Ok, so the past couple of days have been amazing! So much has happened... so that means that this entry is going to be a bit lengthy, but I've got pictures!
Friday, Dan came over and after dinner we went for a walk, played some Wii, and then went to Applebee's for some appetizers. He had a gift card with some money left on it, so we used it up. It was a fun and nice evening.

Saturday, Dan and I took the train downtown to experience The Taste of Chicago. A lot happened! First, while we were waiting for the train to come a man (about my age) had a Seizure! He was behind me and Dan so we didn't see what happened, but then someone cried out, "He's having a Seizure!" A man called 911 and just as the man was coming to we heard the sirens coming. The man tried to leave (dazed and confused). I called out, "Stop him before he falls and hits his head." Dan and two other men tried to keep him calm until help arrived. He was on his way to falling on

the tracks! Thankfully, help came and after working with him for a while took him to the hospital. Phew! On the train we were stuck on a car without any air conditioning. Yuck! As we arrived at The Taste a woman approached me and handed me 8 free tickets! Later Dan won 4 more free tickets and then just before we left I found 5 more tickets... so all together we got 17 free tickets! Anyway, we made an attempt to see Stevie Wonder, but the crowd was so huge! We barely caught a glimpse of him. We did see
Vinny though! If you watch ABC News, you know who Vinny is! We also got lucky with weather! Storm clouds were pretty nasty, but we managed to get by with some light showers... the rest of the day was all sunshine!

Sunday after church the Young Adults got together for a picnic lunch and some sand volleyball! Again, we lucked out with weather. We got a lot of sunshine despite the rain clouds that kept coming in. We played 5 games! It was a good time!

Monday, Kathleen, Dan, and I went to a White Sox game. We went with some other friends, but we all got separated. No matter, the three of us had a great time! Plus, the Sox won... so that's a good time. Our seats weren't the best, but it didn't matter to us. We took the bus to the game, $3 each way, per person. Our tickets were $8.50 each and hot dogs were 2 for 1 the first hour, so that made the outting nice and cheap!
Well, I'm tired, but I need to get back to work. I know that I had a lot to say today, but thanks for reading!
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