Thursday, February 18, 2010

A/V Booth Construction

On Monday, February 15, 2010, Gordon and Floyd started construction on our brand new, custom-made Audio/Visual Booth! I couldn't be more excited! This booth will house our A/V equipment in a more safe, secure, and organized fashion.They are scheduled to have the outside done by tomorrow (Friday). We'll be up and running on the inside as we temporarily set up shop on tables as we wait for our upcoming counter and cabinets

Below are some photos that I've taken during construction.

As I type, the construction continues! I am anxious to get everything up and running in there. This booth is going to be extremely helpful.

A special thank you goes out to Gordon and Floyd for taking the time to build this fabulous booth... and to my parents for donating a significant amount of funds to this special project! May God continue to bless the ministries of Parker Road!


Frederic said...

Hello theee ,
We are constructing a sound booth for a Venue in Winston Salem N.C. Your sound booth looks like something we would like to build. Would you by any chance have the measurements or the plans to make your booth. We are seeking booth designs and they are hard to find.
Thank you very much. You can email us at
Frederic Squires
VP Audio Video Specialists

Bob said...

Would it be possible to obtain the plans for this A/V both? Thanks

Gary Schrougham said...

Hey, is there a chance of getting a copy of plans, measurements. This would be a great help to our church

Blogging from Texas said...

Hi there! We would love to have a copy of the plans/measurements as well. Our demo is starting soon, and it would be awesome to have a guide as a starting point for outfiting and constructing a new AV booth.