Yesterday was a long day! I worked for about 15 hours but I was actually out of the house for about 17 hours. That's a long day! Eh, but that's production work for ya! It was a long day, but overall it was a pretty good day. It took me a while to unwind and relax once I got home from work, but I finally fell asleep sometime after midnight.

This past weekend was a blast! Weather was pretty good, so I figured it would still be a good weekend to treat Dan for all his hard work this past school year. I took Dan to Downtown Naperville where we ate lunch at
BD's Mongolian Barbeque and then I took him to
Cookie Dough Creations for dessert! It was
so good! We got a little too much ince cream and raw cookie dough and couldn't quite finish out desserts, but oh man... they were
amazing! I'm so glad that Saturday is my splurge day! I really took advantage this past weekend, but it's okay because we walked around Downtown Naperville to walk off some of

the sweets and do a little bit of shopping. The sun decided to come out and it even started to get really warm outside. It actually felt like spring! We left just as it was starting to cool off and get cloudy. Rain was on the way! Perfect timing. We spent the rest of the evening playing some Wii and bumming around the house.

Sunday was Mother's Day! Dan and I had AV Sunday morning, so we had to leave early. On Sunday I also got up in front of the congregation and made an announcement about the
Something from Jessie Memorial Scholarship Spaghetti Dinner (Friday, June 6th). Oh, but my Sunday morning is still not over. I also taught Jr. Church! Whew! What a morning! After church Dan and I went home and started lunch. My dad ran out and picked up some food while Dan and I dressed the dinning room table and prepared the

rest of the food. It all came together great! After dinner we gave my mom her gifts. Kathleen called while she was opening presents so she was "there" too. Later we had dessert... cheesecake! Yes, I cheated and gave in on a non-splurge day.
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