I am so excited, I just had to post about Dan's new job!
Back in April, I posted about how Dan lost his job -- due to lack of project funding. While the thought of having an unemployed spouse is certainly an unsettling feeling, I couldn't help but feel inner peace about the journey we were about to take. Ultimately, I knew God was in control. Sure, I had my good days and by bad days, but more than anything, life continued as normal as possible. Naturally, we cut back on spending (more than usual), but we still found ways to have fun and go out on dates. By God's grace, all our bills got paid and our savings never suffered!
Once Dan and I got back from Washington DC (April 4th), Dan hit the ground running and didn't stop until he got a job. He had two recruiters job searching for him, he was all over LinkedIn making contacts and updating his resume, he searched Career Builder and other job-friendly websites, he gave his resume to friends and family, he paid extra to have his resume delivered express to his favorite jobs, and he personally dropped off his resume to some of his favorite jobs. Without a doubt, he made job hunting a full-time job. Then, to take a "break" from job searching, he worked on the house and did some grocery shopping. So when job interviews started pouring in, I was in awe.
In the past couple of weeks, Dan had four job interviews and two offers. In the end, he passed up on two of the jobs before he could even make it to the second interview and he was very pleased to accept an offer from Particle Technology Laboratory (PTL). PTL was an excellent fit! On Wednesday, June 20th Dan had his first day! Dan really enjoyed his first day and we're both very excited to see where this new job opportunity will lead him. This new job will certainly be a learning experience for him and he welcomes the new challenges with an eager sense to learn and grow.
Praise the Lord for Dan's new job at PTL! Prayer works! God is good!
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