Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2011
Be Encouraged
Here are direct links to their online players. Just click on the image and you will be directed to their online music player:

I hope that these stations bring a lot of joy into your day/life! Enjoy!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Kind of Interesting...
Stephen Colbert poses with Goofy outside the Soarin Over California attraction at Disney California Adventure park in on August 28, 2010 in Anaheim, California. (Photo by Paul Hiffmeyer/Disney via Getty Images)
Stephen Colbert, wife Evelyn Colbert and sons Peter Colbert and John Colbert pose with Goofy outside the Soarin Over California attraction at Disney California Adventure park in on August 28, 2010 in Anaheim, California. (Photo by Paul Hiffmeyer/Disney via Getty Images)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Shopping at Whole Foods Market

We decided to wait until we were in the new house to splurge on our mini Whole Foods shopping spree - and last night we finally went. I'll admit, I was a bit lost in that store. I've never seriously shopped there - well, for more than one random thing at a time. Dan and I kept splitting up, each trying to decide what we should buy. Our ultimate goal was to each spend our gift certificate ($20/each) without going over.
Once we were finished choosing our items, we divided our cart into two piles - hoping they were about $20 each. Some items were on sale, some items had coupons... some items were on sale and had coupons! Score!
I went first. After my sale items and coupons I was at $17.36. Oops! So I snagged two packs of gum and my total came to $20.13. After my gift certificate I spent $0.13. I looked at Dan and playfully said, "Let's see if you can beat that."
Dan went next. After his sale items and coupons he was at $19.80, so he purchased a different pack of gum. His final total was $20.85. After his gift certificate he spent $0.85. The female cashier smiled at Dan and said, "Looks like she beat you."
Here are our final numbers...
Total spent on LinvingSocial deal: $20
Total spent at Whole Foods Market (before LS and coupons): $44.79
TOTAL SPENT (including LS): $20.98
I put the "+" next to Total Savings because some of the items were on sale but I can't remember how much the items were originally priced and it doesn't show how much we saved on our receipts. I know the total is a couple of dollars, but I'm not sure exactly.
In the long run, we saved over 53% on our grocery bill at Whole Foods Market - which is awesome! I can say this much, I love the selection of fresh, organic whole foods, but the prices are definitely too steep for me and my budget. This was a nice way to pick up a few healthy items (i.e. soy milk, Greek yogurt, frozen fruit, cottage cheese, etc.) and not break the bank.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Fall Harvest Weekend
We strolled into Dan's parent's house just after 11:00 p.m. and as Dan turned the corner to enter the family room I heard his high-pitched, excited voice exclaim, "Stefanie!" Sure enough, when I turned the corner and entered the room, there she was on the couch - with Dan hugging her close. Stefanie now lives in California with her husband, Thomas, so this was a very unexpected surprise.
Saturday, October 22nd Dan and I slept in until about 8:15 a.m. doesn't sound like much but I was actually ready to get up long before that.
The morning and early afternoon was spent baking, cooking and shopping for last minute items. That evening we were joined by Dan's other sister, Mandy, and her fiance, Cale. As the evening progressed we were also joined by Dan's Uncle Ralph and Aunt Diane. Before dinner we enjoyed appetizers like carmel apple dip and apples as well as baked brie with a cranberry sauce with tasty crackers. Dan's father started a bonfire outside and the guys played beans bags.
For dinner we had our choice of homemade potato soup or chili in a sour dough bread bowl from Panera Bread. Everything was delicious!
After dinner, most of us (well, everyone except Dan's mom, Carol) went to Wisconsin Feargrounds in Waukesha. We did the same thing last year - except there were three haunted houses and a maze. This year we opted to save a few bucks and just do the main haunted house - Morgan Manor. Our wait was rather long this year. Last year we waited about 10-20 minutes to enter the first haunted house, but this year there was quite the line and our wait extended to over 1 and 1/2 hours! No matter, we made the most of the situation and enjoyed each other's company - as well as the company of the occasional ghoul who walked among the winding line.
It felt like it took us about 15 minutes to walk through the haunted manor. It was really crowded so our group of eight ran into other groups along the way. Dan took the front and I stood closely behind him. Whenever we started to run into another group Dan would slow down so that we could get some distance and give the monsters a chance to "reset" for our own personal scare. However, that usually resulted in the group behind us running into us. Oh well, it was still a good time! Each monster put a lot of effort into his/her character and it was rather entertaining - one sad little girl/ghoul really wanted me to be her mommy.
After we survived our venture through Morgan Manor we continued home. Back at the house Carol had a large cupcake waiting for Cale in honor of his upcoming birthday. She also had chocolate dishes filled with frozen pumpkin concrete - from Culvers. We sat around the table and laughed about the events that took place within the haunted house. It was a great way to end the evening!
Sunday, October 23rd Dan and I got ready to go home so that I could get home in time for work. Stefanie joined us. Since their parents were heading to Las Vegas later that day (a business trip for their dad, mini vacation for their mom) Stefanie took their mom's car and came down with us. I rode down with Stefanie and drove by himself. Stefanie and I had a great talk the whole way home.
After a quick lunch at home I departed for my shift at Williams-Sonoma. Aside from one annoying customer - whom I had to be pulled from - it was a rather easy shift. Dan and Stefanie hung out all afternoon and even stopped by the mall to visit me.
After work I met up with Dan and Stefanie and we had dinner at La Mex - yum! That evening Stefanie suggested that we rent Justin Bieber: Never Say Never - and we did. Heads up! Watch with caution... you will get Bieber Fever! Seriously though, what a sweetheart! He has a great story and this documentary-style film, filled with personal home videos of Justin and his family, really gave me a lot more respect for this little heartthrob pop singer.

