Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Maple Lane Gang

Last night Kathleen and I went out with some old school mates from our street. Back in the day our summer days were spent playing roller hockey and basketball while our nights were spent playing Ghost in the Graveyard and other hide and seek type games. It was fun talking about old memories.

I'm eatting some soup right now. Yesterday's tooth pulling has got me back on a liquid and soft food diet. It's not the easiest thing, but it did help me lose a couple extra pounds!

Yesterday I spent some quality time outside. I laid out with Kathleen and Stacey for a bit. Later that afternoon I went for a bike ride for just over an hour (a little windy) and after dinner Kathleen and I went for a walk. Not sure how long we were gone, but I'm guessing about an hour. I love being about to do things outside!

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