I've been meaning to start up a new web site for some time now. Mainly because I want to promote more of my photography skills. While this web site is still under construction I still think that it is way better than my old site! So keep checking up!
This weekend I was sick, no fun. I slept most of the day on Friday and on Saturday I managed to get out of the house to catch my friend's band (((Last Call))) play at the Queen of Martyrs Fest. They did well, as usual. I just wish that I was feeling better. I probably would have had more fun with my friends.
Sadly, I am still sick but I am hopefully down to my final days. I've been coughing like crazy and my head hurts from all the pressure. Last night I was afraid that I wouldn't get any sleep due to my constant coughing, but thankfully I took some of my mom's helpful advise. I took NyQuil (which was a given) and then put some Vick's Vapor Rub on my chest and on the bottom of my feet, which was my mom's suggestion. She wasn't sure if it would work since she has never tried it, but I gave it a whirl and am happy to report that everything worked out perfectly! I got a good night's sleep and never woke up with a nasty coughing fit! Praise God!