Thursday, October 20, 2011
I'm Pro-Life

So the doctor said, "Ok and what do you want me to do?"
She said, "I want you to end my pregnancy, and I'm counting on your help with this."
The doctor thought for a little, and after some silence he said to the lady, "I think I have a better solution for your problem. It's less dangerous for you too."
She smiled, thinking that the doctor was going to accept her request.
Then he continued, "You see, in order for you not to have to take care of 2 babies at the same time, let's kill the one in your arms. This way, you could rest some before the other one is born. If we're going to kill one of them, it doesn't matter which one it is. There would be no risk for your body if you chose the one in your arms."
The lady was horrified and said, "No doctor! How terrible! It's a crime to kill a child!''
"I agree," the doctor replied. "But you seemed to be OK with it, so I thought maybe that was the best solution."
The doctor smiled, realizing that he had made his point.
He convinced the mom that there is no difference in killing a child that's already been born and one that's still in the womb. The crime is the same!
If you agree, please SHARE. Together we can help save precious lives!
Love says, "I sacrifice myself for the good of the other person." Abortion says, "I sacrifice the other person for the good of myself."
By: Life is Dangerous: Let's Ban It
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Psalm 139:13 New Living Translation (NLT)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Upcoming Bridesmaid Dress Shopping

Monday, October 17, 2011
Moving Weekend
Once the final, final walk through was done, Dan, Myk and myself piled into one car and headed to Downer's Grove to begin the extensive paper work that comes with purchasing a home. Once we got to the office, Dan and I went inside while Myk took Dan's car to a nearby Starbuck's where he would do some light reading and job research.
From 12:00 to 3:30 p.m. Dan and I did not move from our seats. Honestly, half the time spent at the closing was spent waiting for the package of papers to arrive. Dan played on his smart phone and I played on my iPod to pass the time. Once the paper work went through and everything was accepted, we opened our hands and accepted our very first set of house keys!

Inside, Dan and I were overwhelmed with awe as we found a very generous gift basket waiting for us on our kitchen island. It was loaded with all sorts of goodies including chocolates, biscotti, coasters, crackers and a bottle of Chardonnay.
We popped a bottle of Champagne and Dan toasted to our new house. Myk was kind enough to capture this on video. Before departing the house, Myk filmed Dan and I as we walked through the house to give a tour of our new home.
That evening we were hoping to go to our favorite corn maze (the Richardson Corn Maze in Spring Grove, Illinois), but the constant rain all day was enough for us to make other plans. So, instead, we went to Steak 'n Shake for dinner and then to the budget theatre to see Captain America: The First Avenger. We all confessed to dozing off during the movie - all at different times. It was a long day.

