On Sunday, August 9th I thought that I was going to have my first quiet Sunday after church - surprisingly, I did not have work that day. However, I got booked at the last minute to work on an Indie short film in Chicago for Sundance. The film is called "A Perfect Manhattan" and it is going to have a quick turnaround so it is ready next month.
I got up at 4:00 a.m. and made it into the city just before 5:30 a.m. Some of the crew was already there setting up. It was great to work on another fun project with so many of my friends! It's been a while since we've all gotten to work together, so it was a good day!
At one point we needed to fill in some crossword puzzles that would be used as a prop. I thought that they wanted it to be pretty legit, so I tried figuring out the puzzle. Nope. They just wanted it filled in with letters... except for one spot that we customized so that it was 10 spaces long. Aside from filling in a few correct answers, I just started filling in the blanks with random words and letters. Then, I got an idea! I looked around the blanks nearest the 10-space blank that was set aside and filled in "Dan" and "Nelson" into two spots. Can you see his name in the photo? A little Easter Egg for the film.

I got to bring my cousin, Kevin, along for the experience as a PA. He's starting film school at
Flashpoint Academy in Chicago next month. That day he really got a big kick out of the whole experience. I'd have to say that the high point of this experience for him was the chance to meet Danny. He has been in the acting business for a very long time, but what Kevin will always remember him for is his role in The Dark Knight. Danny has the first line in the movie, spends most of his time with The Joker (Heath Ledger), and then later gets hit by a bus. I used my phone to capture a quick picture of the two of them together. Kevin has certainly gotten off on the right foot.

Our day ended around 7:00 p.m. So it was a productive day. Good luck to Dean, Michael, Laura, Brian, and everyone else who worked on this film! It was my pleasure working with each of you, as usual.
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