Once the final, final walk through was done, Dan, Myk and myself piled into one car and headed to Downer's Grove to begin the extensive paper work that comes with purchasing a home. Once we got to the office, Dan and I went inside while Myk took Dan's car to a nearby Starbuck's where he would do some light reading and job research.
From 12:00 to 3:30 p.m. Dan and I did not move from our seats. Honestly, half the time spent at the closing was spent waiting for the package of papers to arrive. Dan played on his smart phone and I played on my iPod to pass the time. Once the paper work went through and everything was accepted, we opened our hands and accepted our very first set of house keys!

Inside, Dan and I were overwhelmed with awe as we found a very generous gift basket waiting for us on our kitchen island. It was loaded with all sorts of goodies including chocolates, biscotti, coasters, crackers and a bottle of Chardonnay.
We popped a bottle of Champagne and Dan toasted to our new house. Myk was kind enough to capture this on video. Before departing the house, Myk filmed Dan and I as we walked through the house to give a tour of our new home.
That evening we were hoping to go to our favorite corn maze (the Richardson Corn Maze in Spring Grove, Illinois), but the constant rain all day was enough for us to make other plans. So, instead, we went to Steak 'n Shake for dinner and then to the budget theatre to see Captain America: The First Avenger. We all confessed to dozing off during the movie - all at different times. It was a long day.

Friday, October 14th the three of us went back to the house with two car loads of stuff. My parents came by with food to feed our family and friends who would be helping us move on Saturday. It was their first time seeing the house all done.
Together we got some small things done around the house. My mom and I got the kitchen up and running - at least for Saturday. The guys brought in heavy stuff and made an attempt to install the garage door openers - but they were missing a few items to complete the process.
Our brand new, king size bed showed up that morning and so did Comcast [Internet]. Slowly but surely, our house was coming together.
That afternoon I went back to the house while Dan and Myk worked on installing the TV above the fireplace. We were expecting a few packages so I went home to wait for the UPS guy. Once the packages were delivered (including Dan's new iPhone 4S) I resumed watching Grey's Anatomy on Hulu. When Dan and Myk got back to the apartment we all napped and relaxed. It was fabulous!
Later the evening we met up with Cori - one of Dan and Myk's former college classmates. We had dinner and got caught up with each others lives. It was a fun evening!
Saturday, October 15th was our official moving day! Once again we slept at the apartment - it just made sense. Dan and Myk got up at about 7:00 a.m. to go and pick up the moving truck. I ran to the house to pick up Dan's tools and then I stopped at Dunkin' Donuts to pick up a dozen donuts for our happy helpers.
At 9:00 a.m. family and friends started showing up at the apartment. Together, we ate donuts and sipped fresh coffee (Dunkin' Donuts coffee, of course) before we got down to business.
We finished loading up the truck and cars at about 11:30 a.m. and then we all headed over to the house. We got there at 12:00 p.m. and were pleased to find two more helpers ready to help us unpack! In just under an hour everything was in the house! What an amazing team we had!
For lunch my mom had made chili (complete with two kinds of shredded cheese and oyster crackers), a garden salad, fruit salad and various kinds of bread. Carol (Dan's mother) brought some deliciously festive cupcakes. Dan and I also ordered three large pizzas from Pizza Hut. Needless to say, our team ate very well.
Once lunch was over, and every had gotten a full tour of the house, folks started going on their merry ways. Dan's mom, dad and sister (Mandy) stuck around and so did my mom. By mid afternoon my mom and I had the kitchen pretty much all unpacked - I have a lot of kicthen stuff!
Once it was back to the three of us (me, Dan and Myk) I continued working on the remaining odds and ends in the kitchen while Dan and Myk went to go return the truck.
My mom returned later that evening with my dad - who had a cross country meet that day. After my dad got the full, finished tour we went out for lunch at Pop's and then to get some rainbow cones - Dan and Myk's first rainbow cone experience! After dinner and dessert my parents went home to get some much-needed sleep - it has been a long day for everyone.
Back at the house, Dan and Myk finished putting the TV up on the wall and Dan got everything up and running with our new receiver. It took a while to get the audio to work but once we were up and running we played a little Rock Band on the Wii to celebrate. Our gaming didn't last too long - we really needed some serious sleep.
Sunday, October 16th we got to sleep in a little bit. We all got up at about 9:30 a.m. to get ready for church. Our house almost cuts our drive time to church in half! We went from a 25 minute commute to about 15 minutes. Nice!
After church (and lunch at Noodles and Company) I went to work at Williams-Sonoma. Dan and Myk went back to the house. Later that afternoon another college buddy, Nick, showed up at the house. Myk and Nick went out while Dan went to volleyball.
I came home to an empty house and got right to work. I unpacked a few more things, took empty boxes to the basement and condensed full boxes into a more organized fashion. During this process I was greeted by our new neighbors (who live on the north side of our house). They came over to welcome us to the neighborhood and brought us a bottle of Champagne and some plastic Champagne cups. How sweet!
Myk and Nick showed up at the house with Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner - yum! Once Dan was home we had dinner and started watching Bridesmaids. We had a blast hanging out!

Monday, October 17th Dan and I woke up not feeling very well. We had a long and busy weekend and we were certainly feeling it. No matter, we both made it to work and shook off whatever was bothering us.
After work I stopped by the apartment to pick up a few items that were left behind. Once I got home I unpacked those items and crawled in to bed and napped. It was fabulous!
That evening, Dan and I went out to Red Lobster for dinner since it was our dating anniversary - we have been together non-stop for seven years! I had a coupon and we both got the endless shrimp. Our waitress was awesome! She just kept bringing us shrimp - even if we didn't ask. Even after we paid the bill and packed up three, virtually full-sized different shrimp portions , she said, "Oh wait! I've got some more shrimp for you guys to take home." Sure enough, she brought out another full portion more shrimp! We walked out with four servings of our favorite shrimp! Needless to say, we got a lot of bang for our buck.
After dinner we went to the apartment to finish collecting a few remaining items in our apartment. Dan snagged a few items out of our garage, but the rest will have to wait for another day.
That night we slept good! I can hardly remember hitting the pillow. I think it'll be a while before I really catch up on my sleep, but a couple of early bedtimes this week will help.
I'll admit, I'm still getting used to being in a house. Maybe once we're all unpacked it'll feel more like home.
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