Friday, October 14th the three of us went back to the house with two car loads of stuff. My parents came by with food to feed our family and friends who would be helping us move on Saturday. It was their first time seeing the house all done.
Together we got some small things done around the house. My mom and I got the kitchen up and running - at least for Saturday. The guys brought in heavy stuff and made an attempt to install the garage door openers - but they were missing a few items to complete the process.
Our brand new, king size bed showed up that morning and so did Comcast [Internet]. Slowly but surely, our house was coming together.
That afternoon I went back to the house while Dan and Myk worked on installing the TV above the fireplace. We were expecting a few packages so I went home to wait for the UPS guy. Once the packages were delivered (including Dan's new iPhone 4S) I resumed watching Grey's Anatomy on Hulu. When Dan and Myk got back to the apartment we all napped and relaxed. It was fabulous!
Later the evening we met up with Cori - one of Dan and Myk's former college classmates. We had dinner and got caught up with each others lives. It was a fun evening!
Saturday, October 15th was our official moving day! Once again we slept at the apartment - it just made sense. Dan and Myk got up at about 7:00 a.m. to go and pick up the moving truck. I ran to the house to pick up Dan's tools and then I stopped at Dunkin' Donuts to pick up a dozen donuts for our happy helpers.
At 9:00 a.m. family and friends started showing up at the apartment. Together, we ate donuts and sipped fresh coffee (Dunkin' Donuts coffee, of course) before we got down to business.
We finished loading up the truck and cars at about 11:30 a.m. and then we all headed over to the house. We got there at 12:00 p.m. and were pleased to find two more helpers ready to help us unpack! In just under an hour everything was in the house! What an amazing team we had!
For lunch my mom had made chili (complete with two kinds of shredded cheese and oyster crackers), a garden salad, fruit salad and various kinds of bread. Carol (Dan's mother) brought some deliciously festive cupcakes. Dan and I also ordered three large pizzas from Pizza Hut. Needless to say, our team ate very well.
Once lunch was over, and every had gotten a full tour of the house, folks started going on their merry ways. Dan's mom, dad and sister (Mandy) stuck around and so did my mom. By mid afternoon my mom and I had the kitchen pretty much all unpacked - I have a lot of kicthen stuff!
Once it was back to the three of us (me, Dan and Myk) I continued working on the remaining odds and ends in the kitchen while Dan and Myk went to go return the truck.
My mom returned later that evening with my dad - who had a cross country meet that day. After my dad got the full, finished tour we went out for lunch at Pop's and then to get some rainbow cones - Dan and Myk's first rainbow cone experience! After dinner and dessert my parents went home to get some much-needed sleep - it has been a long day for everyone.
Back at the house, Dan and Myk finished putting the TV up on the wall and Dan got everything up and running with our new receiver. It took a while to get the audio to work but once we were up and running we played a little Rock Band on the Wii to celebrate. Our gaming didn't last too long - we really needed some serious sleep.
Sunday, October 16th we got to sleep in a little bit. We all got up at about 9:30 a.m. to get ready for church. Our house almost cuts our drive time to church in half! We went from a 25 minute commute to about 15 minutes. Nice!
After church (and lunch at Noodles and Company) I went to work at Williams-Sonoma. Dan and Myk went back to the house. Later that afternoon another college buddy, Nick, showed up at the house. Myk and Nick went out while Dan went to volleyball.
I came home to an empty house and got right to work. I unpacked a few more things, took empty boxes to the basement and condensed full boxes into a more organized fashion. During this process I was greeted by our new neighbors (who live on the north side of our house). They came over to welcome us to the neighborhood and brought us a bottle of Champagne and some plastic Champagne cups. How sweet!
Myk and Nick showed up at the house with Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner - yum! Once Dan was home we had dinner and started watching Bridesmaids. We had a blast hanging out!

