One of the hardest things about infertility is the fact that you cannot receive medical assistance until you and your spouse have attempted to get pregnant for at least a year. During that significant time period, a year can feel like an eternity -- especially when you know the odds aren't looking good you'll be pregnant before the year is up.
When mine and Dan's year of trying was (finally!) up, I immediately made an appointment to see a fertility specialist. A year of nothing had come and gone and I was not about to waste anymore time.
During my first meeting with Dr. S we discussed just about everything about my body and my medical history. While he wanted to run a few tests before he could officially come up with a game plan, the first thing he told me to do was change my diet. He told me to cut carbs, sugar, and fatty foods. While I generally eat healthy on a daily basis, I'll admit I have a pretty strong sweet tooth. Still, I took his advise to heart and made some drastic changes. Immediately, I took to the web (including Pinterest) to find some new healthy recipes.
In the end, I managed to get pregnant rather quickly and with very little medical assistance -- and that is a HUGE praise! The idea of popping a wide variety of pills, taking shots and other medical treatments had me a little worried. If you don't know me personally, I'm the type of person who resists simple over-the-counter pain pills when I've got a headache, cramps, and achy muscles. Instead, I usually drink lots of water and try to rest in hopes that my body will naturally take care of the rest. In most cases, it works. Then again, I also have days when I cheerfully give in and pop a pill or two.
Everyone has a his/her own approach to treating their own body. I'm not here to say there is a right or a wrong way because everybody is different and every BODY is different. Some bodies simply require a change in diet and exercise while other bodies (without a doubt) need/require medical assistance.
I wish I had known that properly changing my diet/exercise could (possibly) help me avoid infertility treatments. While I cannot guarantee I won't need medical assistance for when we attempt Baby Nelly #2, I fully intend on changing my diet/exercise in hopes that it will help sync and repair my body. Seriously though, cutting carbs, sugar, and fatty foods is just a good idea for anyone and everyone!
So, to all my ladies who are waiting for that first year to go by, might I suggest changing to a more healthy lifestyle? Like I said before, I can't guarantee you won't need medical assistance, but it's a step in the right direction. Plus, your healthy lifestyle will be very beneficial to you and your baby when you are pregnant.
If a year goes by and your healthy lifestyle doesn't appear to help your situation, I see nothing wrong with seeking medical assistance. Doctors are certainly capable of noticing details that we cannot see. Plus, experienced doctors will have a head start, so to speak, once they review your medical history and run some tests.
Above all, keep praying! Who knows your body better than God?! He knows the number of hairs on your head, the number of times your heart beats each day, the thoughts that race through your mind... he knows everything about you. And... He has a plan for you.
A friend of mine, who is currently dealing with infertility, has sent me a few helpful links and I'd like to share them with each of you...
Really great educational resources/support communities for women struggling with infertility (both also on Facebook):
Books to read:
Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility
The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies
Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility
The Infertility Cure: The Ancient Chinese Wellness Program for Getting Pregnant and Having Healthy Babies
Again, everybody is different and every body is different. Take care of your body and treat it like the temple that it is. Besides, ladies, it's very likely that your body will serve as temporary housing for your baby/babies.
So no matter what you're dealing with, I believe that a healthy lifestyle is a great starting to point to any physical set-backs. Now, if you still require medical assistance, please, don't be discouraged. No matter what comes next in your journey, keep praying for God's wisdom and guidance to give you strength. He can help you overcome any obstacle life throws at you.
So no matter what you're dealing with, I believe that a healthy lifestyle is a great starting to point to any physical set-backs. Now, if you still require medical assistance, please, don't be discouraged. No matter what comes next in your journey, keep praying for God's wisdom and guidance to give you strength. He can help you overcome any obstacle life throws at you.
Now, for a little extra encouragement, here is Mandisa's latest single, Overcomer. Enjoy!
PS - Today I am 27 weeks and 5 days into my pregnancy. Only 85 days until Baby Nelly's due date. Yeah, we're still working on her name. Stay tuned!
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