Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Many of you have been asking for my chickpea cookie recipe ever since I posted it on Facebook. Well, here it is...

My Lifesong
Monday, February 25, 2014
Last night I had a dream that I was pregnant. I've had several pregnancy dreams before -- even before I was married. In this dream I think I was about four or five months along. I had the cutest belly! At one point I stood in front of a mirror and just admired my little pooch as I attempted to figured out if I was having a boy or a girl. I was glowing and beaming with pride! It was a wonderful dream.

Starting Over
Monday, March 4, 2013
On Tuesday, February 26th I was having some one-on-one time with God, sharing with Him my thoughts and fears regarding our fertility treatments. I sat on the floor, hugging my knees as my eyes swelled up. My throat started to burn as I whispered my prayer out loud.

Just Keep Breathing
Thursday, March 7, 2013
A couple years ago Dan and I took the Insanity challenge. Before you get any ideas, it's a workout series created by personal trainer, Shaun T. Now, if you're crazy enough to attempt Insanity, get ready for the most difficult and intense workout you will ever experience. No weights, no gym equipment... it's all you. If you do the workouts properly, you will sweat, you will ache, and you will get pushed to do things you never thought you'd be able to do. It won't be easy, by any means, but if you stick with each workout (6 days a week for 9 weeks), you will be stronger!

Women's Concert of Prayer: Motherhood
Monday, March 11, 2013
"Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises." James 5:13 (NLT)

When "Mommy Magic" Isn't Enough
Monday, March 18, 2013
Special Guest Blogger: Christine Koval
Have you ever tuned in to your favorite TV show only to find it has been preempted by some goofy awards program or delayed by a sporting event that went in to overtime? How annoying! Well, faithful readers, you have been victimized by a similar switcheroo. In my defense, I did not barge in unasked. I was invited to be a "guest blogger." Just to warn you, I have never blogged a day in my life. I further admit that I felt extremely intimidated by the proposal. And yet, here I am. What parents won't do for their children...

Growing Follicles (?!)
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
I'm not sure where to begin. I'm not sure if I have good news or bad news. Hmm... I have pending news, I guess.

Not if. When!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
It's been a while since I've updated my blog and I feel like a lot has happened since my last post, so I'll try to remember as many details as possible so I can get everyone caught up.

Time Out
Sunday, April 7, 2013
One thing that has been exceptionally nice about being on so many medications, is the fact that it has made Aunt Flow very predictable. It sounds silly but I think it's Fabulous!

National Infertility Awareness Week 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Sunday, April 21st - Saturday, April 27th is National Infertility Awareness Week and for the first time ever, I am struck deeply by this. My eyes and my heart have been opened. I have seen and I have felt the impact of infertility and let me tell you, it hurts!

A New Take on a Mother's Day Sermon
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Mother's Day always lands on a Sunday. As a child I would spend the morning greeting my mom with love, attention, and some presents. My dad would make breakfast and we would celebrate my mom and all that she does for us. Later that morning we would head over to church. We would sing and praise God for all mothers -- the ones present as well as the ones mentioned in the Bible.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Whenever I blog, I always do my best to stay open and honest. Lately, my blog posts have been more on the serious side (exclude my previous post about Ivory shampoo and body wash), but if you look back at older posts you'll see that they're quite random and usually upbeat. Still, no matter what I write, I want to be honest. That being said, I feel like I have some confessions to make.

Monday, May 28, 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013
This is not a story I want to share and this is certainly not a story that I want to remember. However, I promised that I would continue to share my pregnancy journey with each of you -- and a promise is a promise. Plus, I really feel like God's presence, as always, is evident and that is the most important reason to share this difficult story.

You're Not Alone
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Ever since I started sharing the struggles of mine and Dan's infertility, I've had countless women share with me their secret infertility battles. My heart breaks every time I discover that I have yet another friend who is facing the uncertainty of infertility and/or had miscarriages. Then, with each new testimony my prayer list grows.

Every BODY is Different
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
One of the hardest things about infertility is the fact that you cannot receive medical assistance until you and your spouse have attempted to get pregnant for at least a year. During that significant time period, a year can feel like an eternity -- especially when you know the odds aren't looking good you'll be pregnant before the year is up.

Almost There
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
For several years, even before I met Dan, I've had dreams that I'm pregnant. I'd place my hands on my round belly and feel so much joy and excitement. Now, here I am, 38+ weeks pregnant and I find myself dreaming about being slim and fit. I guess it's one of those situations where the grass appears greener on the other side.

An Open Letter to My Husband
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Dear Dan,
You and I have been together for over nine years and in those nine years I am still in awe of how much God has blessed our relationship. To this day, I continue to thank God for bringing you into my life. You bring so much joy into my life and I am honored to be your wife and the mother of your daughter.

Ava LeeAnne's Arrival
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Weeks leading up to Ava's birth Dan would ask me, "Are you ready to do this?" I'm not sure how a first-time mom is ever "ready" for the unknown amount of pain and discomfort she's about to go through, but I felt ready. Honestly, I felt like I was about to go skydiving -- which I've done before. I felt like I was in the airplane and the only way out was to jump. I knew I was going to do it and I knew I'd be fine, so I just wanted to "jump" and experience it already.

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