Monday, October 17th Dan and I woke up not feeling very well. We had a long and busy weekend and we were certainly feeling it. No matter, we both made it to work and shook off whatever was bothering us.
After work I stopped by the apartment to pick up a few items that were left behind. Once I got home I unpacked those items and crawled in to bed and napped. It was fabulous!
That evening, Dan and I went out to Red Lobster for dinner since it was our dating anniversary - we have been together non-stop for seven years! I had a coupon and we both got the endless shrimp. Our waitress was awesome! She just kept bringing us shrimp - even if we didn't ask. Even after we paid the bill and packed up three, virtually full-sized different shrimp portions , she said, "Oh wait! I've got some more shrimp for you guys to take home." Sure enough, she brought out another full portion more shrimp! We walked out with four servings of our favorite shrimp! Needless to say, we got a lot of bang for our buck.
After dinner we went to the apartment to finish collecting a few remaining items in our apartment. Dan snagged a few items out of our garage, but the rest will have to wait for another day.
That night we slept good! I can hardly remember hitting the pillow. I think it'll be a while before I really catch up on my sleep, but a couple of early bedtimes this week will help.
I'll admit, I'm still getting used to being in a house. Maybe once we're all unpacked it'll feel more like home.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Closing Time
Today I am feeling...
1. Blessed!
2. Excited
3. Joyful
4. Happy
5. Anxious
Not gonna lie, I cried yesterday, literally, for the first time since the whole house process started. I suddenly felt nervous and scared. I'm usually a big worrier, but through lots of prayer and quality time with God, I have felt ultimate peace throughout this whole process. That is... until yesterday. What happened? Well, I have one guess: Satan!
Years ago I had a talk with my mom about God and Satan. I wondered, How can I tell the difference between when God speaking to me and when Satan speaks? My mom instantly replied, "God will never make you feel bad about yourself. That is how you tell the difference."
So, how did I feel last night? Basically, I felt stupid. I found myself wondering, How on earth am I going to pay for this house? Was this really a good idea? Does this sound like God speaking to me? Nope! Dan wanted me to fell good about our upcoming closing day, so he prayed over me and within the words "Amen" I felt like a whole new person! I guess that is even more proof that Satan was wispering words of doubt and fear into my mind, not God.
The truth is, I have no real doubt that this is what God wants for me and Dan. We have spent the last seven months or so in constant communication with God, regarding our house. Even on big days, like when we signed off on the paper work to begin construction on the house, I felt absolute peace. Coming from a obsessive worrier, it is a big deal that I didn't worry for one second on such a life-changing day. Where else can such peace come from? Only the Holy Spirit can fill my mind, body and soul with such soothing peace.
Not only have I felt absolute peace throughout the entire house-building process, but God's hand has been evident with multiples stories that feature His perfect timing. He has given me no reason to feel nervous or scared. Until last night, I never second-guessed mine and Dan's decision. So I can only conclude that Satan was trying to spoil a joyous occassion. Satan: FAIL.
My work day is short today. Once I am done for the day I will be joining Dan and his best friend, Myk (who flew in from Colorado last night just for this special occassion), and together we will go to the house, start a final, final walk through and then go to Downers Grove to sign the paper work. Myk is going to find a coffee shop during the closing process - and I don't blame him.
The process will begin at noon, so if you're reading this by then, please pray for us. I don't want to hear Satan's lies anymore today. Today, I want to feel the presence of my Heavenly Father - the one who made this day possible.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
All Packed
After making Dan's soup I got right to work packing up the remaining items in our apartment. Dan joined me once he was done with his dinner. We packed for over four hours and it was towards the end that I realized that I didn't have any dinner and I had packed up the majority of our food! Oops! I ended up snacking on some kettle corn and made a hot dog for Dan and myself.
We have two piles of boxes/bags. One smaller pile needs to be moved first (Friday) and the much larger pile will be moved later (Saturday) - when we have a fabulous crew of helpers.

I still can't believe tomorrow is the BIG day! Tomorrow we officially close on our house and become home owners! How on earth am I going to sleep tonight?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Final Walk Through

We started in the kitchen and slowly went from room to room discussing the details of the specific space. All along the way we tested lights, doors, windows, the hot/cold water and other room features to make sure that everything was working properly and met our standards and personal requests. We found a few bums and bruises along the way but nothing dramatic. We were told that most of the items are rather easy fixes for the builders.
When we stepped out of the house to discuss the exterior, I heard a car honk and someone yelling, "Hey! I know you!" My first thought was "Who in this neighborhood knows us and is that excited to see us?" Ha ha! Turns out it was Linda and her daughter Jessica - friends from our church. They pulled into our driveway and we started chatting. What excellent timing!
Once Dan and I finished our final walk through we went over the list of items that Ed was going to have fixed/adjusted/replaced. We signed off on the walk through and called it a day.
Our apartment is pretty much all packed up and we were both way too tired to cook, so we made a quick stop at Taco Bell just down the street from our house. A trip to T-Bell seems to be our rather unusual tradition after anything major takes place with our house. Ha ha!
We were still quite tired from the youth group lock-in and then a full day of work, so we both zonked out while watching TV in the family room. We both woke up to watch the latest episode of House but as soon as it was over we both got ready for bed.
While my Michigan cold has come and gone, it appears that it didn't go too far. Poor Dan is now dealing with my cold. He seems to be dealing with a full-blown cold, so hopefully that means that it will pass within the next day or so.
Monday, October 10, 2011
When Did My Weekend... End?
Friday, October 7th Dan and I went over to Jason and Rachel's house for a nice bonfire. The weather has been pleasantly (and unusually warm) so we took advantage of the nice weather to enjoy a cozy bonfire. Rachel had raked up some small twigs and branches in her backyard and placed them into the bonfire pit. Everything was very dry, so our fire was burning brilliantly for a nice, long time!

