We got to spend several days celebrating Dan's birthday this year! I like to drag out birthdays... I don't like to rush them.
First, we started in Wisconsin on Saturday, August 15th. There we went golfing with his mother [Carol] and Uncle Ralph. I wasn't doing too hot, but then again it was only my forth time playing. However, I did get one exceptional hit from the 6th tee. Dan had a not-so-great tee off from the 7th hole. After hitting one ball he wanted to try one more. When he struck the second ball the head of his golf club flew father then the ball! Not the best moment for Dan, but it was still and enjoyable afternoon. Afterwards we went over to his sister's place to have dinner with her, Cale, and Carol. We cooked out on the grill and had cheesecake for dessert!
Even I got birthday gifts! My favorite was my new quilt that Carol made with my old t-shirts and Jessie's old cloud pajamas. It's beautiful and I look forward to snuggling with it this winter and every winter for the rest of my life!
Sunday, August 16th [Dan's actual birthday] we got to sleep in. That morning I gave Dan his birthday presents and then made him a nice, hot breakfast.
Later that day we went to the church picnic, which started at 10:30 a.m. That is why we got to sleep in. Aside from a little bit of rain that came and went, we had a nice day! I bit humid after the rain, but still good!
After the picnic we went over to my parents' house to relax and later cook on the grill. My folks had a nice spread for dinner and for dessert we had some yummy chocolate cake and Oberweis ice cream! Delicious!
Friday, August 21st Jason and Rachel came over and we cooked out on the grill. We had a nice spread which featured steaks in an amazing marinade created by Jason! Dan had tried this marinade over at Jason's not too long ago and absolutely loved it! So Jason and Rachel got him all of the ingredients needed and gave them to him for his birthday. Very nice!
We spent the evening playing games and socializing. It was a great time!
On Monday, August 24th we got together with Jason and Rachel once more to see Inglorious Bastards at Hollywood Boulevard. Dan had eight free passes for his birthday, so we all got in for free. Free is good!
Happy Birthday, Dan! I hope that you had a great time celebrating the many days that made up your birthday this year!
NOTE: Will update soon with links and photos.