Good news... my skin is finally getting back to normal. Every once in a while I'll start to itch and my skin feels like I have a ton of mosquito bites! You all know what that feels like. Well, after much TLC to my skin, I am finally starting to feel less itchy and more normal. Praise God!
I'm still adding to the PRBC web site. It is definitely taking up most of my work hours (and then some). I also have to finish the new church photo directory. So much to do, so little time! I am ready to have that church directory done! We have been working on this all year! It should have been done ages ago, but bad weather in February messed everything up. Oh well, I'll be a lot happier once it's done and over with.
This is Dan's last week of classes. He'll have a very busy summer ahead of him, but it'll be a good one too! He'll be staying with a work friend during the week and most likely crashing at my parents' house on the weekends.
Kathleen is coming home at the end of May! Her and I have already started making summer plans. We know that we won't be able to do everything that we want, but we'll try to do as much as possible. I can't wait!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
I Am Appreciated

Friday, Dan and I hit the mall after dinner. Haven't gone shopping in a long time... and I still didn't buy myself anything. I need new jeans, so I'll return once I get another paycheck. Saturday, my mom and I went to pick up a birthday cake for my Uncle Ron's birthday. My dad ordered a dressel's cake (in honor of their childhood). Later I went downtown to catch some of

Oh, I also had my weigh in on Saturday. I lost 2 more pounds! Whew! I'm so excited! Honestly, this isn't the easiest thing in the world, but the results are keeping me motivated. Plus, summer is right around the corner and I want to be beach ready!
Today the weather is blah. Oh well, April showers bring May flowers! I'm ready for summer. Well, almost ready. A couple more weeks at this diet and I should be all set. Come June I'll be all set!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Feeling Better
Today I my skin is feeling less irritated. Praise God! I have been so uncomfortable these past couple of days, but at least the stuff that I've been using to treat my skin seems to be helping.
In other good news, the church finally has a working laser printer! I just finished the bulletin for this Sunday. It has been a long time since I've gotten it done this fast! Now I can get back to work on other projects! Not having a fast working printer has really slowed me down... as well as everyone else in the office.
I'm kinda nervous for my weigh in on Saturday. Because of my skin irritation I haven't been able to really work out. Every time I would start to really sweat my skin would get much worse. So I've been trying to eat a little lighter and do some light exercise. Oh well, we'll see.
In other good news, the church finally has a working laser printer! I just finished the bulletin for this Sunday. It has been a long time since I've gotten it done this fast! Now I can get back to work on other projects! Not having a fast working printer has really slowed me down... as well as everyone else in the office.
I'm kinda nervous for my weigh in on Saturday. Because of my skin irritation I haven't been able to really work out. Every time I would start to really sweat my skin would get much worse. So I've been trying to eat a little lighter and do some light exercise. Oh well, we'll see.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I've Got An Itch
Ok, something isn't right. It started on my legs and now my whole body itches! I have no idea what has caused my skin to get to irritated. Yesterday my mom and I went to Walgreen's to pick up some stuff to heal and protect my skin. It's too soon to tell if it's working or not. Although, I seem to have my itching under control, so that's a plus. The thing that annoys me the most is the fact that I don't know how this happened. I am suspicious of the gym and my work out pants... but who knows! Better this happens now than over the summer.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I finally used up my free pass for the gym... now I'm on my own! No worries, I got a lot of use out of it. I even hit the gym twice yesterday (since it was my last day to use the free pass)! I went once in the afternoon by myself and then again in the evening with Nora. I spent about 4 hours at the gym! Whew! Well, it may be harder to burn extra calories outside the gym, but I'm up for the challenge! Now that the weather is nicer I plan on rollerblading, riding my bike, and doing other activities outside. As long as I stick to my diet I'm sure that I can still lose the extra pounds that have been keeping me warm all winter. I'll be more then hott this summer... I'm kovalicious!
Today Anthony and I are continuing our work on the church's new web site! It is so nice to finally have all of our efforts on display... we have been working on this since September! So far we have the basic information up, sometime today we should have more details available for guests and regular attenders. Check it out for yourself...
Parker Road Bible Church
Today Anthony and I are continuing our work on the church's new web site! It is so nice to finally have all of our efforts on display... we have been working on this since September! So far we have the basic information up, sometime today we should have more details available for guests and regular attenders. Check it out for yourself...
Parker Road Bible Church
Monday, April 21, 2008
"Caifornia... here we come!"
Ok, think of the song "California" by Phantom Planet (a.k.a. The OC theme song) while I share the news that Dan's parents have decided to move to California! Thank you to everyone who prayed for them! They'll be moving out there next month. There is also a very good chance that they'll be relocated to Chicago in about 2 years... so that would be amazing! That's what they really want. We'll be praying that it does.
So I worked out a lot last week and really didn't lose any weight... however, I must also report that my clothes are starting to fit better, so that's a plus! It's just a bummer to work hard all week and see very little results on the scale. Oh well, I've hit a wall, but this week I should make up for it. Every contestant on Biggest Loser would hit a wall from time to time, but the following week they would always lose a lot more weight. I'm not too worried. I'll be hitting the gym again today (possibly twice, we'll see).
Not much happened over the weekend. Dan had a project to work on so he didn't come over until late afternoon on Saturday. Sunday's weather was amazing!! So we took advantage of it and played some tennis and went for a nice walk. Not much else happened, but it was still a nice weekend.
So I worked out a lot last week and really didn't lose any weight... however, I must also report that my clothes are starting to fit better, so that's a plus! It's just a bummer to work hard all week and see very little results on the scale. Oh well, I've hit a wall, but this week I should make up for it. Every contestant on Biggest Loser would hit a wall from time to time, but the following week they would always lose a lot more weight. I'm not too worried. I'll be hitting the gym again today (possibly twice, we'll see).
Not much happened over the weekend. Dan had a project to work on so he didn't come over until late afternoon on Saturday. Sunday's weather was amazing!! So we took advantage of it and played some tennis and went for a nice walk. Not much else happened, but it was still a nice weekend.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
A Good Day
Wow, I find it very hard to believe, but it's true! I just ran the bulletin on time and without any technical errors. I can't remember the last time things went so smooth! Praise God!
Anthony came by today and we worked on the new web site. It's still under massive construction, but it has come a long way! Check it out!
Anthony came by today and we worked on the new web site. It's still under massive construction, but it has come a long way! Check it out!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Go Cubs!
So yesterday I got a pleasant surprise! Linda called me and asked if I'd like to go to a Cubs game with her! Of course... I said yes! Linda came by and we took the Metra downtown. From there we took the El and then arrived at Wrigley Field! We had a blast! We came prepared for the cold but it wasn't all that cold, so that was nice. Then, Misty May led us in the 7th inning stretch! Too cool! In the end, the Cubs won! It was a great evening!