My parents were kind enough to stop by our apartment and bring us some more boxes and materials for packing - such a huge help! Our apartment isn't really in the right shape for hosting guests, so we went out to Chili's for dinner - yum! Then, after a little light shopping at Home Goods, we called it a night.
Sunday, October 9th Dan and I woke up at 3:15 a.m. so we could go downtown to volunteer at the Chicago Marathon. We met up with my dad and some of his boys cross country team at LTHS before loading up on a traditional, yellow school bus and heading downtown. By Buckingham Fountain we set up the start hydration for runners. Our friends, Michele and Jeremy, joined us. It was a blast, as usual. I have been volunteering at the Chicago Marathon with my dad's cross country team since 1997.

We napped from about 1:00 p.m. to about 6:45 p.m. It was fabulous! At 7:30 p.m. we started making dinner as we mentally prepared for our next event - an all-night lock-in with over 250 teenagers at Hidden Cove Sportsplex. Oh boy!
Despite the fact that Monday was Columbus Day, Dan and I still had work in the morning, so we packed our Monday lunches and work clothes and drove our own cars to the church - instead of carpooling with a nearby youth group teen.
At 9:00 p.m. we met up with the youth pastor (Will) and 15 of our church's youth group junior and senior high students. Will, Dan and I each drove a vehicle filled with students - each were very excited about the upcoming lock-in.
After a brief devotional and run down of the rules, we enjoyed pizza, pop and endless games until 6:00 a.m. The outdoor activities (i.e. go karts, mini golf and batting cages) were available until 3:00 a.m. due to noise pollution regulations. Once everyone was officially locked in the sportsplex the students and adults enjoyed various indoor activities arcade games, bumper cars, basketball, volleyball and some intense rounds of dodge ball.
Not gonna lie, I snuck into a dark area and took a 1-hour cat nap in a large restaurant booth. It wasn't exactly a good night's sleep, but it was enough to make me feel less exhausted.
After a massive group picture of everyone who attended this fun-filled event, we packed up our vehicles and departed the sportsplex. After dropping off our students at church, Dan and I stepped inside to get ready for work.
With an encouraging hug and kiss good bye, we parted ways and left for work. I made it right on time and haven't felt too tired... yet. We'll see how the day goes. It's a pretty quiet Monday and I am hoping that it stays that way so I can ease through the day.
Later today, Dan and I leaving work early and are meeting up at our soon-to-be home to do a final walk-through with the construction manager. We are very excited! As of right now we are still on schedule to close on our house this Thursday. Woohoo!
Even if we're tired, stepping foot in our "finished" house will be sure to perk us right up!
Friday, October 7, 2011
No Sleep Last Night
Scream 4 was exactly what I expected. It's just like the other three - if you've seen them. Once you get used to horror/thriller-like movies, like us, you become more relaxed while watching them. Instead of being in constant suspense, wondering when and where the killer(s) are going to strike, we chuckled at the stupidity of the victims (Why do they always run upstairs??) and the fact that the newly blood-splattered wall didn't smear when junior scream queen, Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), ran her hand down the wall in distress. Still, these kind of movies are fun to watch as Halloween approaches.

