For the first time (ever!) I have been a consistent follower of American Idol. Normally, I begin each season by watching the auditions here and there and eventually tune out once the over-blown drama begins in Hollywood. But for some reason, this year Dan and I were drawn into American Idol like never before. Like much of America, we became Colton Dixon fans... and, also like the rest of America, we were completely shocked when Colton was voted off of American Idol. His very first time in the bottom three and he was eliminated -- as Hollie survived, yet, another week.
Without a doubt, Colton has expressed his devote Christian faith throughout this season of American Idol. Even when AI producers suggested to Colton that he take a step back from sharing his faith (in order to increase his chances of winning), Colton refused. At only 20 years old, Colton has shown such strong faith while being in the spotlight of a major television show. I am very impressed at how he has managed to share his faith -- whenever possible.
Below are brief questions and answers taken from Colton's American Idol's profile page.
Question: What was the first concert you attended?
Answer: MercyMe and Audio Adrenaline at Starwood Amphitheater. Great show.
Question: If you could perform in any venue?
Answer: The Dove Awards.
Question: How has music inspired you?
Answer: Music is the way I express myself. It's the number one way I worship.
Question: If you could perform with any person or group, who would it be and why?
Answer: Casting Crowns, so I could be a part of the ministry that they have. Amazing.
Question: What do you do to unwind after a performance?
Answer: Pray.
Question: What's your dream song to perform?
Answer: 'Everything' by Lifehouse.
Question: How do you combat stage fright?
Answer: I pray for peace and calm.
Question: How do you plan on differentiating yourself in the competition?
Answer: I embrace being different. God created us all different. I think America already sees that.
Question: If you couldn't sing, what other talent would you most like to have?
Answer: Talent to speak well. Same goal to spread the Gospel, but using a different tool.
Question: Who is the person that you would most like to meet?
Answer: Ha-ha. Right now, Tim Tebow. Just to see how being surrounded by a secular environment affected his faith and how he managed to stay grounded.
Question: What have you learned about yourself by going through the Idol audition process?
Answer: That I have what it takes. I just need to have faith and believe that God has a plan for me.
As Colton prepared to deliver his final performance, he got down on his knees (pictured below) and started to sing his all-time favorite song, "Everything" by Lifehouse. Closing his eyes and lifting his hand in worship, Colton sang to God -- his audience of one. He went out praising God, giving Him the glory for his success! As the song continued and show's closing credits began to roll, Colton stood and pointed straight up as he modified the song's lyrics, singing out, "He's all I want! He's all I need! God, you're everything! You're everything!" He may not have become Season 11's American Idol, but I'm sure Colton's testimony will continue to be used to bring glory to God, while helping the family of God grow!
In the beginning, I was just a fan of Colton and his musical talents. After hearing him share his faith and remain grounded, keeping God his number one fan, I became Coltn's fan on a whole new level. It was then that I started praying for Colton and his own ministry.
I'm praying for you, Colton Dixon. Stay strong in your faith and maintain your audience of one.
Here are two version of Colton singing "Everything":
"Everything" Preformed by Colton Dixon on American Idol (shortened version, before elimintaion)
"Everything" Preformed by Colton Dixon Crossroads Church in Corona, CA (full version, Colton on piano)
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