I had a nice talk with Dan's mom, Carol, not too long ago. She called to give me some info on a sermon that she heard online and then we got to talking about her and Dan's decision about whether or not they'll be moving to California. We talked for a while and she seemed to really appreciate the love and support that everyone is giving her and husband. Please, continue to pray for them. They keep going back and forth... and this is a big decision!

I had a nice talk with Dan's mom, Carol, not too long ago. She called to give me some info on a sermon that she heard online and then we got to talking about her and Dan's decision about whether or not they'll be moving to California. We talked for a while and she seemed to really appreciate the love and support that everyone is giving her and husband. Please, continue to pray for them. They keep going back and forth... and this is a big decision!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Second City

Yesterday I went to the gym with Nora and Brigid. It was a good time! Lately I've been a much happier person and I think that it's because of all the exercise and healthy eating... not to say that I didn't work out or eat healthy before, I just kicked it up into high gear these past couple of weeks. I'm lovin' it! Well, with summer just around the corner I have to be prepared.
Dan's parents can use some prayer this week. It's quite a complicated story but I'll sum it up. Dan's father (Dan) has two job offers: Indiana and California. While he has a great job and a brand new home in Iowa right now, these jobs can really be good for the family. Plus, the Indiana job will bring them closer to family and there is a really good chance that the California job will relocate them to Chicago in about 2 years (which is where they really want to be). However, right now they have a lot of good things going for them in Iowa, they just don't enjoy living where they are right now. They have until the end of the week to make their decision.
Not much else is going on. There isn't much for me to do at work today. That's fine. My really busy days are usually on Thursday or whenever I have to run the bulletin. Fun stuff!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Still Working Out
Yesterday was day 3 of mine and Nora's consistent working out at the gym. We're both really tired! We spend over 2 hours at the gym each day! Today will be day 4 and then we're done (for this week anyway). I'm really feeling it... and I feel great! Friday I may not be going to the gym, but I still plan on doing something. Most likely I'll be doing my 20 minute Pilates.
Dan got his second flat tire at work. He's pretty bummed. I would be too! He's been fixing his car a lot lately. Poor guy.
Today I have to run the Sunday bulletin at work. We still don't have a good printer up and working, so it takes a lot more time. There are a lot of bulletin inserts too (sorry Melanie). So today will be a long and busy day.
Dan got his second flat tire at work. He's pretty bummed. I would be too! He's been fixing his car a lot lately. Poor guy.
Today I have to run the Sunday bulletin at work. We still don't have a good printer up and working, so it takes a lot more time. There are a lot of bulletin inserts too (sorry Melanie). So today will be a long and busy day.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Biggest Loser