11:30... 12:00... 12:30... 1:00... 1:30... time just kept ticking away. All the while, we just kept going on with our own projects.
At 2:00 a.m. Dan pre-ordered the iPhone 4S through Verizon - it may not be the iPhone 5 that everyone was expecting, but he was still excited to order his first-ever iPhone. Considering the recent passing of Steve Jobs (former CEO and founder of Apple), it was rather strange to think that with such a loss, business went on as usual. I'm sure that is what Steve would have wanted - for the business built and developed to continue to thrive even after he was passed.
By 2:15 a.m. I decided it was time to go to bed. Dan joined me at about 2:30 a.m. and we still watched an episode or two of Full House before we officially fell asleep.
When my alarm went off the next morning I keep snoozing my alarm like it was an early, unexpected text message. My thought: "Not now... I'm too tired. I'll check it later." I was completely unaware that my alarm was going off, that is, until Dan woke up to his alarm and told me it was time to get up. Oops!
I'm a little sleepy this morning but I'm actually functioning quite well, considering the lack of sleep I got. No matter. I will press on and give this day all I've got. It may not be much, but hey, I'm doing what I can.
Side Note:
Steve Jobs passed away on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 - exactly one year after mine and Dan's dear friend, Dan Johnson, was killed while fighting the war in Afghanistan. What a day! A day that already had a "rain cloud" hovering over our heads managed to feel a little darker. Dan Johnson was only 23 when he killed and Steve Jobs was only 56 when he lost his life to cancer.
Steve Jobs once said, "Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me... Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful... that's what matters to me."
[Wall Street Journal, May 25, 1993]
You can't take anything with you. You leave everything behind. Both Steve Jobs and Dan Johnson left so much behind - possessions, loved ones - each in his own way. Both had made a positive impact on so many lives. Both will be deeply missed.

Those of us who know Jesus Chirst, as our personal Lord and Savior, know that our treasures are in heaven... not on earth.
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where theives do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 16:19-21
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Free Artisan Pizza(s)
I clicked on the link and entered to receive a FREE Artisan pizza from Domino's Pizza via their Facebook page. In the end, I had successfully order a Tuscan Salami & Roasted Veggie pizza - no onions - and requested that my pizza be available for pick-up at a 5:30 p.m. at my local Domino's. Woohoo!
This deal got even better when Dan managed to get the same deal! That's right, Domino's was offering one free pizza per person! So I called Dan at work and he managed to get the same deal - only this time he order the Spinach & Feta pizza, and again, no onions.
In the end, Domino's never advertised the free pizza giveaway. Nope. This special promo is like a game. They want you to keep checking their Facebook page for the Artisan Pizza tab to start showing a free pizza link - which is set to occur at random points during the day. Hunt4Freebies was how I found out. They do all the research and post freebies when they find them. So "liking" Hunt4Freebies on Facebook is a huge time saver when it comes to snagging great deals. They find a deal, they post it on their Facebook wall and I see it on my news feed. Super easy!
That evening we enjoyed delicious, free pizza for dinner! We even had leftovers! Yep, each pizza was only half eaten, so we had plenty of leftovers for lunches.

If you want your chance to win a free Artisan Pizza from Domino's be sure to "like" Domino's on Facebook and be on alert! This special promo is for a little time, so act fast. Now, if you want to find other awesome freebies and deals be sure to "like" Hunt4Freebies and Hunt4Freebies Coupons/Deals on Facebook and watch your news feed for fabulous freebies - like free pizza!
After dinner (and The X Factor) we resumed the necessary chore of packing. We managed to get a lot done! Last night we took on the guest room/office and the rest of the family room. The boxes and bags are really starting to pile up. We've got everything labeled and neatly placed in our dining area.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Pure Michigan
Saturday, October 1st Jason and Rachel picked us up at our apartment just after 9:00 a.m. We loaded up our overnight essentials into their Xterra and we were on our way.
Our first stop on our mini vacation was the St. Julian Winery - a winery that we have done together in the past. There we did some light tasting and purchased a few of our favorites. After St. Julian we walked practically next door to Warner Vineyards. Again, some more light tasting and a we picked out a few bottles to take home. At this point it was getting to be lunch time, so we walked across the street to Subway. Yum! We arrived just in time for Subway's ANYtober! Any regular foot long sub for $5! Score! And yes... I ate my very own foot long.
Once we were done enjoying our lunch we got back on the road and went to Jollay Orchards to try some unique apple cider. I think that Jason tried the strangest tasting apple cider ever... peppermint cider! Yeah, not the best. Ha ha!
After apple picking we went to Contessa Wine Cellars and Tabor Hill Winery to enjoy a little more wine tasting.
At this point it was starting to get close to dinner time, so we went to go check in to our hotel and search for a place to have dinner. In the room, Jason and I fell asleep while Dan played around on his laptop and Rachel played on her iPod Touch.
After a quick cat nap I was refreshed and ready to get some dinner. We all agreed on a BBQ joint called Charlie's Piggin' N' Grillin' in Benton Harbor. It had fabulous reviews on Yelp! and the prices were great. It was delicious! Apparently, the food gets smoked for hours and they let you sample side dishes before you even pick! You'd think you were down south with this fabulous food! Next, we drove to St. Joseph to catch a lovely sunset off of Lake Michigan and then grabbed some specialty coffee at a nearby cafe, The South Bend Chocolate Company. There we listened to two guys preform some music while we sipped at our Halloween-themed coffee and got warmed up. It was a nice way to wrap up a fun and eventful day.
On Sunday, October 2nd we got up around 9:00 a.m. and packed up our stuff to leave our hotel. Once we were all packed we went to IHOP to enjoy a late breakfast of coffee, eggs, bacon and specialty pancakes - minus pumpkin pancakes, since they were fresh out. Boo!
After "brunch" we went back to the cider mill so that Rachel could get some carmel apple cider - can't go wrong with a classic flavor.
Next, we went to two more wineries Domaine Berrien Cellars and The Round Barn. At The Round Barn we discovered that they were charging for tastings (every other place was free). We figured that since we had already gotten a number of bottles at past wineries we decided to skip this one. Instead, Dan and Jason went to The Round Barn's brewery were they each got a glass of beer that tasted a lot like a chocolatey version of Guiness - plus, they got to keep the glasses. There was a local guy singing some accustic tunes in the outside patio area, so we took advatage of the nice weather and sat outside to enjoy the music.Now it was time to head home. We got back later that afternoon, just in time for Dan to get ready to go to his volleyball game. I stayed home and rested because I came home with something that I didn't intend to... a cold! Oh well, cold or no cold... it was an excellent weekend!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Think Pink

