Dan and I are not happy with the management staff at our current apartment and with him going back to school in September we really need a place that is a bit cheaper. Thankfully, we were blessed with options! Again, after much discussion, a couple of pro and con lists, and whole lot of praying, we made the decision to move into a lovely apartment just down the road from where we live now.
I'll admit, I'm pretty bummed about leaving the first place Dan and I called "home" before we even hit our one-year anniversary, but once again, I know that it is for the best. Now I feel like a real Nelson - I'm moving! Ha ha!
Our new home will be bigger, better, and cheaper! Only 8+ years old, this apartment will have fresh paint and brand new carpet. Plus, it'll be close to Jason and Rachel - we've already made summer plans with them and might even be able to carpool to certain church events.
All this apartment junk has really given me a passion for owning a home some day. Unfortunately, until Dan is done with school and knows where he will be working, apartment living is what we need to do for now.
I don't know if I posted this before, but I am job hunting for a full-time job right now. I have been for a couple of months. Nothing yet, but I'm still searching and still applying. Sometimes I get nervous, the closer and closer it gets to summer... but I know that God will provide all that we need.
We're not big spenders and I am constantly clipping coupons and watching sales, so I know that we will find a way to get by if I don't find a job.
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