Well, I'm aiming to do the same thing. Not quite as extreme, but the same idea. I'm giving my mind, body, and soul a make-over! This is my third "serious" week of diet and exercise and I've been seeing results since week 2... so this week has been even better! Sure it gets hard at times, but I'm sticking to it very well. Much better then I have with any other serious diet. This week I have been hitting the gym with Nora and I'm hoping to see more dramatic results then last week. We'll see.
Nora and I actually started our own little Biggest Loser competition. It's not much, but I think that it'll help keep us motivated for the next month.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Good Food, Good Times
Yesterday my mom and I met with Patty and Melanie to discuss the Something from Jessie Spaghetti Dinner - Friday, June 6th mark your calendar! After that I hit the gym with Nora. Whew! It was a great work out! We're planning to go a couple more times this week! Woohoo! I'm hoping to reach my goal weight by June 1st (if not sooner). If I continue on the path that I'm on I think I can make it happen. My clothes are already starting to fit better!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I think I'm getting a cold or something. My throat is all scratchy and sometimes my nose gets a little stuffy (you all know the feeling). I'll be picking up something on the way home from work to try and stop this stupid cold from really taking over. After all, I'm having cheesecake this weekend... and I want to be able to taste it!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Bringing Out My Inner Writer
Well, I have decided to write a book... or perhaps more then one. I got the idea designing a photo book at At this web site you download software and design just about any type of book that you want. I've always wanted to write a book... I have a secret hobby writing short, as well as, long stories. I don't intend to publish any of my books in massive quantities, but I thought it would just be fun. We'll see. I've got several ideas for books... but I'll tackle them one at a time, as I feel led.
Last night I couldn't sleep. I was tired but I couldn't seem to turn off my brain. Finally, I think I fell asleep listening to Friends Season 2 on DVD sometime after 3 a.m. Then, I kept waking up... almost every hour (even after I had turned off the TV). I dunno what my deal was. Sometimes I just have those restless nights... we all do.
Ugh, I think that I'm getting sick. My throat is itchy... I sense a possible cold. This morning before I left for work I made myself some Mixed Berry Green Tea and took my daily vitamins, so maybe that'll help. I rarely get sick and I'm thinking that I can stop this before it gets any worse.
Last night I couldn't sleep. I was tired but I couldn't seem to turn off my brain. Finally, I think I fell asleep listening to Friends Season 2 on DVD sometime after 3 a.m. Then, I kept waking up... almost every hour (even after I had turned off the TV). I dunno what my deal was. Sometimes I just have those restless nights... we all do.
Ugh, I think that I'm getting sick. My throat is itchy... I sense a possible cold. This morning before I left for work I made myself some Mixed Berry Green Tea and took my daily vitamins, so maybe that'll help. I rarely get sick and I'm thinking that I can stop this before it gets any worse.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Weekend Report
This past weekend was rather delightful. Friday I worked with Brian for RecruiTV. We did some filming at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. Everything went very smoothly! When I got home Dan was there (yay!). Saturday evening Dan and I met up with some camp friends downtown. Nettie (the housemate) was in with her new BF and Jenn joined in the fun as well. I miss seeing my camp friends on a regular basis. We had dinner at Giordano's and then sipped coffee and chia at Intelligentsia's. Sunday, Dan and I ran the AV during the worship service at church and then spent a quiet afternoon at home.
This week is off to a pretty good start. Monday I had the day off... so I just bummed around, watched some TV, and worked out a bit, played some Wii. This morning (Tuesday) I woke up feeling a tad under the weather. Hopefully I can shake it off!
This week is off to a pretty good start. Monday I had the day off... so I just bummed around, watched some TV, and worked out a bit, played some Wii. This morning (Tuesday) I woke up feeling a tad under the weather. Hopefully I can shake it off!
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