Taken from NBCAM.ORG:
"Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States, aside from skin cancer. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), an estimated 192,370 cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed among women in the United States this year. An estimated 40,170 [were] expected to die in 2009 alone. Today there are about 2.5 million breast cancer survivors living in the United States."
How can you make a difference? Personally, I don't have breast cancer but I still feel driven to support those who are and those who are diligently working to find a cure. One of my favorite ways to help contribute is to purchase yogurt. Sounds silly but Yoplait and Dannon both have their own campaigns that are raising funds to support breast cancer research. I love yogurt and helping others, so for me this is an easy way to show my support.

Looking ahead, you can also consider walking in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer or financially support someone who is participating. The Chicago walk takes place June 2 -3, 2012.
So this month I'll be eating lots of yogurt and wearing pink to show my support for those courageous women (and men!) who are battling breast cancer.
Now, for those who are in need of some hope, in any way, shape or form, here is some encouraging scripture from our loving Heavenly Father that I hope fills you peace and comfort...
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!
1 Chronicles 16:11
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
Monday, October 3, 2011
Savy Shopper Savings
Dan's Items Purchased:
1 Snickers Bar $1.19
1 Vick's NyQuil (12 fluid oz) $8.99
1 Vick's DayQuil (12 fluid oz) $8.99
1-4 Pack Schick Quattro Women's Replacement Blades $11.99
NyQuil and DayQuil (12 fluid oz) 2/$12
plus $3 in ExtraBucks Rewards
1-4 Pack Schick Quattro Women's Replacements Blades $8.99
plus $4.00 in ExtraBucks Rewards
1 Free Candy Bar
$3.00 off two bottles of NyQuil
$4.00 off one Schick Quattro Women's Razor Blades
$2.00 ExtraBucks Rewards via Facebook
FINAL COST: $12.92
(after tax)
According to Dan's receipt, he saved $19.17.
My Items Purchased:
1 Oil Of Olay Age Defying Cleanser (6.78 fluid oz) $6.49
1 CVS Ibuprofen Liquid Filled Softgels (80 count) $7.99
Oil of Olay Age Defying Cleanser (6.78 fluid oz) $3.99
CVS Ibuprofen Liquid Filled Softgels (80 count) $6.49
$1.00 off one Oil of Olay Cleanser
$3.00 ExtraBucks Rewards
$4.00 ExtraBucks Rewards
Final Cost: $2.98
(after tax)
According to my receipt, I saved $12.00.
Did you follow all of that? It can be confusing at first, I know. Basically, we ended up saving more than twice as much as we spent! About 66% off in total savings. Plus, we got some popular, name-brand items.
Sure, I'll be the first to admit that coupon clipping and bargain shopping can be very time consuming, but in the long run, it is quite thrilling! The less I spend and the more I save, the bigger the thrill! It's a game. A time consuming, mathematically challenging game. The more you practice, the better you get. I've been getting better but I think that I've got a lot to learn before I go all pro.