Thursday, June 11, 2009

Where has the time gone?

The wedding is rapidly approaching and sometimes I feel like I'm totally lost. Where has the time gone? Feels like I blinked at the wedding is right around the corner. Others told me that this would happen and I knew it was true... but still, geez!

I think that I have everything under control. I'm working my tail off to stay organized and to get as much work at the church done ahead of time. That means preparing the weekly bulletin and PowerPoint presentations for the announcements and sermons. Seems easy, but I am short on time and am already staying way past my scheduled hours working on other stuff.

Well, I can't write much more. I have to go edit a wedding... another project I'd like to have done before the wedding. I don't want to have any work waiting for me when I get back. I want my mind to be clear and trouble free. I am going to relax and have fun with my husband on our honeymoon! Yep, it's going to happen!

Only 15 days until the wedding!

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