Wednesday, June 11, 2008


My mouth is still a little sore, but I'm going to attempt some mac and cheese this afternoon for lunch (it's pretty soft). Yesterday, if I opened my mouth too wide or talked for a while I would start to get really sore. Not sure if that is the case today. Too soon to tell.

My eyes are looking better. My Doctor said that at the absolute earliest I could start wearing my contacts today, but he'd like me wait until Friday or Saturday. So I'm thinking I'll start wearing them on Friday (since that is the day I usually change/clean my contacts)... that is as long my eyes look and feel healthy. I'll still be on antibiotics for a week (give or take) after my contacts are back in.

I'm finishing up some freelance work that has been keeping me pretty busy the last couple of weeks. Well, when you smush it all together it comes to about a week's worth of work. It always feels good to get a project done... and I'm always on the look out for another project!

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